Sunday, March 29, 2020
Monday Making
The plan was to get three more quilts quilted by the end of the month. These are all baby quilts, so they go fast. I have two done and the third ready to go. The bindings are made, ready, and will be completed entirely by machine. These will be part of my Hands2Help Challenge donations thru my local guild.
In my goal to get as many quilts finished up this year, I have decided to go thru my 'to-be-quilted' totes and see just what is there. Some consolidating will happend as you can see they aren't bursting thru the lids any more.
This all comes about now as I am eager to get my front door opened. I block this off during the winter to cut down on draft - no one can access this door anyway. BUT with all this confinement and now it's been extended, I feel the need to be able to get out on this porch once in a while.
A tote of 'frankenbatt' to use up (I have two extra long rolls - so won't run out), one tote was actually empty (? - maybe just to help with the draft), one tote holds some Hall of Fame items (and we won't be holding our Spring meeting), a tote full of extra wides to match up with those to-be-quilted tops, and a smaller tote stuffed with plaids, shirtings, and wovens. The corner is what is left of scrappy scraps that need to used or chopped into my barrel system (and Bonny Hunter is offering a mystery thru our self-isolation period - button on side bar).
And pull out some quilts and you get help! Moe keeping track of the piles to be sure I am getting things into the proper order. And look - his eyes match the March RSC20 color - teal!!!
While I'm doing this organizing, I will pull my OMG - April and One Finish A Month projects.
Keeping Busy,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, March 27, 2020
Whooping Friday
That surprise shoe box of blocks made for some great block play, but time to set it aside. I managed 64 tile blocks - as far as that linen (light) would stretch. A few more 25 patches for a mini and I prepped parts for the floating stars. Fabrics were pulled for a finish for the teal blocks. I have my projects for April set up.
The Corona Village is growing - I need a better name. I'm using a mini charm pack, so I hope this 'in-place' doesn't last past those 42 squares. Although I have been recieving notice of cancellations for May and June.
The reason I picked up that collection of blocks - several bobbins (and an empty spool) are ready for a weekend marathon of quilting. I like to put on an opera and just flow with the music. That 'to-be-quilted' pile isn't going down very fast - because I keep adding to it! I'm so glad I got my thread order in (and received) as the day after I got notification that it shipped, I got a message that their warehouse was shutting down. Timing is everything.
Our communities are trying to help kids' to cope with social distancing by having treasure hunts. Take a walk or drive and see how many Teddy Bears you can find (homes put items in window or on doorway), or what colors you can find, and recently - how many rainbows.
And I saw this cute thing on a learning site:
If fingers have finger tips, but toes don't have toe tips - why can you tip-toe but not tip-finger?
Keep Your Smile On
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, March 25, 2020
OMG - March

It's been working real well for me to use OMG this year to move a project on to it's next phase and not have it sit for any length of time or forgotten.
My March goal was to get some old cross stitch blocks re-tooled and into a flimsy. This is an alphabet sampler that has been lost for too long. I have backing and batt ready and it will now wait in line to be quilted.
Please be sure to visit all the link-ups HERE.
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, March 24, 2020
Scrappy Wednesday
All is well here on Quilt Lane, I just took a 'media' break to spend a little more time with my son and Mom. Also, doing more cleaning up of UFOs and PIGS. I had all these blocks made along with a lot of strings pieced on old phone book paper. I had half the top together, so decided to clear that project out. I used the rest of the strings to add the outside border - one extra 'yellow' block and one extra strip of strings. To the trash they went.
I found another shoe box tote full of blocks! I thought I cleared these out for our guild swap meeting. I get very addicted to making tons of blocks, especially if it is a block I really enjoy making (and that they are fast).
There is about 30 of these made and a baggy of cut CW scraps. So I will grow this one. How many blocks get made will depend on how much of the linen I have left - luckily that was still tucked in my 'lites' tote.
Just a couple of these, but a baggy stuffed with 1.5" squares. I'm using this as my leader/ender while making blocks.
There is a pile of about 100 of these tiny floating stars along with a baggy of pre-cuts for the project.
Twenty of these that I think I started for one of Bonny Hunter's mysteries - that I obviously did not stick with. I'm sure I can find another use and get them into a quilt rather than hiding in a tote.
And oh crap - more strings. I hate making string blocks to be honest. I might just pass these on to someone - just the setting corners need to be added with enough blocks for a small quilt.

A reminder that the Hands2Help Challenge has started. SARAH has been organizing this for 10 years now. Now is sign up time (March 22-28), but if you miss it you still can participate with donations. Please visit THIS LINK with the charities suggested (or your own) and a calendar list of activities that will be leading up to finalization.
We are all house-bound with plenty of time and fabric. There is such a need all over at this time. I know quilters/sewers around the world are making face masks - you can't find elastic any where!! Shop your stash - a lot of companies are now announcing that they are closing their warehouses - yes, even the fabric and thread warehouses. Share with a friend if they have a need. We quilters are a work force to be reckoned with.
Stay safe, be well, please take care of yourselves. I'm a hugger, and social distancing has had a huge impact on me - so I give you all a virtual HUG!
Sewingly Yours,
Saturday, March 21, 2020
International Quilting Day

Please be sure to get some stitches in today. Also, in the events of the day remember your local quilt shops. They may be closed, but consider doing some on-line shopping. A gift certificate to send to a friend, a small bundle for yourself, some much needed notions. We want to see them be able to stay in business and re-open when the time comes.
Stay safe and healthy,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, March 20, 2020
Whooping Friday
My goal for 2020 was to get to a lot of those flimsies and get them quilted. So far I have been managing four a month. I've tried to stay away from all the NEW, but this Goats in Pajamas pattern just caught my fancy and buying a full kit that had tons of fabric along with the pattern - PLUS!
I've gone thru a lot of thread, but with these times I thought it would be a good idea to really look at my threads. Oh, I have a lot of thread!. I pulled some of my more specialty threads lately - something I don't use a lot - time to give them a chance to shine. I used the Raspberry verigated on the back and the silvery verigated on the top.
The teal scraps used up in this little bag. I used a lot of my teal/aqua up last year with a monochromatic large quilt - so at least I got one project in for the RSC20 Challenge.
We started to self quantine on the 12th so I have more houses than some. A little house a day and using up that cute mini charm pack along with some smaller scraps. I want this bright as we need to find some 'light' to this dark time.
This is a piece I did to express my feelings during Storm Irene. I was in a bit of a dark place. We've weathered other floods and even a few tornados (yes, in New York State) - I wasn't quilting then or I am sure I would have expressed myself thru them as well.
Just a close up - the empty lines ending with stars or round tiny buttons represented homes, farms, businesses, and even towns lost.
There are a number of quilt alongs, free projects, u-tube offerings, and projects galore on-line and face book and instagram - Quilters helping Quilters to get thru this together. We've always been a driving force when a call of need goes out - now we need to support each other. So take a look around and see what virtually is out there. Participate, schedule, make plans - don't isolate yourself.
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
Scrappy Wednesday
I know you folks are keeping busy with quilting and purging and just restricting yourselves socially. You may be tackling UFOs or re-assessing your stash. Have you thought about your scraps of batting? I'll admit that I have three large totes of scrap batt. One for pieces that have been gifted, one for my Warm and White and one for the Warm and Nautral.
I've put aside pieces that will work for a few wallhangings and table runners that are in the 'to be finished' pile and bagged up some pieces to donate. Today is a good day to tackle the rest and make - as Bonnie Hunter calls it - "FrankenBatt". I have several smaller quilts that can use these up.
When I'm done with this project my machine will need a good in-home Spa Day. Another good project to do while house bound.

We all can use a bit of laughter right now, so be sure to visit and share some encouraging comments to the Hop Hosts - button on the sidebar.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, March 16, 2020
Monday Making
Loved Angela's idea of making a little house block each day while we are on stay-cation (social distancing). You can use any house block you like, she has a tutorial HERE for the ones she is making.
I'm going simpler with this little mini charm pack that has been sitting for almost a year. "Sweet Harmony" by American Jane Patttern @ Sandy Klop plus a few background light scraps.
I'm using the same black roof for all - 1.5" x 2.5" with 1.5" sq. flip corners. I'll use a skinny sashing to put them all together into a mini. These will be a quick little block each day as I marathon quilt the days away.
So while you are on mandatory or self quantine, find a bit of bright in it all. Grab some cheery bits of scraps and build a house each day.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, March 13, 2020
Yeah, Week End
I'm thankful that we made it thru this week. A time change, a full moon, and a Friday the 13th - whew!!! And did a little stocking up to be on a two week 'distancing'. Our big show that took so much planning now cancelled, schools are closing, and all major events, parades, large gatherings are shut down.
We quilters know what to do - fire up those machines and stitch the time away. I will listen to audio books and my favorite tunes. If the weather is nice, a walk outside around the property will be in order.
My second cat quilt ready for stitching and I shortened the tail to make it easy to piece this puzzle quilt together. It's jelly roll strips from that same Kaffe roll - just pulled the red hues - orange polka dot from the scrap pile for the corner stones (all used up - I mathed that one close).
The rest of those strips are pieced and ready for the flip and quilt method. I have four projects pinned across my fireplace mantel. In sight and ready to advance into their next step while I am on my 'stay-cation'.
First order of business though is my One Monthly Finish for the facebook group - my guild's sampler challenge from last year.
And I'll take time to cuddle my furkids as well,
Sewingly Yours,
Empire QuiltFest Show
*********Just Updated and sending out word*******
The following statement will be placed on the EQF webpage and can be sent to the guild memberships:
QuiltFest 2020 – EQF X Diamonds and Daffodils – scheduled for April 4
& 5 at Shenendehowa High School East in Clifton Park, NY has been
cancelled due to concerns over the corona virus. We thank all those who
planned, entered, volunteered for, and committed to vending at the show.
will be in touch in the next couple of weeks with information about
refunds for prepaid fees. Thank you so much for your support of EQF and
please stay well."
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Scrappy Wednesday

SARAH has started the H2H Challenge for 2020. A lead in with 'Charmed I'm Sure' - simple quilts made from charm squares. You can find her informational page HERE for sign ups, sponsors, and list of donation sites, etc... **and you do have the option of donating locally**
I've had this mock up in my files for a long time and since my year's goal is to tackle my animal patterns/fabrics - this is a great one to use for a H2H quilt. 2.5" squares would give you a 34"x42" (maybe add a border for size). 3.5" squares would give you a 52" x 63" finish.
The first try had a lot of seam ripping as I found I had to work the pattern in sections (like a puzzle) to accomodate tail, face, and body being worked into the design.
The second one is in progress and went a lot smoother as I had the bugs worked out of that pattern. This one I changed the 9-patch for a Rail Fence block and there is a reason for that.
It all started with a fun Kaffe jelly roll - everything else is scraps or pull from stash. I have enough left - either full length or partial strips - to make a third quilt. That will be a stitch and flip method of quilt as you go. So from one JR and clearing out some scraps, I will have three bright and fun quilts for H2H.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, March 9, 2020
Monday Making
These are some of my blocks for this month's OMG project. The cross stitch has to be at least 10 yrs old and the fabric borders added maybe 6 yrs ago.
When I laid them all out it was just too busy and made for a too large wallhanging. So I removed the outer borders on each block and added skinny sashings (1" unfinished). Now to select some of those removed borders to make a final scrappy border. I have a backing pulled and will go with a black binding to frame it all off.
My goal was to at least get it into a flimsy, but I just might have a full finish with this one.
Linking Up with BETH @ Love, Laugh, Quilt
Sewingly Yours,
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Whooping Friday
I didn't mean to fall silent, but that happens when I fall into a pile of scraps and start playing. Remember I found a few 'teal' scraps in that drawer? One partial project soon to be a bag. I need to find a lining fabric from the shelf to finish this off.
Then the strips that probably were cut-offs from a backing and trying to use up that w/w from the past few quilts.
Then I remembered I had that cute Windham "CatNip" panel and chose the largest cat for this project.
It's a start to another bag and I should have just enough scraps left to make matching little zip bags to go with each.
I, also, got a start on piecing the string blocks into rows. I was doing everything as leader/ender into the next project. I'm surprised I didn't stitch the wrong part of a project into each.
All of these have been picked up as I am itching to get to that pile of 'to-be-quilted' items setting on the side table. I know I have the whole month, but they keep calling out to me - plus, I have to keep shooing away furkids (that batting is such a comfy nap place).
My Mom took another fall so I am staying close to home - good time to quilt.
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, March 1, 2020
Monday Making

I need a day of play - well, a bit of work will happen as well. I will be joining BETH for some 'making'. Be sure to visit as she has a wonderful video of a block that is a great scrap beater for a quick quilt.
In my quest to find my step-outs for an upcoming class I am teaching, I discovered that my rolling cart wasn't just kitted projects. One whole drawer was stuffed with scraps! I thought I took care of this problem? I know I need to replace some of my step-outs (used for finishing an actual project) so I am going to work just from this drawer.
The new RSC20 color is teal (aqua or turquise) and I have used all of that FQ/scrap tote up. BUT, I found this mix in that drawer and will think of a small project that will use the pile up. It can be my leader/ender project while doing those step-outs.
We are suppose to get into the 50's today, so a walk might be thrown in the mix. The blue birds are returning (already) and I should check the houses for cleaning.
Sewingly Yours,
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