Thursday, July 20, 2017

Temperature Quilt

Per my temperature chart, my greens or the cooler days and you can see we have gone into a bit of warmer.  Actually, the humidity has been the pits.  That comes from so much RAIN.  Shouldn't complain because other areas are dry and on fire - not something I would want to have to deal with.  I am using the NOON temperature read for our area as we are still experiencing such a difference from evening to mid-afternoon.  
Temps: 82,79,68,75,83,84,78

My rosettes ressemble my flowers.  I don't have a lot this year as I lost a lot of perrenials - I went with herbs this year.  BUT I have a lot of Sunflowers here and there around the house thanks to the chippers stashing seeds in any hole they can find.  Usually they only stalk or just are small floweres, but I have a couple that really took off.  They remind me of my Dad who planted all kinds of sunflowers for the birds and wildlife to enjoy.

I always scatter marigolds thru beds to help as natural pesticide and the munchy critters don't like them either.

You can visit SARAH and see her temp quilt in progress as well as others.  Everyone has a bit of a different color chart they are using, so each will be unique.

Even with the heat (Aussies are into their Winter season), don't forget to visit the other SARAH and today's hosts:

Thursday, July 20th

Sewingly Yours,


Kevin the Quilter said...

What a "cool" idea for a temperature quilt! I was unaware of it! I am afraid mine would be all fire engine reds at this point! I also plant African Marigolds around my vegetable garden and walkways to keep the bugs away! Great minds think alike! LOL

Sheila said...

Our temperature today is 96 F with lots of humidity which makes it so uncomfortable but like you I won't complain, those fires are much worse. I love when the birds deposit sunflowers around the yard , I have several that are taking off too .

Barb said...

I'm trying to grow some giant sunflowers out by our barn--we've had a dry summer so having a little trouble getting them started--had good luck in our garden several years ago--the birds really like the seeds!

Kaelyn Angelfoot said...

Great idea with the temperature quilt. I have all the yarn for a temperature blanket but haven't started it yet. I'll be doing hexagons with a black border.

Donette said...

I love sunflowers, but the rabbits always chew them off.

tink's mom said...

Where I lived in NJ there was a sunflower field. I always looked forward to them coming up and waving at me on the way to and from work. Last trip up, the field was no longer. It's now a housing development. Progress isn't always pretty. Your hexie on the other hand is lovely.

Dana Gaffney said...

That sunflower is beautiful, they're such happy flowers. I used to do that with marigolds, but something was eating them, not sure what but maybe the giant snails we have here.

Barbara said...

I love your sunflower hexi. I saw the resemblance right away.

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I love the real and hexi sunflower. We usually get sunflowers growing wild here, but the last couple of years not so much. I love them.

Kate said...

Very pretty sunflowers. It's so hot here, that's about all that's blooming at the moment. I love the idea of a temperature quilt. Looking forward to seeing how your's comes together.

Sarah said...

Hmm...maybe I should have taken some marigolds camping to keep the bugs away. Citronella candles only do so much...
Your volunteer sunflower looks great - mine never do much but they keep trying.

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