Sunday, April 30, 2017
Bag Ladies of the FQ Club
This month I followed Barbara's lead again and worked on Gertrude. I had every intention of finishing her by the end of the month, but something came up. I used some patriotic fabrics as she just read Memorial Weekend Retreat to me. Her buttons, necklace and some other tidbits need adding with my collection of tiny buttons, bead, etc....
And the back - you can see the binding is waiting for that finish, too. The label is ready and waiting for it's turn. I know we don't need to finish, just show progress - but I had hoped to have these minis done each month so they don't get lost in the shuffle.
Thanks Barbara for introducing me to these fun ladies,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, April 28, 2017
Still Catching Up
Since my SIL is using my large table that I need for that special project, I am using the time to catch up on a few more QAL's. I did the latest block for the NY Diary (button on side bar). The large flag, that I chose to piece the whole block rather than the applique they show. To get the block measurement I just cut my lower strips a bit thinner and used a larger seam - came out perfect and I don't think you can tell the difference.
Then I tackled the next Solstice block. Yeah - two big blocks in one day! But I thought of this as making several smaller blocks and then putting them into a table topper.
I still have today to find something to play with. I cannot shove another 2" square into this barrel and have been putting off tackling it. Today is the day while I wait.
I had cleaned up all the piles on my high quilt rack - yes, I processed that right down into my fabric system. Funny how you clear a spot something always jumps right back on it. But a good place to lay out the long chained twosies for a postage stamp quilt in progress. This is mindless sewing and I will be so ready to tackle that secret project this weekend - the fabric is ready and pattern read several times.
Some of you have asked how Bella is doing. The meds seem to be working (what a struggle to get that little pill down her throat). She stood at the door for the longest time, growling and spitting and weird yowly thing going on. I looked several times to see what was annoying her. Moe was laying on the other side of the door and I thought maybe they were having a spat.
Nope, it was this fellow sitting on the barn directly across the way. At first I thought it was a Turkey Buzzard as they have been on the trees and buildings during this wet spell, trying to dry their wings. No, a young Eagle. He hasn't matured enough to color out - but a young Bald Eagle. Our nesting pair further up the mountain must have been successful with fledglings this year. Glad my furkids know that big birds mean big trouble.
He eventually flew off, but Bella must have tired herself standing like a ballerina for over an hour - off to the guest bed for a nap.
Back to the twosies,
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Scrappy Wednesday
If you have a problem with dealing with scraps, SARAH has been very helpful each week. Today she has some insight to 'JOY' - you want to go read her thoughts and shares.
Wednesday is the day I play with all my little block projects that are attempting to use up my scraps - or least tame them. And look!!!!! I emptied that cone of thread and opened a brand new one - power sew on day.
My problem is - the scraps keep coming in faster than I can use them. All of this has to be processed before the weekend as I have a secret, rush project that will require my full attention and time. I like a clear work area - well, really - I don't want any 'squirrels' in plain sight.
We are into a cold and rainy period - time to power sew the rest of the month away.
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, April 23, 2017
A Good Weekend
Saturday was a rainy, cold and dreay with just the short trip for recycling. I got to power sew all day! First completing the April release of Two-Step. Just 12 blocks - a set with the hour glass units added and the other set with the bricks added - easy.
Next, I made 20 more plaid blocks. Luck has it that my SIL picked up a commission to make a Memory Quilt with the lady's late father's shirts - she doesn't want the scraps, so I have some fresh plaids. I have half the amount needed and this is starting to out-grow the new container I put them in already.
I added 20 more geese to my Temecula quilt in progress - about a 1/3 of the way with this (my count and my size blocks). Geese and HSTs are my favorite units to make.
Then We had a marvelous warm and sunny Sunday! Out for a walk first and then got crackin'!
I pin basted "Arsnic & Old Lace". Yes, that backing is actually a gray (a lovely Jo Morton print). A verigated gray thread for the top and dark gray for the back. And I quilted with no furry interruptions because they were out hunting all day.
DONE!! I took it outside for natural light to show that it really is gray. Yeah, I opted for no outside final border. Not that I slacked, just thought it looked better.
Just a simple cross-hatch quilting which I felt that is all it needed. It's washed/dried and in the shop. Finished size 50" x 60" - nice couch throw.
I have everything picked up, machine oiled/cleaned and new needle. My SIL will need the extra large table for her project all week, so I have my hand work to catch up on.
I put Gertrude aside to get so many things finished. She just needs her 'flesh' and hair stitched. I have this 'loopy' thread from long ago and will sew that down rather than all those french knots - and I didn't want to give her gray hair - enough playing with gray! I have a little patriotic 'runner' that I am going to cover up that bra in the bag with, but will do that with the quilting process.
Fabrics and design are waiting to turn her into a Memorial Day mini. Her buttons and other embellishments will be added after quilting. She's my week's project - oyi - April almost gone!
Check out Judy L's Patchwork Times
Beth's Monday Making
Friday, April 21, 2017
Whoop, Whoop Friday 4/21/17

I will be joining SARAH and the gang in celebrating some finishes. It doesn't have to be a finish, just something you are happy to have accomplished on your to-do list - and we all have a long one of those.
This was one of my Let's Book It projects over a year ago and it sat waiting for the final borders. Those got done finally and I sent it out for long arming. Then it took a while to stitch that binding - I don't make a lot of big quilts.
This pattern is from the book "Beyond Neutrals" and was an attempt to use up that abundance of browns. A lot of skinny strips put into a 3-bar braid for lovely look. I had Barb do a tight meander because of those skinnies and I love the affect.
And I finished off the confetti baby quilt. Organic line quilting just gives texture and comfy.
I joined three 1/2 yard pieces of 'Good Neighboors' for the back - that is now used up. And a scrappy border of some of the solids that were left from the front. This is in the washer right now and then a pop into the dryer.
Today is to be another rainy day, so I plan to catch up on all those block releases for my QALs and dream of sunshine and warm weather.
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, April 18, 2017
Scrap Wednesday
Funny how those scraps and bits and wedges just never seem to go down in the pile - in fact, I think they multiply! But I have been enjoying SARAH'S tips, techniques, patterns, and ideas so far this year. Even this old dog has learned a new trick here and there.
I have found there is a need to tame some of my shoe box totes that I just cannot close the covers on. The grays jumped at me (I actually knocked it on the floor too many times) and using many in the Winter Solstice QAL, but that isn't enough.
So I paired them with a 'found' gifted mini charm pack and started to make boxed blocks - easy and no stress. The fun thing with these blocks is you can change them up for so many looks. Larger center square with skinny boxes, 4-patches in the center, even make them rectangle instead of square by making the top/bottom strip wider or start with the center as a skinny rectangle and box it. Just play!!
Half the quilt is assembled and I will work on the other half today and marry the two. I have a large piece of gray on the shelf that is going for the final border. Yes, I said a border. I'm thinking of naming this one 'Arsnic and Old Lace ' as that is all I can think of while sewing all these grays.
Monday, April 17, 2017
Monday Making 4/17/17

I will be joining Beth and others with some Monday Making. After a long over due and most wonderful time away, I am ready to get back to my machine. I have some catching up to do!
First I caught up with the newest Solstice block. This went easy as I had a lot of 'cut-offs' from other blocks and I just used them up - easy-peasy, but a big block for me (shudder)!
I had to calm myself - lets work tiny please, The next block for the PatchWork Sampler. These don't take a lot of fabric and work up quickly.
Since I need a huge number of tiny blocks for certain projects - I need to up the ante. I was working 10 a week, but I am going for 20 a week with them or they will never get done. This cleared out the last of my 'dark' plaids so I really have to hit the thrift store again - maybe with the warmer weather of late some 'closet' clearing happened and there might be something of interest.
Here are 40 (20 lite and 20 dark) geese ready to chain thru with a breeze. I love making geese!
All those pieces needed for 20 'H' blocks - lovin' these!!!!
And lastly, prepping pieces for the 'Puss in the Corner' blocks.
20 blocks of each might sound like a lot to some of you, but these are tiny pieces and just fly thru the machine in no time. My worry is keeping those fingers clear - this is how I put 3 stitches thru my finger before I realized it! But I am power sewing the day away!!
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, April 16, 2017
Hands2Help Check In/Link Up

SARAH does such a fabulous job with this event. Regular check ins on progress, assistance with needs, and setting up guest bloggers along the way. You want to visit today as Carol has a great way to make a quick quilt using an orphan block.
I hate to say, I NEVER took completed photos of my two quilts and they have already been gifted on. I opted to donate locally this year as we have a huge need in our communities and our Quilt Guild does such a fabulous job with this project. I delivered 48 quilts to our Community Services Office from the guild.
The other quilt I made was with a cute and colorful kitty print and some matching solids and mini prints using this easy pattern. The skinny sashings I used a Kona white, but I did change the outer to a full border of white at 2.5". Absolute NO photos of this even in progress let alone the finish. Guess I was in a hurry.
Hope everyone enjoyed a Blessed Easter,
Sewingly Yours,
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Whoop Whoop Friday 4/14/17
I had wanted to move this project along with getting the sashings completed. Well, I went further and put the semi-flimsie together. I am working this differently from the original pattern. The large setting corners will have applique in them, so they are not attached as they are not finished yet. The I am adding two borders - this one will take a little longer to grow, but I love what I am seeing already.
This has been in my folder for a long time and I almost deleted it. The newest mini with Wendy Shephard's Bleecker Street QAL. I have too many large projects going, so I am using this lovely free pattern and Wendy's monthly QAL tips to make some cute minis.
No Feline Friday pics as the furkids have been in-out-in-out-napping who knows where. Bella is feeling so much better with the meds and our improving weather - we were starting to forget what the Sun looked like!
I will take the day to catch up on blocks and then the weekend I will be away for some family time - Happy Easter.
Sewingly Yours,
Wednesday, April 12, 2017
Playing with Flowers
I wish it were real flowers, but those are in the distant in our neck of the woods. Today is the day that so many blocks for QALs are released, but I want to move my Grandmother's Flower Basket project further along.
All the HSTs are made for the many sashing units and I want get them assembled and hopefully on for a semi flimsy. These little units are just too tempting for one particular furkid - before they are scattered to the winds - they will be sewn!
That's all on my agenda as my son is coming down to have help with his tax forms.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, April 10, 2017
Monday Making 4/10/17

I will be joining BETH and friends today with some simple play that will hopefully clean up a few scraps and found items.
This is my overflowing mess of gray scraps after digging for pieces for my RSC17 piggie blocks.
I've been doing some purging and reorganizing and came across this lone pack of mini charms. I used the Modern Background in lite tones for my Leap Year Quilt - these are the 'Ink' collection.
Simple boxed squares to marry these two should do the trick and we shall see what interesting finish comes from the day's play.
All the pieces have been cut and paired with their little mini charm. Now the rest of the scrappy grays are folded neatly into that plastic shoe box - and I can close the lid!
Take time to play today,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, April 7, 2017
Whooping Friday 4/7/17
I'm a little late to the pary with SARAH. but the day got away from me with errands, sick cat, and waiting on a delivery. I did get my RSC17 piggies done. Working odd grays because I need to tame those grays.
The 'Temecula Quilt CO' geese units got made along with the plaid patches. I've been keeping these little blocks together in a container, but soon I will have to put them into their own totes as they are growing in counts - but only about half way there.
Gurtrude is 'dressed', but she may wait a while for finishing because there are some higher priorities on the board.
The newest Solstice block went together pretty easy and I just used some of the left over scraps from others. I am ready to wrap this one up. I started to put 'sections' together with Pat's diagram, but I am suddenly missing my black/grey patchwork pieces. And as I go thru areas of shelving and storage I find I am missing other items. I think I have someone 'grazing' my stash again.
My delivery - WHOOP!! The long arm arrived this afternoon after several re-routings due to all the tremondous storm areas. My brother and SIL helped me set up the frame, but it is missing a part. I contacted the person I bought it off of and she is hunting, but thinks she used it without (she bought is used herself). So either a new one will have to be ordered or my bro can make one.
And my sick kittie - Bella. She went back today for further tests and x-rays. They had to sedate her, so she was there all day for monitoring. My furkid has allergies which are worsening and now diagnosed with asthma. Daily medications are on order - that should be fun as she is horrible to give pills to. Hopefully this will help or my poor furry will use up her 9th life in her 9th year.
We are still on flood alert thru the weekend, but it is suppose to warm up and dry out over the next week - we all hope!!
Sewingly Yours,
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