It's been a while since I joined KATHY for a day of slow. I am trying to add a little handwork in each day as I am falling behind on some hand projects. But today is for slow.
I want to prep the bunny block for Bleeker Street (side bar button) and then work on the hand stitches. I am making minis from each section rather that the whole quilt - although, some day I may make the whole quilt.
I had a hard time photo'ing it as we still had a lot of cloud, but all the locals up and down the Valley and then some were out there watching and snapping away.
Sewingly Yours,
I love "storm" pic's. It's always a wonder to capture a part of it.
The one with the brooding clouds is so interesting... xox
That sky looks pretty ominous even with the beautiful rainbows, I hope it was a sign that the sun was coming.
Great pictures. We've had heat here, but it's supposed to cool off today.
Hmmmmm....I like the rainbow...giggle. No storms for me...yikes. We had hail awhile back. I sure am enjoying Bleecker Street. It makes me smile. Can't wait to see your bunny.
What a beautiful rainbow. It was quite large. I hope you enjoyed your slow stitching.
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