Tuesday, December 30, 2014

NewFO - December 2014

2014 NewFO Challenge

It is the final NewFO and I so thank Barbara for hosting over the years.  I will be sorry to see this disappear, but I will certainly carry on with 'starting something new' - don't we all enjoy that step?

My official NewFO is this 'found' cross stitch kit.  And it has been a great source of 'slowing down' during the hectic month of December.

I usually have each month's NewFO finished, but this is the only time that a project will float on.  I don't want to rush this - enjoying each strand and stitch as the design appears on the cloth.  And it will be lovely to remember fondly of all the past NewFOs over the years - both my own and those linked by others.

Never too hot to Stitch!

I have enjoyed participating in Lynne's monthly challenge and sadly this will be the last, too.  Still that something new will carry on and I certainly have a pile of old that needs finishing.

For my Something Old, I was happy to finish up the 'Apples For Sale' piece.

For my Something New I used my project for the Monthly Small Project - this little table topper in holiday fabrics.


And I finished the wallhanging for my Let's Book It project.

Ta-Da!!  Finally the 'Under the Button Tree' is finished - my last finish for the year 2014.

I worked on blocks for Country Corners, Sew Sweet Simplicity, and my OMG. Also, I made and mailed out blocks to donate toward the Sidney Heroes quilts.

I have been doing some clearing, cleaning, re-arranging, and prepping for projects for the new year.

Happy New Year,
Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Let's Book It - December 2014


The last month of the year!  I hope you have been enjoying re-visiting your books, magazines, patterns, saved files, and other resources that have been sitting in those dark cob webs.  I have already pulled all my resources for some clean out as well as tagging for 2015 projects.

This was my resource for December - so many lovely projects in this book that will need re-visiting for sure. 

And this was the project that I selected.  I knew I had scraps and left over charms that would work perfectly for this wallhanging. 

I used a medium gray thread for the top and bottom and just did a simple meander.

I used a scrap for my hanger and a piece of old Thimbleberries for backing.  I used it's selvedge for the label "Old World Comforts" which I thought suited as of all the variety of scraps/fabric lines used on the front.

Finished size 20" x 36" and a fun project to finish off the year.


We have the Quilt Barn Pin and Tumbling Blocks Charm for this month's link up.  I do ship internationally, so it's time for you to share:
Let's Book It - December 2014
1. Sheila  4. Debbie at Stitching Therapy  7. Gone Stitchin-Aust  
2. Cat Patches  5. Kathy S.  8. Lynne  
3. Dana@Stormy Days  6. Vivian  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Sewingly Yours,

Last Slow Sunday 2014

I hope every one had a lovely Holiday.  We have become quite the slugs.  Even though we've had seasonally warm weather, these two would rather just laze about the house.  I have hardly touched my sewing machine(s) and the handwork is something that has been more enjoyable.  December was my slow down month and I did just that.

The cross stitch is at the point of adding the vines.  This project will be rolling over into the new year - no hurry to finish, just to enjoy moments with needle in hand.

The Button Tree piece is all stitched, quilted, and buttons added.  Now it needs it's binding and hanging sleave stitched down.  And a label made, too.  This one should be done for my last 'finish' for the year.

I will be linking up with Kathy's Quilts for Slow Stitching Sunday

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, December 21, 2014

Design Wall Monday 12/22/14

I have been doing more hand stitching of late, but I did want to make sure I got the HashTag blocks done for the Blocks for Sidney.  I cut all my pieces and then chain sewed them all in about 1/2 hr.  When doing these types of charity blocks I always make one for each of my children and one for each of my grands - I would be devistated if I lost any of them.  I sent my blocks on to Julie at Intrepid Thread, who has graciously offered to collect blocks in the US to send on to Joshua.

I've been going thru my totes to get prepped for 2015.  The only project on my December list is my Let's Book It, so I decided it was time to pull those blocks and get them together.  Seems every tote I pulled to  prep - this guy thought I was giving him his own personal bed!  Yeah, he laid on the blocks too - which made for interesting work.

The center did get put together and I really need to finish this one up - the month is just flying by.  Today will be the sashing and then to sandwich it up for quilting.

I will be taking some time away from the blog for Holiday festivities with family - Merry Christmas and Seasonal Blessings.  

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Slow Sunday Stitching 12/21/14

Slow Sunday Stitching

I will be joining Kathy today for some slow stitching.  I have two floors to mop, but that can certainly be mixed in with some relaxing needle and thread action.  And I think a light Opera in the background, too.

Yup, I'm on the other side of the tree!  Just keeping my fingers crossed that I have enough of the Cosmos floss - it's going to be close.  I do have a DMC that matches real close, but really want to keep it all the same.

The grapes  are done and I hope to get that last leaf finished.  I don't plan on working the whole pattern, but enough to fill a circle for a reverse applique finish with this piece.  So once that leaf is done, I can 'math' the pattern for my circle and then do the vine.

With all the hustle of the season, why not take some time today and slow down with us.

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, December 19, 2014

Whooping it Up

I have been waiting for the announcement of the opening day for the Santa Sack Swap and my partner Kim sent me this wonderful sack with all these cute Holiday Tabby scenes - she knows I love my furries.

I had gotten wrapped up in some other things when Kim sent me an e-mail that she had opened her gifts from me - oops.  So I finished up, cleaned up, and dumped that sack.

I had to open the box first because it had Kim's really cool label on it.  And she kind of gave me a hint some where along the line. This adorable French Limoges Box (and I actually have two that were my gr. grans).  I knew Kim was quite the cross stitcher, but did not know that she was also quite the porcelain painter.  LOOK!!  My furries!!  Now this could have been my only gift and I would have been just as happy.

I just love the saying and the soft, earthy colours (her stitching puts mine to shame) are a treasure.  And so nicely finished with tapestry backing and the rich cording.

And this gorgeous towel with pointsettia and holly - too pretty to use, but this is going to be displayed and I'll slap knuckles if they spoil this.  The gorgeous cable knit scarf - love anything with cable.  

All my goodies together.  Yes, there was that cute little pincushion ring with specialty pins - too, too cute!!  Thank you Kim for making my Santa Sack Swap so special.

And one of our quilt guild members dropped this off.  Another Whoop!  I know it is only a local calendar (area realty firm), but........

I may not have been a 'month' (Schoharie County Quilt Block Trail), but I am on the back collage for The Airing Of the Quilts.  Yup, that old brick house with the clothes line full of quilts is the house on the hill at the end of Quilt Lane.

** linking with Santa Sack SwapWhoop Whoop Friday, and Feline Friday **

Sewingly Yours,

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Something Old, Something New

Never too hot to Stitch!

I have enjoyed Lynne's Something Old, Something New thru the year.  We all like to start something new.  But rather than committing to one of those 'UFO list-let's finish-have to  count it all' things, I used the Old to finish some of those smaller projects that have sat.

My Something Old - Finally - the Apples cross stitch is finished.  I gave it another lite washing and stretch/dry, pulled fabrics rather quickly, and it was fabric framed.  I don't know why I let this sit so long - well,,,,, yes I do.  It got folded into some fabric, tucked on the shelf, and forgotten.

My Something New was Sherri's  Monthly Small Project.  These little projects thru the year have been great to add finishes to the Christmas box.  She will be having the Monthly Small Project again in 2015, so you may consider playing along.

Thank you Lynne for hosting this fun event and I will miss it next year.
Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Block Drive for Sidney, Australia

If you follow Intrepid Thread or get their newsletter, you may already know of this.  If not, please hop over to Julie to read her post to help out Molli Sparkles request for blocks (and the pattern) to make comfort quilts in the recent tragedy in Sidney.

Julie is graciously collecting blocks from the States (and probably Canada) to send on  to help with shipping costs.  But one block in an envelope is not that much postage.

I know it is a busy holiday season for many, but a single 5" block is quick and can be popped right in the mail (Julie would like them by December 31).

Sewingly Yours,

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Design Wall Monday 12/15/14

I have all my star and hourglass units finished for my Let's Book It project.  I 
saved all my bits that can be used for the tiny 4-patches in the center.  The corner stones are all cut as well as border, so this one will be ready for assembly this week.

And my next two blocks for the Country Corner's with Lynn @ Sew'nWildOaks.  This was the 7th block and I am making two of each.  These may be a little too 'dotty', but we'll see once they are all laid out - other's can be worked up and any rejects will work into the back or another project.

And I want to give a shout out for a new, young entrepreneur in my area.  I met the sweetest little thing while waiting in line at the post office - hey, 45 minutes leads to conversation (I tried to get the group to sing, but they wouldn't).  She just opened her own Etsy shop and if you could check her out, please do so - I fell in love with her snowflake necklace (she had one on).

** linking up with Judy @ PatchWorkTimes **

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, December 13, 2014

Slow Stitching Sunday 12/14/14

Slow Sunday Stitching

I will be joining  Kathy for another lovely day of slowing down.  I have a couple of projects to enjoy and I hope a little bit of good weather will allow for a bit of a walk outside - even if it is only the sidewalks (our drive gets horribly icy).

The Button Tree is getting closer to a finish, but I am in no rush.  I am thinking the stitching will take to the end of the month and then this can go on the Jan 2015 list of to-be-finished.

The same with the Welcome cross stitch.  A project I want to enjoy, not rush.  I can see this being rolled over into January's slow Sundays.

I have been enjoying a much slower month.  Hand work has been very relaxing.  When I hear my machine crying (doesn't yours?) from neglect I work a few blocks.  I know there is a tote of quilts to be quilted, but they can wait - not this month.

I may even break down and play some holiday music today - sometimes I find it annoying, but today it might be the thing I need.

Sewingly Yours,

Friday, December 12, 2014

SewMaMaSew Winner & News


I would like to thank all you lovely people and your response to the SewMaMaSew Give Away.  I had so many lovely comments and what a variety of Holiday songs listed.  But before I announce the winner (anticipation, anxiously sitting on the edge of your seat,fingers crossed) - some blogger issues that need addressing........

I had a lot of no-reply and I would say maybe a quarter of you did make sure you had your e-mail address included, but the others............
If you find you are not getting replies or winning contests, please - I have three buttons on my side bar that explain how to set your address so it appears with your comments.  But if you prefer to not - make sure you add your e-mail address.  If we can't find you, you can't win.

ALSO, blogger made some updates and changes without us knowing.  AND I would like to thank Terry for bringing this to my attention - as I was affected by it.  You may want to check to see if you have the crazy word/number verification set again on your blog as well as some not able to leave a comment.  And she gave a resource for a fix HERE and HERE.

Now for the winner

Cheri - The Quilting Nanny who was so nice to be sure she had her e-mail address included in her reply so I could reach her.

Thank you all again and may your Christmas be Merry & Bright,
Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Feline Friday 12/12/14

My furries have been real 'slugs' the last few days.  Seems like all they want to do is cat-nap and any where will do just fine.  Bella likes to be near where I am working and she is into that camoflauge thing as you know.

And as many times as I scold him, Moe for some reason wants to lay on my dish towel on the counter. NO counters SIR!!  I think it is because Bella has been awfully mean to him - we are getting cabin fever already.

We have been more or less trapped inside due to a snow/ice/wind storm since Monday.  I have worked in bits on my December 'Let's Book It' project.  I managed to get half the blue stars done, the center star, and the red hourglass blocks.  I did find my tote of block units, but the hourglass blocks in there were at the largest 2.5" and I needed 4.5".

 Slowly playing with my OMG quilt.  I finished up all the Shoo Fly bocks and was excited that I could pull this together.  BUT, when I counted my 9-patches - a group of 10 blocks is missing.  I have been thru everything.  Strange as this project is worked and put away in this tote every time.  Where did they go?  So I am making more.  I'm snowed in, so how better to use the time.

I am starting to feel like my furry friends - trapped in a snow globe.  It is pretty for just so long.  Today is an escape day for a much needed haircut and a little shopping for a few groceries - before the next storm rolls in.

** linking up with Sarah Did It **

Sewingly Yours,