It will be a month of being Thankful. The year is coming to a close all too fast and I want to take some time to reflect back on all the things that I have to be thankful for. Wonderful quilt bloggers who share their compassion of this craft with us so freely. I've taken part in so many fun BOMs and QALs that have produced not only a beautiful pieces, but so many friends along the way. I took part in a lot of contests and challenges this year that helped me to grow as a quilter.

I need to make the other half of the foot print blocks and then tackle those outer borders - you know how I hate borders. Then this will head off for quilting - backing and binding are ready and waiting.
I need to find some setting fabric in my stash (didn't like the one I bought for this) and get those tiny blocks into the next round this month.

I will use my slow time to work on those circles and hexie projects. They are getting close to a finish, but I am not rushing them - enjoying the journey.

I caught up on my blocks, but with only two more left I have to get to that sashing. I keep saying this and attribute the procrastination to that 'border' mentality.

This will not only be the last Let's Book It for the year, but also the LAST. All thing come to an end. I am thankful for you wonderful and dear contributors over the last three years. BUT, we move on.
I am going to use a saved file for this month. This was Gail Pan's block for the Splendid Sampler last year and you can find the pattern HERE. Since I have so many machine stitching pieces, an embroidery will fit in for a nice mix this month.

I don't ever want to use up my scraps, but I need to really get my organization skills going. I showed that awful mess of shelving and storage. I have spent the last couple of days 'looking' for fabric - I know it is there. So those shelves are going to be emptied (I think the boards need a flip too) and re-organized. Maybe I will find the ones I am looking for as well as what I need for those projectss listed above.
AND BAD BLOGGER - I totally forgot my blogaversary!! Someone reminded me, but I was in the middle of the Desire to Inspire - marked it on the wrong calendar (I keep three running months posted on the wall). So instead of the true Oct 16th date, we are going with the Nov 16th date - GEESH!!
With a Thankful Heart,
Sewingly Yours,