Wednesday, April 1, 2020

New Month

I think this it was the LONGEST March to ever exist!  I thought the month would never end and I really lost track of days and weeks with the chaos going on in the world.  It's hard to form a new schedule that you are not use to and stick to it with so many restrictions.  This I have to improve on as our 'stay at home' has been extended - and we started a lot earlier than others.

I'm still going to use the OMG this month to help move a project to it's next phase.  If April becomes a long month as well, I might just finish this project as well.

The goal is to get my sneakers into a flimsy.  Sashings don't bother me, but borders are another story.  I'm changing things up a bit because I want to use up fabrics from the past three quilts.  Yes, this was a new pattern but grown from the scraps of others before it - Harry Potter, Rainbow Unicorn, and Goats in Pajamas.  I want to get this fabric out of my system.

For the FaceBook group - Finish One Project a Month I have pulled the Black Bear - Sew Fresh Quilts Pattern.  I did a brown bear for my Daughter and then made this shortly after - 4 yrs ago?????  I think it is time to get this one quilted.  It's a big quilt, so if one of my long armers is taking drop offs I will be sending this one out for quilting.

And I have all those blocks that were discovered to finish playing with making more.  I consolidated all my plaids, wovens, and shirtings into that one big tote and it is stuffed.

I have this pattern "Chicken Gumbo" that would be fun to play with to use up some of those.  AND if I piece some of the larger stuff for the back - more will be moved out.

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,


sewyouquilt2 said...

Love your projects.those sneakers are so cool

Carole @ From My Carolina Home said...

It has been a challenge to create a new normal for the next few weeks. Having some goals has been helpful for me too.

Julierose said...

Cute upcoming projects...and I agree March was so L O N G !!!
I actually almost got my son-in-laws big lap quilt together--it's headed for a Christmas present so I am happy with my almost flimsy...
~ ~ ~ waving from afar stay safe Julierose;)))

Barbara said...

So much cute stuff here. I’m with you on the length of March. I was doing the Instagram Quilt Fest where we posted a picture related to a quilting prompt each day. I thought it would never end! It seems everyone felt that way. It’s strange because I’m not really doing anything I wouldn’t do anyway. I’m pretty much a homebody and don’t go out except for grocery shopping. The rain didn’t help because I couldn’t get out and do any gardening.

Calicojoan said...

Oh my goodness, I never know what day it is anymore. I thought it was retirement, but with not even being able to go anywhere, it's even worse! LOL!! Yes, it's a great time to get those projects out and finished. You've sure found some good ones!

Shelina said...

Sounds like some great plans! I hope you enjoy finishing these beauties. Lots of fun creatures to keep you company!

kiwikid said...

Lots of wonderful projects at your place. Keep safe.

Karen's Korner said...

I also have to think everyday when I wake up "what day is it" with having no routine and structure to each day. You have lots of lovely projects to keep you busy. Enjoy the extra time.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

Cute shoes and bear!

Anonymous said...

I looked around to try and find that Chicken Gumbo pattern with no luck. Are they still publishing it?

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Those sneakers are cute. I haven't had time to stitch any of my projects for weeks now.

Patty said...

Cute blocks. Thanks for linking up with Elm Street Quilts One Monthly Goal and good luck with your project.