I'm managing at least 15 minutes along with KATE as I am still battling the 'sickness'. I even had to miss my guild meeting as I was too under the weather and really did not want to expose any one to this stuff. I really wanted to go as one of our members demonstrated making fabric postcards and there is a challange/swap for next month. I did have a packet of supplies picked up for me and I hope to find time to work on this.
My main purpose of '15' is to work on my handstitching projects, especially this old BOM. I did get the bias tape stitched and hopefully later today I can get all those leaves cut from that green. I don't plan to applique all those very tiny circle berries as on the other blocks I have used buttons or beading and want to keep that thru the quilt.
Since it is Slow Sunday Stitching with KATHY (who's also ill), I have been at least tracking the daily temperatures and picking out the 2" squares. I would like to get this new rosette in progress today once I check the noon temp today.
Sewingly Yours,
So sorry you are ill. After reading Kathy's post I was saying to my husband that we have to be even more vigilant as it seems to be a really bad year for the flu. Take care.
I want to try hexagons sometime soon.
Oh no, I hope you feel better soon sweetie!! Plenty of fluids, it's been an awful season for the flu. Take care.
Get well soon! It is great that you can at least do some hand sewing.
We are sick together! Too bad there isn't a convalescent home we could go to to be taken care of, and stitch slowly until we feel better!!
Sickies unite in your love of slow stitching! I am right there with you...Keep drinking those liquids.
Any stitching when not 100% is good value, The heart will be lovely with some added goodies.
Oh, I hope you feel better soon!
Sorry you still aren't feeling 100%. The cold and the snow probably aren't helping there. Hope you still can get in some hand stitching and that at least takes your mind off how bad you feel.
Hope you will be feeling much better soon.
This year’s version of the flu is nasty! Get better soon! Your stitching awaits!
Feel better soon!! Being sick is no fun at all.
I am glad that you are able to do a bit of stitching even though you are feeling under the weather.
So sorry you're sick. There seems to be a lot of that going around in blog land. Amazingly, despite all the people and handrails we've come into contact with, neither of us has been sick on our trip. Knock on wood. Feel better soon.
Feel better soon, so many people I know have are ill at the moment with heavy colds and sniffles and other yucky things. I am avoiding everyone at the moment so I don't catch anything but I am sure I will get it evetually. At least you are still able to do a little sewing. Stay warm, Hugs, Susie xx
Sorry to hear you are not feeling well, hope you are better soon. Hope too you can get some slow stitching done.
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