Sunday, November 13, 2022

We All Go Ooops


I was so excited that I got a good start (and catch up) on the Dogs in Sweaters (I'm going to call it Doxies with Moxie).  Bam!  One of these things is not like the others!  The poor purple sweater Doxie didn't get the same fanny shaping - lol!!!!!  Easy fix and I have to wait for the December color to be selected.

And Ooops there goes a squirrel - I brought down the large bag of left over bits of muslins, lights, white on white, etc... that was too much potential to toss.  Well, for me I can't toss - you would probably.  I have to come up with a plan to use these up finally.

   There has been quite the assortment of blankets on the couch (I'm a napper) and Oooops - the furkids just have to try them all out.  We dropped 20 degrees in a week and then another 10 degrees.  Seeing you west coast bloggers posting snow  means it's headed our way.  With the 'lake effect'. definitely we will see snow.  Oooops, Fall I think is on it's way out.

Sewingly Yours,




Nancy J said...

I, too, cannot bear to throw away scraps or pieces. I see the snow has made landfall in other areas, hope you don't get too much so early,.And the cats, they know a very good place to snooze.

Barbara said...

The dogs in sweaters are just too cute. I imagine your kitties are offended at having dogs in the house, sweaters or no..

MissPat said...

The flip-flop in weather from record high temps last weekend, to 2.5" of rain mid-week compliments of Nicole, to snow flurries yesterday, makes for an interesting week. I'm glad I got most of the outdoor stuff taken care of. Although there's still a hose that needs to come inside. Cute doggies.

Quilter Kathy said...

Love the Doxies...even the one with the plastic surgery enhancement!
I am using my odd leftover lights for the Quiltville mystery this year... just scrappy!

Kate said...

Very fun puppy dogs. Stay warm and happy stitching.

Carol Swift said...

Those are so cute in sweaters, even the purple one. I have quilts all over my couch and my pup likes to try them all out. Stay warm!

Shelina said...

I would leave the purple doggie. In fact, I usually try to add variety to make sure each animal's uniqueness stands out. I wouldn't be able to throw out the scraps either. I have a hard time getting rid of the tiniest scrap. Noo, don't mention the S word. I am not ready.