I am going to slow down today and join Kathy with some relaxing stitching. I am down to just my granddaughter's new quilt - commissions complete!
I haven't touched my '365' circles at all this month. They are prepped and waiting their turn. I will work on these as well as.......
the binding on this monster. This is my entry for the Hall of Fame Quilt Show that is the last weekend in September. I have plenty of time, but want to get this finished this week.
And some of you have asked about Moe. He is under the weather, first with sniffles, then heavy sneazing which went into a cough. Now on medication that makes him more of a splat puddle than before. He 'rode' this quilt thru it's machine binding finish and I left him there. Rest and medicine is what he needs right now. Bella has even refrained from picking on him and occassionally will come and lay with him.
We are all going to relax today,
Sewingly Yours,
Oh, poor Moe! He's such a cute splat puddle.
My Quilty365 has to take a back seat for a couple of weeks, but I want to keep up with the prep-work at least. Hard to believe in a couple of months we'll have kept it up for a year!
Poor Moe. Cuddling with a quilt is the best way to get better.
Oh, I'm sorry, Moe. Feel better soon. It must feel good to have your commissions all finished.
Looks like you have a full schedule today of wonderful hand stitching and snuggling with Moe!
I hope Moe responds well to the medicine. Enjoy your quilting.
Moe looks happy resting on his quilt. Hope he is all better soon.
Poor Moe! Sure hope he feels better soon - and you enjoy your non-commission sewing!
I was wondering what happened to your circles. Poor Moe, I hope he feels better soon, it's good to see him with you and not hiding away to sleep.
Hope Moe is feeling much better now after a few days on medication. It's so miserable to have a cold. Hope you had a nice relaxing weekend with lots of slows stitching.
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