The last Sunday of February already! We had a horrific day of weather yesterday. Within half an hour it dropped 35 degrees and it went from sunny/warm to extreem winds with tornado watches, the most terrible lightening and thunder (furkids and I shivered on the couch together), and then hail/sleet/snow. A neighboring town had a very iconic church's steeple hit by lightening and several fire companies came in to assist in that horrible weather.
It is still very cold and windy today, so a good day to relax with some hand stitching. I thought I had only one more flower block to go, but wrong. These don't take long to stitch, so I hope to get both finished up so the piecing can begin in March. This pattern is called 'Grandmother's Flowerpots' and designed by Marianne Fons - Fons & Porter's 'Love of Quilting' March/April 2006 issue.
Sewingly Yours,
We had a thunder storm on Friday night. Very weird weather for this time of year... Have a relaxing time with your hexies today.
Thunder and lightening still scary me and I am a Grandmother! Lol! Your project is looking great.
Sounds like a good time to be inside, with furry friends for company, and some stitching.
Glad you are safe. It's been weird weather everywhere this year.
We had the 'lite' version of that - same temp drop and rain/sleet/snow with high winds, but no lightning strikes! Hope everyone's okay out your way.
Cold enough today that staying inside to sew seems like a wonderful idea!
That sounds like wild weather. Stay safe and enjoy the hand stitching.
Looks like a lovely pattern! I bought some 30's repo fabrics last week and have been eyeing patterns for them!
Lovely work, send some of that rain our way.
We had some weird weather here yesterday too. It snowed most of the morning, and then in the afternoon, it really came down in great big flakes. Pretty tired of this weather.
Hope you enjoyed your hand stitching to keep calm throughout the terrible weather!
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