August was a hectic beast and so will be September! Every weekend full, but I think I am ready so bring it on.
We have Labor Day weekend coming up and I know we are keeping an eye on Tropical Storm Hermine that is already in Florida and may be coming up the coast - we are prepped. I have to make a run to The Quilt Zoo - LQS, to pick up some Hall of Fame entries as I have offered the 'busing' of items to and from later this month. I will shop while I am there - wink!!
The second weekend is our town's village wide garage sale and we are participating. We will be setting up in one of our barns so rain or shine, we are open - the 'stuff' has to go.
The third weekend I will be here with some wonderful ladies again with the fiber arts display. It is, also, the weekend of The Airing Of The Quilts and I will have my quilts hung out before I head off to demo hand quilting.
The fourth weekend is A Festival of Quilts - the Catskill Mountain Quilters Hall of Fame quilt show in Roxbury NY.
Hopefully during the week days I can keep up with my blocks.

And I really want to make this!! LOVE LOVE LOVE And I have a lot of browns to use up - my scrap problem challenge to be used with this.
My 'Let's Book It' project this month is a free pattern in one of those subscription mailers. Yeah, photo bombed by Moe. I have a lot of scrap solids that I want to use up so this pattern will work perfect for that.
Along with this mess - I have a number of smaller items in the shop that need restocking. I hope to empty that drawer and possibly dip into the next drawer in that rolling cart. These little things take a while to prep, but the sewing time is quick and will be great to have by the machine to grab those few sewing minutes - somewhere.
What will September Bring for You?
Sewingly Yours,