
Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bingo is Around the Corner

Bingo players have you got your cards out? Are you getting excited? Remember you will need to visit each of us each day - Monday thru Friday (first week will be starting on a Tuesday, May 1st) - no calling on the weekend. As soon as I can figure out how to add a page - that is where I will post my Bingo calls each day.

So get those buttons ready - remember, that is how we are marking our cards. Visit us:
Tonya at Hillbilly Handiworks
Marcia at Crafty Sewing
Snoodles at LilyPad Quilting
Sharon (me)at VroomansQuilts


And have you pulled some ME projects? I just had to get this bag pattern by Pam Buda of Heartspun Quilts and my fabric is already picked out. Being in a historic Revolutionary area and a direct descendant of the founding fathers - this bag has a lot of meaning to me.

I will be sharing some non-quilty ME fun thru the month of May and if you check my very messy 'new' crafting area photo - that one shelf unit has two shelves dedicated to give aways. YES, we are celebrating my birthday all month! So check back Tuesday for the first set of Bingo Words and the week's giveaway.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. how exciting that the bingo is about to start,lovely bag pattern Sharon.xx

  2. That's legs eleven.. ooppss I mean cat on black! Good luck! :)

  3. Yay, one more day until May for Me! I'm excited! I will be pulling together my May Projects today. I cheated a bit yesterday and started pulling stuff together already (wink*)

  4. I'm pulling some things together, too. Some new, some that have been shoved aside for a while. Love your bag pattern - are you doing some homespun or small plaids? Look forward to seeing that come along.

  5. Love the bag you are going to make during Me time!
    Yes I am ready for May for Me too!
    If you are still having trouble with the page -- email me I will help you.
    I'll check my email again at noon.
    Enjoy your day!

  6. I think Stephen and I will learn how to sew his first button on in a bit. On the free space. I am excited to do that! I have some list of have to get dones but I am making it ME appropriate too. I can't wait to share.

  7. This is going to be fun.
    Apparently we sew buttons on the Bingo squares when they are called.
    Lovely bag.

  8. Happy Birthday Sharon! My bday is tomorrow - the first day of Bingo calls! (I DO feel special!)

  9. I'm not playing this time, too may deadlines looming, but I'll be watching from the side lines. And I too bought not one but 2 bag patterns and fabric to make a couple of lovlies for me.

    May is a busy month for birthdays. My hubby's, my brother's, my mom's my boss's, a good friend's plus Mother's Day. My bank account will definitely be lower by the time the month is over.
