I want to thank Sew MaMa Sew for hosting Give Away Day again this year. There are two catagories of give aways: Handmade Goods and Sewing/Crafting items and opens May 6 at 6AM(pst) and runs until Sunday, May 10 (closing time per individual).
Welcome to Vroomans Quilts and I hope you take some time to browse around. If you are a new visitor, I am scrap quilter at heart but love to play in other areas of quilting and stitching.
I have a FQ bundle of 'Zoey' in Wisteria by Eleanor Burns for Benartex Fabrics. A bakers dozen - 13 lovely fat quarters in wonderful lilac hues that would certainly make for some fun summer stitching.
You don't need to be a follower, but you are certainly welcome. Simply tell me what your favorite flower is. I have to pick my birth flower - the Lily of the Valley.
I will ship international and will leave comments open until Sunday, May 10th (10pm EST). I will announce the winner the following day. Please be sure I have a way of reaching you - if you are using anything other than a Google account - you will show up as a no-reply commentor, so leave an e-mail. example: shavroo53atyahoodotcom
Sewingly Yours,
1 – 200 of 379 Newer› Newest»Fav flower would have to be Daphne. Love the scent
My favorite flower is Forget Me Not.
Hello from New Zealand. I love gerberas and although they do not have a scent I love the bright colours.
It's a close race between lilacs and lavender, both of which would look lovely sitting on a vase on top of a table topper made from these purpley hues. Greetings from Kyoto and happy giveaway day to you from a happy follower!
Sunflower or tulips
Favorite flower - a yellow rose.
Hi Sharon, my favourite flowers are tulips. They are so bright and cheerful. Thank you for the Giveaway and I am a follower of your lovely blog. Hugs, Susie x
I love bluebells which are just out now. Thanks girl a great giveaway and a great blog of which I am a dedicated follower.
I have always loved african violets....but right now the only plant that survives for me as a cactus...hope it blooms! thanks for the giveaway!
Eileen in Spain
I love tulips. All kinds and colours.
My favorite are hydrangeas. I have several in different colors
Love purple Lilacs!
Ohh, so pretty. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. My favorite flower is a rose :)
Hmmm...current fav flower in my gardens is the purple clematis. The flower is wish I had is purple wisteria. I swear!! A neighbor has one and it's gorgeous.
Any flower on fabric!! Peony, roses, lavender....love them all :)
Oh how pretty. My favorite flower has always been the Rose but I'm also pretty partial to Alstroemeria too.
What a generous giveway, Sharon!! I guess I'd choose violets but all flowers are lovely!
Beautiful fabrics in your sweet giveaway! I love tulips!
My favorite flower is the Iris so you know I'd love that purple fat quarter bundle. Just wish the Iris lasted longer than a week or rebloomed (and yes, I've tried the reblooming varieties without much success.
Just one favorite flower???? Hmmm...guess it would be the rose.
I love lilacs!
Sharon, we share the same flower, so you must be a May baby too! Mine happens to fall on Mother's day this year, and I've noticed quite a few of our May flowers looking like they will bloom shortly in one of our garden beds. They have such a lovely scent, but I love lilacs as well, since they also have such a beautiful scent and purple is one of my favorite colors. Thanks so much for this giveaway opportunity. lv2bquilting2@comcast.net
Yellow roses with pink tips are my favorite, thank you for the giveaway.
Oh that fabric looks so pretty! I love all flowers, but I'd have to say my favorite is the lilac. I just wish it bloomed longer! Thanks for the giveaway! :0)
My favorite flower is a yellow peace rose and my second favorite is the flower on an eggplant bush.
This season my color seems to be orange!!! I check your blog everyday
Lilacs are my favorite! The smell is heavenly and the color is beautiful.
My favorite flower is the daffodil. Thanks for the chance to win! mto2golsen (at) gmail (dot) com
My favorite flower is the Gladiola. I love the way they look. But if we are talking smell, it would be lilacs. I just love there smell. So sweet! Thank you for the give away. Those fabrics are so pretty.
Daffodils always make me smile - the perfect pop of cheer just when I'm desperate for color after a long winter...
That's a beautiful stack of fabric! I like daisies.
That fabric is so delicate and pretty!
My favorite flower is the tulip.
Daisies are my favorite flower, but purple is my favorite color.
Daisies are my favorite flower, but purple is my favorite color.
That fabric is so yummy it would be really fun to play with. My favourite flower is fresia.
What lovely fabric.
Can I have 2 favorite flowers? I can't decide between roses or lilacs. . . . .and hydrangea comes in a close 2nd. . . . but then I love butterfly bushes too (do they qualify as a flower?).
Ok, how about I tell you my favorite bouquet? That would probably be easier! LOL
Have a wonderful day,
crazyquiltpatcher AT yahoo DOT com
Beautiful fabric Sharon! I think my favorite flower is the peony! Can't grow them worth a darn, but I sure love them.
My fav flower is the iris they are in bloom now here at my home and I love all the different colors they come in.
Robin in Washington State
assweetaspeaches hotmail
Would have to be lilacs! they smell so nice! and they match the color of your fabric bundle!
My favorite flower is the peony. I wish they lasted all summer!
I look forward to your blog posts through Feedly. My favourite is lily of the valley. My husband sees to it that it is the first plant added in every home we live in. The growing season is short so I have embroidered some, painted some and appliqued some more so that I can see the little bells all the while basking in the lovely scent of my toileteries. Too much? No, I can never get enough.
I love sunflowers!
I love sunflowers because they are so cheerful. Thank you for a lovely giveaway. x
I'm not sure what my favourite is, but I do like peonies!
I love gladiolas in as many colors as possible.
I love a bright pink tulip!
I am a huge daylily fan. I think there must be over 30 varieties in my gardens now. Thanks!
I love all flowers, but roses are special to me
I LOVE peonies. (Pegandky@gmail.com)
That is so pretty. Love the shades of purple. Would love to make a quilt with that.
That is so pretty. Love the shades of purple. Would love to make a quilt with that.
Pretty fabric! I like tulips.
I love Lilies. The Easter and Tiger are my favs
My favourite flower is the tulip :-)
My favorite flower is lily of the valley too so I pick canterbury bells for second place.
I love sweet peas, the perfume is intoxicating and they will flower for ages if you keep cutting them (gillmartyn@outlook.com)
My favorite flower is the lilac, and my favorite color is purple and that bundle is beautiful! Thanks for the chance to win! jacklynnsteven at netzero dot com
I love lilies but am highly allergic - how's that for ironic. I also like almost any tropical flower.
I'm not sure what my favorite flower is, but I do love purple and yellow pansies.
This beautiful bundle is making me think of Lilacs and I do love the scent of those so I will say that is my favorite flower.
while I love the tulips in spring, cannot wait for the hydrangeas to bloom!
I follow you. I like roses. Just planted some more in my yard.
I have so many favorites, lilacs, hydrangeas, irises, tulips. Please don't make me choose. I do love anything flower that is purple. I love the "Zoey in Wisteria" line.
i like dandelions
Thank you for the awesome giveaway, Sharon. Roses are my favorite.(I am a follower.
Gerbera Daisy
I randomly chose orchids for my wedding nine years ago and I've loved them since.
I'm partial to Love-in-a-mist, but I never see it anywhere so a backup might be wild roses.
My favorite flowers are lilacs, the smell is just wonderful.
I love sunflowers! I was born in Kansas and as a kid I was amazed how they were taller than me! :)
I love tulips
A favorite?!? That would be pansies. No - sunflowers. Or lilacs? I love them all.
My favorite flower is Lavender and Violets come close. I love the fabrics, such soft colors.
I love daffodils! Thanks for the giveaway!!
My favorite flower is yellow roses...but I do love when Lilacs bloom....ohhhh the smell of lilacs are sooo relaxing....
Gotta go with sunflowers. Big, bright, and pretty. :)
I am a follower and my favorite flowers are roses and lilac's and mine are in full bloom right now. Thanks!
My favourite flower are bluebells
My favorite flower is the beautiful lilac although roses come in as a close second. Thank you for the gorgeous fabric give-a-way.
I follow/enjoy your blog on a daily basis. If you have any energy left over, please ship it my way.
My favorite flower is the daffodil since it signifies that spring is here i am already a follower
Lilies are my favorite followed closely by peonies.
My favourites are Peonies :) Thanks for the giveaway, you have a lovely blog! x
My favorite flower is the bleeding heart...not because of the name but the interesting way they grow. I have about a half dozen or more in my small yard!
This fabric would be perfect for my niece who just announced her engagement. I'm planning a wedding quilt and she love purple! Actually, other than the color, not much else has been planned! :)
Oh my goodness, what a luscious bundle -- delightful! I love wild roses and peonies, but lily of the valley comes next -- the fragrance is a delight!
I love all types of flowers, but miniature sunflowers, daffodils, and my birth month flower- the morning glory are my favorites.
My favorite flower is the magnolia. So beautiful and refined. I'm obviously a southerner. LOL. I live in Louisiana and they are blooming right now. Such a stunning sight to see. Thanks for the chance to win this beautiful bundle. It would make a very good quilt for ME. LOL. kristenmariej at Hotmail dot com
My favorite flowers are peonies. Love their look, love their scent. Nothing prettier to me than a big ole peony blossom. Thank you for the chance to win these beautiful fabrics. mdmontalvoatyahoodotcom
Roses. Daddy was from Tyler, the Rose capital of Texas. I have always loved yellow roses.
I love daffodils - they are so bright and cheery. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hydrangea, hope I spelled that right!
Petunias are my favorite. And the purple color are the best. They last till the right after the first frost.. Unlike so many others..
I love pansies - they are a winter flower here in the South!
The Sunflower.
Lilacs, beautiful bundle of fabrics. 24Tangent@gmail.com
My favorite flower is a rose
I love lilacs and I love lavender.
I'm partial to ranunculus.
I love, love this fabric! My flowers are lilacs and irises.
hulseybg at gmail dot com
I love all flowers, right now my lilacs are almost open, so they are my current favorite, and they smell good! Purple also, which I love, and that makes me love the fabric you are giving away.
Freesia because it smells incredible
Our bdays must be close together! My fav is stargazer lilies.
My favorite flower is a wild meadow daisy!
Daylillies are my favorite. I planted some years ago & they still keep coming up. Thanks.
I love johnny jump-ups--so bright and cheery!
my favourite flowers are yellow daisies - they're just so cheerful. :)
I love daisies. Gorgeous fabrics, reminds me I better go enjoy my lilacs which are just opening.
I love the Indian Paint Brush. Its deep red, and looks like an old fashioned quill. It does resemble a paint brush. I can see where it got its name. I follow via BlogLovin. I love the wisteria fabric, its gorgeous. I could put it to good use along side my crochet. Thanks for sharing.
I couldn't tell you what my favorite flower is, I like too many of them - I like Freesia and honeysuckle, and and Orchids and gladiolas. Anything bright and colorful - like this fabric : )
Thank you for this amazing giveaway opportunity.
I love lily of the valley! My favourite, though, will be fresia, but there are so many wonderful flowers out there, it's hard to choose
I love tiger lilies.
My favorite flower is the Gerber Daisy, especially the orange ones.
The word wisteria reminds me of desperate housewives. I love wisteria though. it was all around me in SC when I lived there.
I love pretty much every flower but I had 4 shades of wisteria at my old home, the lovliest being white. I only saw snow once in my life, but this wisteria hung such long bracts, that it looked like it was snowing. Breathtaking! For an Australian spring that was awesome. I follow on Bloglovin. Thanks for a chance to win such a lovely prize.
My favorite is tiny white daffodils that have 2 flowers on a steam they smell so great.
Thanks for the give away.
Tulips and preferably yellow.
roses, thanks for the chance
Grevillia! It's an Australian native flower.
Hello from Oklahoma USA. I love bearded Iris - Purple flowers. crystalbluern at onlineok dot com
I love roses, especially hybrid teas.
Lilacs or roses : )
I love lavender or queens anne lace!
I love yellow roses, and lavender.
I love daffodils!
I love lilacs and they are currently in bloom. A heavenly scent!
That is an absolutely gorgeous set of FQs! My very favourite flowers are peonies.
This time of year, my favorite flowers are pansies because they are so happy looking and bright after a long winter. I'm also eagerly awaiting the lilacs blooming.
Thanks for the great giveaway and the chance to win that lovely bundle of fabrics!
my favorite flowers are hyacinths, so fragrant :)
I love daffodils
Lily of the Valley
I just love bouquets of wildflowers...there's just something about the mix of colors and textures that I really enjoy.
What a generous giveaway - thank you.
My favourite flower has always been the daisy - had them for wedding flowers 45 years ago and still love them.
daisies or forget-me-nots
I love pretty much all flowers, but my current favourites are peonies.
Peonies are my favorites especially the pink ones!
This is an absolutely gorgeous bundle! Thanks tons for the giveaway! I love daisies.
Roses are a favorite!! rosesabeyatyahoodotcom
daffodils! they are so happy!
I love tigerlilies. The colors variation is just beautiful.
My favorite flowers are dendrobium orchids- the blue and purple ones! I also love the colors in that bundle! Thanks for the giveaway! cherisetoweratyahoodotca
My favorite flower is a Tiger Lily. They used to grow by my bedroom window when I was little and I loved them. I transplanted some of them to my home now as a reminder of my childhood days. ♡♡♡
I love the daffodils, the yellow ones with the orange hearts. Thanks for the chance!
Favorite flower is a true blue delphinium. Or any blue flowers, really.
Sunflowers are my all time favorite.
My favourite flower is the tulip.
lin.web.28 at gmail dot com
favorite flower is Hydrangea
What a pretty bundle of fabrics. I like lots of flowers. If I have to pick just one, I'd pick roses. Thanks for the lovely giveaway, Sharon.
oh wow, great giveaway - I'll say Bird of Paradise... I have them growing outside my office on a little veranda - spectacular !
Gorgeous fabrics!!! Would make something sooooo Special for my Daughter!
I love Daisies!
I love pink peonies!
My favourite flower is the daisy. What an awesome fq bundle. Thanks for participating in the SMS giveaway day.
My favorite flower is the open-faced lily. It was in my wedding bouquet.
favorite flower: Lilacs
Oooh, tough decision! I like lilacs, daphne, and daffodils. :)
I do love flowers so it is hard to pick one but I think I would have to choose sunflowers.
Thanks for participating in the blog giveaway.
Regards from Alberta,
Favorite flower is an Oriental Poppy. Sometimes, I can actually get them to survive for several years.
t_ktl at yahoo.com
I love daffodils.
I love daffodils.
Over the years I've learned that I don't have favorites .. I just can't pick! What is wonderful one day may not float my boat the next. Flowers, animals, colors .. no favorites.
My favorite flower is red gerainums they are so pretty in all pots and settings I also like the petunias. Because my Mom so loved them for their long lasting blooms. Thanks for a chance to win some beautiful purples. they are so pretty !!
But I guess the best for me is the cotton blossom as it makes me sing!
Lilacs and roses
Daffodils are my favorite.
My favourite flower is the snowdrop. Thank you for the chance to win such a fabulous bundle the colours are gorgeous.
perry94022 at hotmail dot com
Iris, love the beautiful purple iris.
determineddebby at gmail dot com
I love the smell of lily-of-the-valley. But I love yellow tulips even more :)
I love all flowers but I would have to say the lilac.
dawnieq73 at aol dot com
I love all flowers but I would have to say the lilac.
dawnieq73 at aol dot com
Happy pretty gerber daisies. Thanks for the chance to win. The bundle is lovely. (debbie at wowilikethat dot com)
What a beautiful colour way in the fabric bundle! My favourite flower is the freesia for it's lovely aroma.
Following via email.
Sunflowers for me. I'm crazy for this fabric.
Very pretty lavenders. My favorite flower is roses, especially yellow ones.
I love roses! Thank you for the chance to win!
I love lilacs!
Pink Scissors Design on Etsy
pinkscissorsdesign @gmail .com
I've always loved peonies, in kindergarten I gathered up a bagful of the petals and distributed them to all my classmates. Guess I've always been a bit of an odd duck!
Hi Sharon, of course I'm a follower through GFC. My favorite flower is the carnation. Happy blog hopping.😃 Toni Anne
I like Gerber Daisies. A couple years ago I had some gorgeous deep orange ones. I loved to see the blooms and take photos of them, but it made me sad when the deer made dinner of them!
I'm a follower. My favorite flower is a daisy. But I love columbines, lily of the valley, and peonies all for sentimental reasons. Thanks for the giveaway.
I love gerberas, but I also love forget-me-nots, i'd be hard pushed to choose a favourite.
I love daffodils. So good to see them in the Spring and know that Winter is finally over.
Beautiful fabrics! I love the Iris--especially a deep purple iris. Actually, I love all the spring flowers--they're so welcome after a long cold winter. Thanks for the giveaway!
My favorite is stargazer lilies. Love this fabric! Purple is my favorite color, and the granddaughter the line is named after is Zoey Christine. My granddaughter is Adleigh Christine.
Tulips :)
Tulips and Lily of the Valley for me - also my birth flower as a May baby!
I love peonies and hydrangeas!!!
Oh, lilacs definitely!
As I am also a May baby, I would have to say Lilly of the Valley, though I am also partial to pansies.
I love sweet peas!
My favourite is the Gerbera Daisy. I love the bright colours and the amazing range and they are beautiful!
Wow, look at the pretty bundle! It goes perfectly with my favorite flower - lilacs!
I love daisies. Such a simple flower!!
Thanks for the chance to win!!
I have Lily of the Valley in abundance right below my kitchen window! My fav is hydrangeas, though- I love purple!!!
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