I am slowly on the mend and looking forward to a new month. Only one more event and then the last three months of the year are for me. I want to get some mumms and a couple of pumpkins for the porch this weekend. Heck, some apple cidar donuts even sound good.

A lot more claws need to be made for the Mod Bear Paw QAL. I'm going scrappy browns with the paws so this also counts toward my Scrap Challange.
The last 'Circa 2016' blocks for Temecula Quilt Co QAL came out and I was feeling good enough to handle simple 4-patches to finish them up. We will be putting this one together thru October - better find my setting and border fabrics.

Some hand stitching sounds good for stay at home weekends. There are the circles for the '365' quilt and my 30's hexie project is at the stage of working the basket blocks.
For October's 'Let's Book It' I want to make some of these - stinkin' cute!! I've had the TUTORIAL bookmarked for a long time and I know two grandsons that would love these.
There are lots of scraps in bags yet to work along with the Scrap Problem Challenge as well as Bonnie Hunter's HourGlass Block Challenge - playing in a pile of scraps is like kids jumping in a pile of leaves. Super October play!
And I have yet to get my frame set up - a must because it will be crucial for November and December. Yes, I am planning that far ahead because.....
We are predicted to have a long, cold, snowy winter and it is clear to me that is sure to be the case when these two are already snuggling together on the couch among the blankets and pillows.
Sewingly Yours,