Cheryl of Meadow Mist Designs is again hosting the Best of 2016. List 5 favorites: blog posts, finishes, best tutorial, what ever is your favorite. Since I do way too many projects thru the year to do a 'finale', I thought this would be perfect to wrap up the year.
I was honored to be selected by Henry Glass Fabrics to be a participant in their Desire To Inspire program. I was sent some lovely fabric that became dear to me and most of the projects made were gifted on to charity and/or fund raising events.
The rest will be about sharing quilting, fabrics, and fiber arts with others because that was a huge part of my year.
Our two local quilt guilds and our County Quilt Barn Trail group were once again asked to participate in a local fiber arts show. I represented the Schoharie Valley Piecemakers Guild , our local shop VroomansQuilts, and the Catskill Mountains Quilters Hall of Fame.
Sharon (one the left) represented the Quilt Barn Trail and Steff (on the right) represented the Peacable Day Quilters. We shared our lovely space with the local Sheep and Wool group and rug hooking class.

That was also the weekend (Saturday) of our 'Airing of the Quilts' and special drive about day for the Quilt Barn Trail. Both local quild's members had quilts out thru-out the county. Yes, Sharon, Steff (these are hers) and I had our lines full that day as well as busy at the venue.

I had the pleasure of assisting my Mother in setting up her honorary show in Arkville, NY as part of the Catskill Mountain Quilters Hall of Fame. Also, drove her to the reception, final class day, and take down of the display. Her exhibit brought a request for a lecture and a trunk show and we are hoping to keep her going as another venue wishes to have a one women show. As many know, my momma is in declining health - we have to give her little things to look forward to.
I was tickled pink that our quilt guild got to host Sarah (a blogger I follow) for a class and trunk show. To share a day with an on-line friend in person was special as well as having my guild get to enjoy her 'hexology'.

I was asked by one of the local guilds to design a 'quilter's bag' with their specifications and then teach a class to make them. I had a lovely time with these ladies and although they were working with the same pattern, their choice of fabrics made each so unique to the quilter.
Thank you Cheryl for hosting and thank you all for visiting,
Sewingly Yours,
No way!! I made your top 5!! I had a wonderful time and I do hope we can get together another time. As you said, it's fantastic to meet someone in person that you've been following online.
What a great year, Sharon. I hope 2017 is just as wonderful for you. Not only do you make beautiful quilts... you have beautiful friends.
That's awesome!
Love your top five. Yeah for Sarah! Accolades for your Mom is so special, as she pioneered our quilting passion to lead on this path today.
What a nice walk down memory lane and another chance to see your mom and her amazing quilt. Your desire to inspire quilt was one of my favorites all year :)
As many of us know, this is just the tip of the iceberg. For someone who was going to slow things down in 2016, you certainly got a lot done. Love your mother's bargello.
This is a nice way to recap your year. You always have so many wonderful projects and it would be hard to choose just a few. Your mom's Bargello still awes me. I wish the best for her next year - and for you too!
Your 2016 was super productive. I loved seeing your finishes.
Lovely showcase of your year Sharon. I loved the post you did on the fibre arts show earlier this year. All of the work is inspiring. And what a blast to meet an on-line friend.
It had to hard to choose just 5, you've had some gorgeous projects this year. Wishing you even more success in 2017, though hopefully all the events don't come at once like they did this year.
Wonderful showcase of 2016, I enjoyed seeing some of your favorite finishes! Thanks for linking up to the best of 2016 party!
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