I want to thank Carol of Just Let Me Quilt for organizing another fun Hop. I am a scrap quilter who's LOVE is minatures, so of course I had to join in.
My goal was to use up these scraps left over from a quilted jacket I had made for a guild challenge. Too pretty to break down and throw into the mix of other scraps. They needed their own project.
I needed a plan that would use that small amount of fabric to it's best advantage so it was ALL used. I took the SMALL pieces and turned them into the SMALLEST part of this piece. Yes, those are one inch squares!
I then turned the SMALLEST into the SMALLER. Several cute , tiny nine-patches ready to be set into the finished project.
I find a nine-patch just changes it's look when set on point. I used what larger pieces I had for the border and pieced alot of the others to make the binding. ALL of those scraps were used up into the SMALL project that included all of small, smaller, smallest.
I am currently working on another SMALL project for the RSC18 month's color of Spring Green. Since I've used a lot of my greens in the past 3 quilts, I had to dig thru my scrap barrels for the SMALLEST bits to make SMALLER bird houses. My SMALLEST of buttons will be the 'holes' and maybe some SMALLER buttons added to the border (yet to be put on).
For those not familiar with me and my 'barrels' - this is my old Pottery Shelf with my barrels of 'pre-cut' squares. I work my fabrics down thru a system and when they get SMALL they go into these by 1.5", 2", 2.5" 3.5", and 5" sizes. I seperate some of the SMALLEST sizes lites into those upper kitty snack jars. My wonderful Eclair (yum) boxes have all of my buttons - well, some of them.
If you noticed, one of the big jars was rather full!! I have made so many quilts from this and it is still stuffed. I have several 'gifted' bags of fabrics to sort thru and I know I need space in this size. So I am GIVING my 2" squares away - mailing only within the US. I know these will fill a LARGE priority box - once I dump and fluff. That's a lot of squares! Just be sure I have a way of contacting you if interested.
**will pull the winner on the 10th**
Please be sure to visit the other participants of this Hop Today:
Vroomans Quilts
Creatin' in the Sticks
Quilt Doodle Designs
Den syende himmel
Quilt Taffy
Hazel’s Daughter
Creatin' in the Sticks
Quilt Doodle Designs
Den syende himmel
Quilt Taffy
Hazel’s Daughter
Sewingly Yours,
A beautiful project. You are so organized with your scraps. I wish mine looked that organized.
Those small ninepatch blocks are just adorable.
These are more like teenie tiny! I'm totally in love with your first tiny quilt. Your work never ceases to amaze me
Tiniest of all,lovely.
Your projects are absolutely awesome! Thank you for sharing.
What great projects! It's so wonderful when we can use up our scraps and make cute things. Thanks for the giveaway, but please don't add me to the drawing, I have enough scraps! LOL
I love your tiny 9 patch and bird house quilts. I have my small scraps in jars also. I would love to win your 2 inch squares. Thanks for the chance to win.
Such a lovely little 9 patch quilts! I'm playing with 1" squares too!
What a great giveaway! I'm not in the US so don't qualify for the draw, but are you sure you're not going to miss these little treasures?!? *snort*
I love your creativity on this tiny level. The birdhouses are wonderful. Thanks for the offer to join in the drawing but my scrap bins are overflowing at the moment.
I have to make more minis!!!!! Love your mini quilts...just stunning!
Love the small 9 patch ---it is so beautiful. The birdhouses are adorable....great idea with the buttons. No scraps for me, but thanks for inspiring us:)
You are always so creative Sharon!
Love how you arrange your scraps. Would love to win them. The birdhouses are so cute.
Great organizing. Wish I could master that.
I love your projects Sharon. The birdhouses are really cute.
I would love the chance to win your scraps. I have a quilt that I want to make that has almost 2000 size 2 inch squares in it. This would be a big dent in them for me. Thank you for the chance.
Those blocks are so tiny...wow! I've never sewn anything that small. You always amaze me with your scrap projects and these little mini's are no exception. I love them both! I feel the need to gather jars for scraps after looking at this method of organizing. Such a great idea! Thanks for jumping in to hop with us and sharing your cute, cute mini's!
Such darling quilt blocks! The nine patches steal my heart! I really don't need more scraps since I'm buried in my own, but someone else's do add variety and fun! I admire your energy d creativity.
My fave is blocks on point. I love the tiny houses you made. Nice and fun way to reuse your containers and corral the scraps. Thanks for sharing your projects.
Very pretty minis, I especially love your birdhouses in progress :)
Such perfect piecing in the small. You are amazing. Not a wonky in the bunch! Love your organization system. This is such a great post with so much great information. Thank you for the ideas!
Wow those are tiny squares! It turned out so pretty. Your giveaway is going to make some scrapper very happy but please don't include me or I may have to return the favor and send you some! ;)
I would love to win your scraps thank you. I love your nine patch. Hugs,
Very beautiful mini. I have more scraps than I will ever use so if I am selected for the win..please select another lucky person, appreciate that you offered a giveaway.
I have so many scraps why am I hoping to add some of yours? Thanks for the chance to win.
I really love your minis! Hope you don't mind if I make my own birdhouse mini. Your idea of buttons for the doorway is so CUTE!
I never would have thought of that.
I sort my scraps into squares and strips. During 2017, I made multiple comfort quilts for our local Police Dept to give to children in need. I like how you can see your fabric...I may need to get some clear containers, instead of boxes.
I love making minis ...I'm planning on two larger quilts atm that use 2" squares ... I'm a scrapaholic and am low on that size ... Would love to win these. Thanks for the opportunity!!
I organize mine in the same manner. I would love 2" squares!
Your mini is absolutely darling, Sharon. I also LOVE those birdhouses. That is such a great idea with those tiny little scraps. Guess it gives us all a reason to NEVER throw anything away. lol
I love how you have used every last bit of fabric into your little quilt! It is adorable!!! I would love to win your 2" scraps!! They would fit right in with the quilt I am making for my church and my tiny stash with me just isn't diverse enough to make it work!
That is an awesome mini - love it! Congrats on using those scraps!
I’m addicted to minis! Thanks for the chance to win.
Oooh, Sharon, I love, love your tiny quilts! I have a similar quilt stand so I know the size of the 9 patch is teensy, even turned en pointe! And those bird houses - so adorable. Love the picture of your jars of "quilt candy"!! No scrap left behind. Awesome!
The 4-patches on point is my favorite. How big did that end up being? Nice job! I would be delighted to win your 2 inch squares. More variety in my scraps!
Such sweet miniquilts! And such a good use of scraps! Great way to store them in jars! I am from overseas, so don't put my name into your hat, lol!
Yes....so adorable....I'm afraid I throw my scrap candy size fabrics.....a w a y! :)
I love your mini 9-patches. Scrappy quilts are the best. I would love to win your 2" squares.
i make a lot of scrap quilts so would love them
Love it!
Love your little quilts!
I always wondered what your scrap barrels looked like lol! That tiny 9-patch is adorable, I love the color combinations. A box of two inch squares would certainly be gratefully received for one of our ministry quilts.
Really cute!
Adorable! I'd love a chance to win your scraps!
Love your little quilts! My only experience with scraps is a couple of Bonnie Hunter's quilts. Would love to play with your scraps.
Adorable small quilts!! Best of luck to all who hope to win your 2" squares. Count me in, please!! :o))
Your mini, mini quilts are so sweet! It takes a true quilter to appreciate the work and tiny stitches that go into a project like yours...I certainly appreciate it and would gaze at it often to look for the details. I'd love your 2" squares to make a few of my own!
Love your small quilt put together with smaller and smallest pieces. One inch pieces are amazing!! Now those 2" squares would be much easier to work with.
Wow your little quilts are amazing.
Sweet, sweet quilts! So inspired by your system of storing small pre cut blocks!
Lovely little projects. That nine patch with 1" squares is most definitely the "smallest" thing ever. I don't know how you can work that tiny, but it is truly wonderful. I adore your jars of scraps! They look better than candy, don't they!?
Any block turned on diagonal changes the look of the project. I would love to win your 2"squares.
Yes the 9patches are cute - especially when so tiny and on point BUT I adore the birdhouses - please share where you found the pattern!! As an overboard bird aficionado I need a birdhouse quilt. TIA. BTW - if your buttons happen to go missing, don't stop by my house...0% chance you'll find them here...
2" squares?!? That's the size I'm using in my Totally Demented quilt - I'm CUTTING 2" squares because I need so many! Please please please sign me up! And thanks!
I love those itty nine patches - and they really do take on a whole new look when on point. Such a sweet quilt!
Pretty projects! The squares sound great. 24Tangent@gmail.com
I love the 9 patch mini! Sew cute! I used 2" squares for a quilt, and wish I had more, so that I could make one for me, that was scrappy instead (I still have some of the other 2" squares, waiting for me to make that quilt over again).
I really enjoyed seeing your small projects especially the tiny nine patches. Your organization system for your scraps is very interesting....I, too, use some large plastic pretzel jars to corral mine. Although, I haven't cut them into useable sizes. I just grab and cut as I need. I'd love to win a box of scrappy goodness to use in my postage stamp quilt.
The little birdie houses are so cute. I love working from scraps. It’s even more fun when you play with another quilters scraps. About a year or so ago I started organizing my scraps a bit better than my old system of tossing everything Into a large basket. It was always so messy digging through trying to find that scrap you know you had from that one project you made a couple years ago. I tend to sew from my scrap bins more often now since I can easily see what I have.
Your mini quilts are so perfect. You have such an organized way of keeping all of your scraps. I am so bad about putting them all together and picking through all of them. That would be so much easier.
Those scraps made an awesome 9-patch! Just perfect!
Great job! I do the same with my scraps. With my small pieces I use them for EPP projects. I even have 1/4”EPP! I hate to throw any fabric away, hehe. Your 2” scraps would be awesome for my EPP quilt, fingers crossed ;-)
Your mini is adorable. Don't know if I would tackle that or not.
Smallest ok, but tiniest would be a no go for me, unless I might win those small square, still a maybe..
Heya Sharon, I love how you took those small scraps from your other project and created a new one and it's so pretty. I to agree putting 9-patches on point really gives a much nicer effect than just bunching them together. I use old "cheeto" like barrels that we get from Costco for my scraps, Frank eats the cheetos and I keep them for my scraps. I don't separate them like you do, but am thinking that's a great idea so you can pull the barrel you need easily.
I love your scrap barrels. What a great idea! Your quilts look wonderful.
What fun! I love those itty bitty quilts.
I love your small quilts! I had to laugh looking at all those jars of scraps. You are a serious organizer.
Your little projects are wonderful! You sure make great use of your scrap jars!
Looks like a fabric candy store - what a good idea and way
to store those different size squares - I need to do that or
something close. Thanks for the inspiration..
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