Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
I finished the second half of the Hogwart's Castle and joined those two sections together so now there is a 'full' castle. This block joins the owl block for the bottom row. Now it will have to wait for adding to the flimsy - then borders - as there are other things in the que. Everything has it's time slot. AND yes, I still have my Christmas table clothe on that table - geesh. I have a new one, just need to clear that working table so I can put it on.
The last blocks for the Threadology quilt were finished and since this was all laid out, I did put it together. This is the center of a large Spool Block, so waiting on the instruction release on the spool section and then of course borders. I have a lot of fabric left from this Connecting Threads "Arcadian Dusk" FQ bundle (second quilt from it) - easily another quilt could be made, but I am thinking of a piano key border for this one instead.
I want to catch up on the Tiny Tuesday blocks in orange and then I will be pulling each of my color totes to make up signature blocks for an event at our local library. I'm using the block from the Virginia Quilt Museum project, but changed the size. I have several events in June and I have a 'list' for each one to prep what I need for each one. I will visit and cross off on each list as I take little break or a walk by so everything is in order in the next few days. It will take away the stress of preparing while trying to attend - those totes will be piled up in order in the hall so I can grab and go.
One of my prep totes is for a class this Saturday - June 1st - with a wonderful local lady who teaches this technique using Karen Eckmeier's book 'Happy Villages'. She came and talked to our quild about this process and had several samples to share to wet our interest.
We are very wet, cold, and there happens to be up-grading of the water/sewer lines on our end of the village - today NO water. BUT this is not as bad as those battling the horrendous tornado season that is beyond the 'alley'. Prayers for all in harms way.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, May 27, 2019
Monday Making
Our little town always has it's parade and celebrations on the real Memorial Day, so all of our activities are finished. I don't plan travels on the 'heavy' holiday weekends - it's a zoo out there.
I have finished up the Log Cabin commission work and another has come in, but.... I want to catch up on a few things before diving into that one. The Hogwart's Castle thankfully was broken down into two parts and I finished up the first section yesterday - very intense! All the pieces are cut for the second section with a few made via the strip piecing from the first round.
The last Threadology block(s) came out on the 15th, so I would like to get those done. I will need to lay out all the made blocks so I know what fabrics/colors for those last fillers. Because it will be laid out, I will use the time inbetween some hand sewing prep on the new commission to put this project into a flimsy.
Remember to put 'Memory' into your Memorial Day - stay safe and have a Happy Day.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
Before I started anything, I knew I had to clean my machine after stitching all of those Log Cabin blocks with that older fabrics. They fray and shed and create a lot of mess in your machine. I have a small vac attachment (and I use on the computer as well) to get most of this stuff out and then fine tune with tweezers, small brush, Q-tips, and oil.
I wanted to catch up on some of the Tiny Tuesday blocks. Luckily these don't use a lot of 'color' fabrics as I have very little Orange - enough to get these done for the month.
This is a fun block - Bear Paw Bow Tie, very tiny HSTs that I love to make.
With those out of the way early this morning, I can now tackle my main project - quilting the Log Cabin quilt.
My prayers and thoughts are with those in the path of the severe storms and flooding. Stay safe,
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Hands2Help Finale

I want to thank SARAH for hosting this event since 2011 and works so hard to gather sponsors that donate 'thank you' fabrics, patterns, books and other quilty items to those that participate. As this project grows and grows each year, I know Sarah works even harder.
My three quilts were completed - although I don't have pictures of a couple in that stage as they were donated before that was a thought. I donated locally thru my quilt guild as we collect for Chatholic Charities for Community Services each year around this time. Our communities are of such need as so many have not recovered from Irene even to this day.
The next two quilts were donated by fellow guild member Diane Warner - no blog. Sarah graciously entered her into the system, so I will save her some steps and post up her quilts here. I'm very proud of Diane as she use to tease me about 'saving' every ones' scraps from the garbage - now she is a prolific scrap quilter herself - AND, she has bravely learned to quilt her own quilts on her home machine. Diane, also, donated locally thru our local guild for the communities.
Please visit the final link-up HERE to see all the lovely quilts so generously donated by so many. I look forward to seeing the grand total of donations this year.
Sewingly Yours,
Sharon & Diane
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Building a Log Cabin
With so much rain, it has been fun to build a log cabin indoors. Although I would LOVE a real log cabin. Ha - when I posted this set on my Facebook page, I noticed the block that was 'wrong'. I went thru every pile of groups of 10 to check how many were 'oopsies' for repair. Luckily it was just the one and it was easier to just make a new block.
I dug into my gifted plaids and wovens because these blocks needed to be up-sized and there wasn't enough of what was supplied. There has been an on-the-side discussion of the age of some of this fabric. Those pinks and blues have been reproduced several times with a little bit of degree variation. I have so many of the bubble gum pinks from so many decades with some not even 100% cottons.
As you can see, I didn't have enough of the blue/gray plaid so had to use a different one for the last 20 blocks - and that was all there was of that one! Now that all of the blocks are done, I will spend a day putting this into a flimsie and maybe even get the two borders on.
It took me a while to find where I stored my Tiny Tuesday blocks - I had to lay them all out to see where I was with these and what needed catching up on. I just need to make the new orange ones - although some of my yellow blocks are on the orange side. I really am lacking some colors and may have to treat myself to some FQ basics.
I think I will get my little blocks done up before I start back to building a log cabin.....
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
I didn't get lost, just very involved in a number of things right now. Our regional Quilters Hall of Fame has started rolling with a number of events, our local quild has several things going and trying to finalize as we take the summer off, an up-coming quilt show with lots of planning, and a new commission. This pile of scraps was in a plastic bag for years, stashed in a closet - out of sight, out of mind. The poor quilter now has trouble with eye sight and would like the project finished as her last quilt.
Very typical 50's fabrics set into the popular log cabin block at that time as well. Let me flip them....
Her machine had a lovely stitch, BUT she seamed so, so, so close to the edge. These delicate and ravely fabrics will just create burst seams.
New little blocks with proper 1/4" seams are in the works for as far as that pile of strips will go. Depending if I get what I mathed for a twin size, we are good. If not, I have a pink and a blue homespun that works with these and I will be adding another round to size the blocks up - I won't need as many blocks.
You can see the difference. I don't want to use her blocks or even attempt to take them apart to redo. The plan with them is to use a fuseable interfacing to support them and make a couple of pillow tops to go with the quilt. A dense meander will help as well. The quilt will be done with a stitch in the ditch.
We are very cold, very wet - even had snow over the weekend! This is a good project to bury myself into while waiting for our Spring to arrive.
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, May 11, 2019
Whooping it Up
I had to wait for my gray fabrics to come to work on the next two blocks for the Harry Potter Quilt with Sew Fresh Quilts. Hedwig the Owl was presented in two sections over the last couple of weeks, so it gave me time to catch up on him. The castle or school is the last block and will be given in two sections as well. I have a few events, meetings, and a commission - so that one might get a little delayed. Of course there are the dreaded borders as well.
I spent the last few days making the 95 9-patches for the final panels for the Summer Scraps quilt. I could have taken the easy way and cut into the larger pieces and worked strip sets, but the goal was to use up the smallest pieces of scraps in the CW totes. AND NO, I did not even put a dent in those totes - but that means I can make another quilt.
My Happy Mother's Day and Happy Birthday gift to me! I really down sized the vehicle, but I love it (Buick Encore). I have had so many people comment on the color - metallic blue so it's got a sparkle to it.
Even took my Mom out in it and it's much easier for her to get in and out of - she didn't grab the dashboard once! And she could pick it out in the parking lot with ease - lol!!
Now to cut into a lot of NEW and old fabric,
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
I am seriously in love with this quilt! It has everything in it that I love: tiny piecing, Civil War prints (original and repros), my finds along with 'gifted' treasures, and different types and sizes of blocks that require some quilt math.
I can't even fit this in a frame - indoor photos as we are still in 'monsoon' season here.
Next up are the ninety 9-patches for the outside panels. I saved some of the fabrics from the center and will mix with those not used yet. That way I don't have to worry that I might get a print next to one of those Broken Dishes - although that wouldn't really bother me.
This project was to use up these CW totes - HA! I feel like I haven't even touched them - yes, they were so stuffed. And there is actually another one with shirtings to use - I think there has to be another quilt. The goal is to use these up by Fall Market as some new CW releases have me drooling to purchase.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, May 6, 2019
Monday Making
Today I hope to get the second half of the Broken Dishes groupings done and added to the first half. I have a lot of these blocks but lacking in some colors, so of course I am making a few more.
I haven't shared what the quilt look like in a while - Summer Scraps @ Temecula Quilt Co. The 9-Patches should work up fast and maybe this will actually get done for Summer.
** linking up with Monday Making **
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, May 3, 2019
Whooping Friday
Nice neat piles of string blocks - 48 of them and then I ran out. AND NO - I am not making anymore! The purpose was to use up the strings and clear that shoebox tote. There are a few light strings and I am using those to feed my Temecula 'button' blocks.
BARBARA shared a post about the Virginia Quilt Museum block Challenge. A signature block that will be on display and then they will all be set into a raffle quilt for funds for the museum. I made and sent my block in and you can find the information HERE
Karen in Buffalo - you are a no-reply responder, so I am answering your question here. She asked what size the HSTs in the Broken Dishes blocks were. They are 2" unfinished - so set in the block, you get a 3.5" unfinished block. This Temecula Quilt Co pattern "Summer Scraps" has two panels of 44 rows of three blocks - so a lot of blocks.
I am happy to say there is some empty spaces on those shelves. More will be going out the door as I pack up two boxes to pass on to two people. The mess in the corner behind the table top ironing board are items that will be going to my next guild meeting. Three large totes of flannel, minky, plushy, textured fabrics - A couple bags of heavy fleece and crafty items - all for our summer challenge for fall donation. I'll share that after the meeting.
The goal is to get down to one shelf unit for fabrics and the other for my few books and containers of in-progress projects. AND only one tote for quilts to be quilted. Although, I would like that tote to disappear as well.
The new RSC19 color is ORANGE and I have very little orange. The Chandelier Bead Blocks take very little 'color', so I used up a little of that little - make sense - HA!
The dark background Beads - as you can see I am only using the color in the center and white corners.
The next block for the Threadology quilt - Economy Block. These worked up so quickly. Just one more block (on the 15th) and then this can be laid out to get the center of the quilt put together. The pattern can be found HERE for this QAL.
Since I am further ahead with the Temecula 'button' blocks, I am taking time to sew them into 'twosies' for better storage. Those tall piles have filled the container so I can't put the top on, so I want to put them into a newly emptied shoebox tote. They will lay flatter, and be easier to put the quilt together if sewn in companions. It will, also, give me an idea of what colors I am lacking to balance the blend.
We've had nothing but rain for the past 8 days, but we are not nearly as in trouble as those handling tornados and the Mississippi flooding. My heart goes out to you all - hugs and prayers.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Scrappy Wednesday
Already the 5th month of the year - how the year flies by. We slipped back into winter here I think - cold, snow, sleet - it has to start slipping back into Spring. I think I need to buy myself a little bouquet of flowers to brighten up the house and my spirits.
Time to plan the month:
RSC19 is using up those scraps slowly. The small Chandelier Bead Blocks (one light background and one dark background) and then tackling/catching up on the Tiny Tuesday blocks for the sampler.

The OMG is really helping to clear out those PIGS as well as pass on some of those projects and fabrics sitting on the shelf too long. My theory of keep it for 2 years use or pass it on is help as well. I am passing on a number of things as I have some 'new' fabrics that are getting close to the 2 years and I really want to play with them.
My May OMG project is a box I picked up at our guild's swap meeting. These baskets were started by a former member who is now deceased and the family donated her fabrics and projects to the guild. These are special to me as Joan was one of the founding guild members and came to quilt with my Mom for many years. Someone else wanted the pattern and I can easily figure out how to finish these off without it. One panel of finished baskets and the second panel has the handles applique'd on so I just have to make the basket portion and put this into a wallhanging.
** linking to OMG **
For my cross stitch project I found these 'Lost Socks' that I stitched probably 10 years ago. A very talented Danish gal had a lovely site years ago - first sharing miniature quilts and then a year of sweet cross stitch - and then she disappeared. I think the plan was to make them ornaments, but I rather put these into a miniature as a group.

H2H will be finishing up with the final link up party on the May 19th. My three quilts have already been sent on, but I am sponsoring a give away of two Island Batik Surprise FQ Bundles.
Two more Threadology blocks will come out during the month and those will be caught up as time allows.
Will be working on the Harry Potter quilt - waiting on an order of gray fabrics as I wasn't pleased with my scrap selection off the shelf and totes. I'm very anxious to work on the owl.
Two Temecula Quilt Co projects are still on the go. The 'buttons' blocks I am actually several ahead as I am making more each week then they are. The Summer Scraps quilt is slow going as those Broken Dishes blocks are taking longer to press than stitch - all seams are pressed open and I'm fiddly with them. All of the blocks are made, it's getting them into the rows and then stitched onto their panel (there are two hanging there) They go on each side of the lozenges center panel.
And I never shared before - the Scrap Dance Minute with CAROLE. It may not comply with her color layout plans, but you never know - especially with a mystery. I don't do florals and scavanged the few in several areas to fill this little tub.
I have a few meetings this month and at some point will be looking at new cars - the Jeep has to go.
Luckily there are 31 days in this month - going to be busy.
Sewingl Yours,
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