I can't believe that we are into the final month of the year. Seems like we just got over Winter and it is already back. Our area had the longest Winter, barely a Spring, Summer blew thru, we only got a weekend to notice some Fall color, and now we find ourselves digging out (from snow) those recently packed away boxes for Holiday trimming.

I must participate in the final NewFO. I am sad to see this challenge retired, but there does come a time to move on and I completely understand.
I found this cross stitch kit tucked into a folder of other 'things'. I don't know when, where, or how I acquired it, but I think this deserves to be my last NewFO. A challenge to start but not be pressured to finish. It should make good company during these 'longer' nights and possibly snowed in days.

Since this is a month for me to be relaxed and stress free - I want something small to play with.
There are a few large quilts in this, but mostly small doll quilts, runners, and wallhangings.
This is the pattern I chose to play with . A lot of 1.5" and 2.5" bits that I have an abundance of. I even have a box of hourglass blocks somewhere, so those may already be made - hey, there is a reason for saving everything.

And I am sad to say that Lynne will retire Something Old, Something New. I have followed along all year and plan to finish out.
You probably recognize this - worked on earlier in the year and as you can tell by the wrinkles, it got lost in the folds of some fabric and stuck on the shelf. I must have been auditioning fabrics for fabric framing and just lost track of it all. This piece needs to be finished proper this month for my Something Old.
Now my Something New - I have no photo of so you can see where I am heading - but is also my last Simple Small Project with Sheri. She shares the new pattern with those who link up for the month, so I cannot openly share the pdf. It is a small table topper which I will do up in some Holiday fabrics (scraps). More than likely a day project while I watch some old movies.
Those are my projects for the month - seriously! I can relax to play with the next block for Country Corners and Sew Sweet Simplicity. I can take some time to just play in my bits of scraps for my OMG. And I promise not to let 'The Button Tree' red-work piece sit. Oh, and there are some new buttons on the side bar. I am curious with the little piece by Temacula Quilt Company.
I hope you all find some time to just relax and breath during this stressful month.
Sewingly Yours,
Thanks once again for staying with "Something Old, Something New" all year, and for contributing to the final session! Yay for you!
Great variety of projects - looks like you have your hands full for the month!
Excellent cold weather projects.
Everything looks peaceful and calm, maybe it's your state of mind coming through.
It sounds like you are in for a good month of relaxed sewing.....perfect!
Looks like a busy month to me - where do you find the time?
You have a lot of endings and finishes for this last month of the year. The Civil War book looks interesting, and yes, saving perfectly good hst's and squares pays off sometimes.
Changes, changes. It seems to happen every year. I really need to finish some UFO's, not start more, but, it's more fun to start new ones. I like the doll quilt with the hourglass blocks. Cute.
You've got some fun stuff picked out to finish out the year.
Love seeing that cross stitch come out! Really like the small Union Star quilt too. Looks like a great month to play!
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