Tuesday, February 28, 2017
A New Month
I take the worse pictures in the world! I have decided this year is not going to be about goal setting, but to enjoy. I have enjoyed the first two months of this year. Minis make me happy, block making makes me happy. I enjoy working with those small pieces. This was my quilt guild's challenge "hearts desire" and my heart's desire is to some day own a small cabin in the woods. I love whimsy and tiny buttons, too.
And Charlotte - I so enjoy these odd ladies. Each has their own character that is so fun to play with. I plan to make each into it's own mini - each to be enjoyed on it's own rather that as a whole quilt.
And I did get the camp quilt finished. Fun bits of camping print scraps turned into stars with left overs from the brown bear quilt. I did purchase the 'RealTree' hunting print for the outer border, but it added to this quilt.
I used a meander with some wonderful 'Autumn' varigated thread (gifted, and thank you) and the back is double polar fleece which means I didn't use a batting. A lot of people struggle making men's quilts, but I enjoy them.
Although no goals, I do have a huge list of things I play with thru the month:
Two Step QAL, Temecula Quilt Co (geese), Bleeker Street QAL (making minis with sections), RSC17 (fun piggies), Solstice, 2 Hexie projects, Quilt Doodle (30' Dresdens - yet to start), Patch Work QAL, Yankee Diary, and the Bag Ladies.
I don't beat myself up if I don't get to one or the other as things will get caught up as I see fit. And I am trying to quilt one of my own (in that bottomless tote) UFOs and sending one of the large ones out to my long armer - they might get done this way. My long armer just finished up one of the biggies and I hope to get the binding on so I can use the weekend to hand stitch the binding.
And Miss Spite decided to show Moe who was boss and took over the high ground.
March should be a mix bag of weather and quilting - time to enjoy,
Sewingly Yours,
February's Lady of Choice
We can work on any of the ladies we would like, but I follow BARBARA'S lead so if there are any questions along the way, someone is sure to have an answer.
Although there is a suggested color chart and lovely stitch chart with each of these, I find I pull all my floss boxes (and I have lots) and pick my own colors. I even go with the flow with the stitches - what works, what is whim, what makes this girl sparkle.
Since Charlotte was a 'colorful' gal, I kept her mini finish simple. A couple of straight borders in fabrics that complimented her color,and hanging tabs that I think add to her free-care look.
The button for the Bag Lady Club is on the sidebar if you would like to learn more about this year long project. And today is the link up over at Barbara's so you can see how others did up their Charlotte.
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, February 26, 2017
Monday Making 2/27/17

I will be joining Beth with some creative options for the day.
I have the next block for Barbara Brackman's QAL - that star was a booger, but I am not fretting about the center any more as it will get covered with another smaller star. I have to search for the right fabrics to use for the flag portion and then get this one wrapped up.
The tote and parts are a project I start a long time ago and haven't touch in over a year. It is down to all the applique blocks and since I have finished up one hand project, time to prep one of these and get back to it.
The Sophia quilt is a flimsy and hopefully the furkids will take a long nap upstairs so I can lay this out to baste. There is something about a white quilt that attracts them - and I hate trying to get cat hair/dander/dirt off a white quilt!
Find time to create today,
Sewingly Yours,
Slow Sunday Stitching 2/26/17

The last Sunday of February already! We had a horrific day of weather yesterday. Within half an hour it dropped 35 degrees and it went from sunny/warm to extreem winds with tornado watches, the most terrible lightening and thunder (furkids and I shivered on the couch together), and then hail/sleet/snow. A neighboring town had a very iconic church's steeple hit by lightening and several fire companies came in to assist in that horrible weather.
It is still very cold and windy today, so a good day to relax with some hand stitching. I thought I had only one more flower block to go, but wrong. These don't take long to stitch, so I hope to get both finished up so the piecing can begin in March. This pattern is called 'Grandmother's Flowerpots' and designed by Marianne Fons - Fons & Porter's 'Love of Quilting' March/April 2006 issue.
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, February 24, 2017
Feline Friday 2/24/17
This seems to be the dumping ground lately. My very tall quilt stand that usually has a few throws on it for the feline master of the house to use this as his 'high ground' napping spot. But other things do get dumped there before getting put away. And Moe doesn't seem to mind - he'll lay on it and keep it safe until it moves on.
I did dump this on the cutting mat though - a found baggy of rough scraps of Sofia with a few solids. Our weather has gotten very warm and the sun is shining - yes, the sun is shining!! So I will see what I can get from this sweet pile, but more importantly I am going to get myself outside to enjoy the sunshine as I can - I know it will be short lived.
Sewingly Yours,
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Play Date
Remember I had that table full of scraps, well there was a large amount of 2.5" strips in blues, greens, and purples. Rather than pack them away, I played with an easy block to use them up.
I am usually pretty good at gestimating what block will get the most out of that pile of scraps. I had figured I would get 100 of these. Close - 95 - not bad for a day of play.
There was this little baggy with strips and pieces that looked interesting and I will play with these today. A lot of an old Marcus 'Collection for a Cause' line - Comfort. But they are all pre-cut 2" strips - maybe left from a kit?? The red/white/blue will be tucked away for a project as our guild will be participating in a Wounded Warriors quilt gifting later this year. The smaller bits look to be cut-offs from a project and I will probably chopped them down into my barrel system.
Wednesday is Temecula's 'GEESE' day, so I hope to add another 20 of these. And I would like to add another 10 or 20 more of my plaid blocks to the pile.
The next Solistic block will be out, but my 'main' play date if going to be with my Grands today. I am spending the afternoon (babysitting) and have some crafty stuff to take along for some play time with them.
Enjoy Your Day,
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, February 19, 2017
Monday Making 2/20/17

I've missed my sewing machine because I have been busy doing handwork. Today I will be joining Beth for some 'making' time - I really need it!
I don't have permission to show this commission piece, but I can give a little peek. Those elephants are about an inch tall. Yes, I work tiny cross stitch along with my tiny quilting. This will be blocked out today so it is ready for pick up.

My making will be to get to Part One of the Bleeker Street QAL with Wendy. I don't plan on doing the big quilt, but making different sections into minis, table runners, and/or pillows.
The white has a swirl in it - left over from one of last year's projects and needs using up. And a tote with some left over layer cakes, FQs and pieces. They need to find a purpose and I think this project will fit the bill. Now to go wind some bobbins.
To our quilty friends on the West Coast - hope all are safe,
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, February 17, 2017
I had to surface for a day. I knew it was time to take a break from the cross stitch when I was putting in three stitches and then removing two stitches. Plus, I didn't want to fall too far behind on some QAL blocks put up this week.
The newest Solstice block was a big one and I don't like to do big. I changed up the block to fit more my style - it is my quilt. 4.5" units!! Heck, I make 4.5" blocks - this gave me shivers. Something might get added to that center because that is just too big an empty space for me.
I had just a little left to finish on the February Bag Lady - Charlotte, so I finished up her stitches. Her jacket buttons, purse snap, and some other embellishments will get added once she goes into her mini. She's one colorful gal for sure.
The next blocks for the PatchWork QAL with Fat Quarter Shop. I kept wanting to turn those outer units (another kind of block), so I even had a day of stitch removal with my sewing. Geesh! This is the Patrick Loose line Catherine Ann that I won from Wendy Shepard some time ago. AND her first installment of the "Spring on Bleecker Street" QAL is up. I hope to get to this after my cross stitch is done.
Yes, Moe - how this small tote for my Solstice fabrics was comfortable for him is beyond me, but I had the worst time convincing him to move over to the couch so I could pick up. I needed the table for something else. Move Moe!!
While it took some prodding with Moe - I decided to finish up this hexie basket block - only one flower needed stitching down. I have just one more block to do now. My goal was to try and get these blocks done this month and then the piecing units can be worked on next month.
This is why I needed Moe to move. He did some snooping, but was too tired to get involved and went off to nap upstairs. A huge donation of scraps and more is coming. So I am processing a bag at a time with my 'quick' method and then when I am ready to get down and dirty with them, it will go faster. I don't like to store fabrics in plastic bags, so I have the quick sort method for them to be put into a larger tub for later sort/usage.
I did set aside some pieces for my Temecula Quilt Co Geese units and for that plaid block project - maybe they may find their way under the needle later this month.
I am loving the photos that I am seeing on some blogs of daffs, tulips, flowering trees - signs of spring! I know it will take it's time coming to us, but you help me know it is coming.
Sewingly Yours,
Monday, February 13, 2017
Happy Valentine's Day
There is no sewing going on at this time as I work a commission piece in cross stitch. A lovely old prayer into a sampler for a baby shower gift - her first great grandchild:
Father, we thank thee for the night,
and for the pleasant morning light;
for rest and food and loving care,
and all that makes the day so fair.
Help us to do the things we should,
to be to others kind and good;
in all we do, in work or play,
to grow more loving every day.
children's bedtime prayer - Rebecca Weston - 1890
Sewingly Yours
Friday, February 10, 2017
Snow Moon
With the wonderful ice storm and then the snow Storm Niko - we haven't seen the last of this phenom yet. After all, a full moon (February's full moon is called the Snow Moon), lunar eclipse, and a comet all at once has to be an indicator. It is snowing again and will be for the next 3 days - good thing I had no plans other than staying to home!
I got a little more block play in before I have to shut down the machine and concentrate on a commission (cross stitch). Aqua is not a color found too easily in my scrap bins, but I found enough to complete my 4 piggy quota for the month for my RSC17 blocks.
Again, very little aqua to feed into these blocks. BUT its is about trying to use up scraps and I had added a lot of small green scraps into my barrel system from all of January's green projects. These blocks can be made with any 'math' - but in case you are wondering I used 1.5" squares for my 4-patches and 3'5" squares (cut once on the diagonal) for the corners. AND that size because those barrels are stuffed!
Then I realized I forgot to photo the blocks I was making with Moe's help the other day. Puss in the Corner (purrfect for sewing with the furkid) with those bits. I don't purposely cut 1.5" squares, I just hate to throw out and they can be worked into a cute block.
You all stay safe, stay warm, and keep on stitching,
Sewingly Yours,
Thursday, February 9, 2017
That's some word! But, meterologist on most weather stations are calling our latest snow storm - Niko - just that. What is it?
If the pressure drops 24 millibars (mb) in 24 hours, Niko will officially undergo "bombogensis."
Bombogenesis results when there is a large temperature gradient, usually between a cold continental air mass and warm sea-surface temperatures. It can also be the product of a cold polar air mass and much warmer air from the south, say, over the Plains states.
Over that temperature contrast, a powerful, intensifying jet stream disturbance triggers air to rise and begins the process. This happens most often from October through March, but is possible any time of year.
We could see 1-2" per hour over the next 12 hour period (this after a bad ice storm). If you don't hear from me, we got buried.
What do we do? Well, with some help I played with my over stuffed 1.5" square barrel and some w/o/w scraps for some block play.
Inbetween running so many pieces thru the machine, I took time to get some stitching done on 'Charlotte' - the next Bag Lady in the series. She does like color and I need color remember.
Twenty more geese for the Temecula Quilt Co. quilt along project.
The next block for the Solstice quilt along. This fits our current weather pattern. No applique' for my quilt - fussy cutting.
Up close - not sure you can make it out - stand back from the screen. It's a screen print of 'ghosty' trees in the storm. The yellow is not that bright - just bumped the photo so you could see the trees.
Then my helper cleared the table so we could work the patchwork for the Solstice quilt. Since Pat gave the final layout and the size of these, I thought I might as well put them together. Yup, that gray fabric was used in both Bear quilts - hope to use this up.
I will do a little more block play while it snows (as long as the power stays) and stitch some more on Charlotte. Then it all get's picked up for the weekend and however long it takes - a new commission piece has priority and I am ready to roll on it.
Stay safe,
Sewingly Yours,
Sunday, February 5, 2017
Monday Making 2/6/17

After successfully cleaning my computer and installing a wireless keyboard and mouse - I am ready to do some stitching. I will join BETH today and enjoy some Monday Making.
I bought this pattern - Button Boats - when it first came out and finally got all the necessary essentials to make this. Some scraps pulled and the fabrics are prepped. Today I will make my template from the pattern (read all the directions several times) and I am ready for something a little different.
Hope you get to enjoy your Monday Making (it's snowing again, good stitching weather),
Sewingly Yours,
Friday, February 3, 2017
A Bit of Color Amongst the Gray
I needed to add a little color into my gray days. This little pattern can be found on Regina Grewe's site. I actually put my tree to the other side of the house - no trees leaning over my house please. This is for a challenge with my Quilt Guild - My Hearts Desire - to be interpretted as you see fit. My Heart's Desire is to own my own little cabin in the woods. The binding will get stitched down and then I have some embellishing to do and then add the hanging tabs.
I have put off the Solstice blocks so I can pull that tote and make a few at a time. This is Sidewalk, but I like it set this way and makes me think of staring out a window in winter, pining for my spring flowers.
I am having a lot of computer issues - which actually are being caused by a short in my mouse's wiring. Bare with me while I have a talking to with this blasted thing............
The newest block. I know I have some directional fabrics that I am using and some of you are gasping right now, but I'm not. My Solstice days are a bit up down, sideways, and this/that - so my Solstice blocks are not only reflecting our cold,gray, hopes of sun, but also my moods.
A little color mixed in the gray - another hexie basket got finished and I have one prepped for Sunday.
I got in some retail therapy yesterday while I was out and about with errands and grocery shopping. The leafy (upside down - gosh) trees is for a border on my Black Bear quilt and the Real Tree (sporting goods company) is for a border on my camping quilt. I know - greens!! I am trying to use them up and bought more.
I will be pulling my computer out and apart for cleaning and replacing the keyboard and mouse components this weekend. So if you don't hear from me - I may have killed it (I did do a backup disk in case).
Sewingly YOurs,
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