This is the 4th year for May For Me and I have several surprises thru the month as May is my Birthday Month! Please be sure to visit Marcia for all the goodies she will be sharing, too. And please, join us in this wonderful event and share some of your ME with us and use Marcia's linky parties, too.
Part of my ME time is working on a project for me. I haven't used my Asian fabrics since a project back when I first started quilting and before blogging - so no photo of that piece. Now the mystery is, I went in search of my Asian stash to help out another blogger - it is missing! But in my recent re-organizing I did find this piece of Kona Bay mixed in with my juvenile panels. This is also my Let's Book It project because I had my memory jogged by another blogger who participated last month with one of her 'print and keep in a folder' projects. I have 3 large binders of such things and I remembered something I had wanted to make LONG AGO.
To share a site some of you may not be familiar with - McCalls - and if you look under the BONUS section - McCalls Bonuses - you will find many bonus free patterns. This one is called 'Doorway to China' from their Sept/Oct 2009 publication - page 4 of their listings. The pdf is still available.
Set aside some ME time with a cuppa and treat and browse this site.
Part of my re-habbing from the broken hip was some dietary assessment to help mend and make new bone - a high protein diet. Now I don't eat a lot of meat (which they kept trying to convince me was the best protein) and a lot of things they suggested just are not things I like to eat. But I thought I could squeeze an egg a day into my meal plan - still not a favorite food.
Recipe: Biscuit Egg Cup
1lb. bacon
1/2 cup finely chopped onion
1 can (16.3 oz) Pillsbury Grands refrigerated buttermilk biscuits
8 eggs
1/2 cup shredded cheese (mix, smokey,cheddar-your choice)
Step 1
Heat oven to 350F to warm. In skillet, cook bacon until crispy; remove from pan to paper towels and crumble. Remove all but 1 0r 2 TSP of bacon drippings from skillet and add chopped onions; cook until tender. In small bowl, mix onion and bacon. Set aside.
Step 2
Using muffin cup pan; grease 8 cups. Seperate dough into 8 biscuits; place 1 in each muffin cup and press into bottom and 3/4 up sides of cups. Divide bacon/onion mixture evenly among the biscuit cups; crack one egg into each cup. Top with cheese.
Step 3
Bake 30 minutes or until eggs are firm. Run small knife around cups to loosen. Serves 8 (or 4 hungry or 1 very hungry grown son)
**these can be made ahead of time - keep covered and in refrigerator. When ready to serve, reheat in 350F oven for about 5 minutes.**
Don't want the bacon - try some frozen chopped spinach (thawed and drained) or mushrooms. Try the flaky or cornmeal biscuits for a different flavor.

I will be having a give away each week - listed on Thursday and comments closing the following Wednesday night (12pmEST) with the winner announced with the new Thursday's giveaway post. This week's 'present' (remember it's my Birthday Month) is a Jelly Roll of 'Bloomin Fresh' by Deb Strain for Moda. Simply leave me a comment on what your favorite breakfast item is. Be sure I have a way of reaching you. I know there is a lot of problems with the internet right now with e-mails, comments, etc... (Heartbleed Virus and rss hackers) - I will try to respond to each comment. If you don't hear from me, you may be a no-reply commentor (there are buttons on my side bar that explain how to fix that) - OR check you spam folders, your comments may be bouncing out due to the problems (if so, send me a private e-mail-shavroo53(at)yahoo(dot)com).
*I will ship international - so let's all play*
Closing Thought

Wear a flower in your hair this week
Sewingly Yours,