Yes, that word - SNOW! We actually had about 3 inches here in the valley and the mountains had over 8 inches. Schools ran 2 hours late. I didn't get out early for the photo and the change to rain had it almost gone. We have been on high alert burn bans and there was some fires in parts of lower NY and Mass. People's wells were running dry - in November - almost never happens.
I'm trying to finish up the last commission - a sweat shirt quilt. Just the left panel to put on and then the top and bottome sashing border. Just straight line quilting this as it is a BEAR. T-shirt quilts are bad enough, but sweatshirts do take a tool on your machine. In fact one of mine went so out of timing sync that I have to take it in for repair as I couldn't get it sorted out. And I NEVER do another one of these again. Besides, I've desided to take a year off from committions for at least a year so I can catch up on my own things.

I wanted to share my little 'feral' kitty. this is 'T" - what I yell when I put out her food dish. She is a drop off fixed feral (notched ear) that has been here for 4 years. It has taken that long for her to come to the edge of the porch. She waits until I go inside and shut the door before she;ll come up on the porch to eat. She is a wee thing and I respect her space. Not to worry, she has a comfy and warm spot in one of the barns abd sge gets fed twuce a day.
And you'll see more of Doopey in the future. He was another feral drop off 2 years ago. I've had 6 of these poor drop offs in years with some either wandering off or probably not making it. I have reported them as feral collections are suppose to be released back to the same area. I suspect he was a family pet that was dumped in a feral location as he just wanted attention but had learned the feral habits. Bellas was taken by him and over the summer she let him come in the house for a bit and now he is a permanent house kitty.
We will be doing just Mom and me for Thanksgiving - have meals being delivered. I know she will want to watch the parades on TV and then probably nap the rest of the day, I plan on sewing.
Sewingly Yours,