
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

My card is ready - I'm playig along for fun, you 'peeps' get the prizes. Now you can mark your card any way you like, we just suggested sewing buttons on your squares as a way of finishing off your mini quilt. And of course you all get to mark you center square - that's a free spot.


I - PIN(S)

Be sure you visit Tonya, Marcia and Snoodles for their call words. And Marcia has set up a tab where she will list Bingo Winners so you can check. Tonya has the rules and prize list for the various types of 'bingo' - you really should check that out, because even though you don't get up, down, across, there are other 'bingos'. If you should get a BINGO - **please let Tonya know** (comment on her blog or e-mail her) as she has the master list and linked cards to double check.


I will be sharing my sewing space today with my SIL, so I plan on playing with my string blocks. Luckily my old phone book was 6.5" wide so I made 6" squares (to trim the glue edge). I Used a 2.5" string down corner to corner and then 1.5" and smaller strings on either side - and my orphan triangles on the corners. Then slice that center strip corner to corner to have two triangles. I then cut my lovely black Kona into 6" squares, cut corner to corner and then sewed to strings for lovely HSTs. Pressed and trimmed to 5.5" square.


I am giving away 2 double pks of charms - Love Letters and Farmer's Market. You must be a follower and make sure I have a way of contacting you. I will ship international. Just leave me a comment on at least one plan you have for May For Me. Marcia is dancing - you have to see the 'Wiggle' video if you don't know the wiggle dance. Comments open until Saturday, May 5th until 8pm (EST) and winner announced at 9pm.

And it would be nice to go give Teri at QuiltnCards a birthday wish today - Happy Birthday Teri!


Tomorrow I will be sharing Crockpot Cherry Cola Chocolate Cake!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. hi Sharon i have planned to finish all my swap projects this month before i go away,and i also plan to keep warm it is freezing here.I am also a happy follower.xx

  2. Oh my that recipe sounds delicious! Marcia is sharing cherry cola jello sometime too. It is going to be a fun delicious month. And I said No chocolate for me this month...maybe I need to just do limited chocolate because I really want to try your recipe.

    I have a ME moment planned for today...trying to do one a day!

  3. hello, hello.... may is here at last... I will be making sure I go and visit a couple of friends I haven't seen for some time..

  4. Coca Cola Cake is our favorite here Sharon so if your recipe is anything like it everyone in my family is going to want this recipe! Tomorrow my husband and I leave for a long awaited trip...I guess you could call it our May For Me time. :). I'll be away until May 20 and may not have Internet - can you say withdrawal pains! I'll catch up when I return. Blessings, Marlene

  5. Oh, Stephen has an O turtle...he'll be so excited that he gets to sew another button on!

  6. I plan to use some May for Me time to work on a table runner for my living room coffee table.

  7. Is it May already? Where has the time gone? One of my goals for 2012 was learn to applique. May is sounding like the perfect month to start the process. Happy quilting.

  8. Today is a big May for Me day. After I put my pre-schooler on the bus I will be working on machine quilting my big Pineapple Blossom quilt for 3.5 hours!!! Whohoo! And of course I know almost all of the Wiggle songs and dances. I have a four-year-old. Wiggles are his favorite. Happy May!

  9. Wow! May already?!!! CRAZY!!! ... I want to read at least 4 books for my pleasure, finish at least two quilts, and catch up & finish my uni unit well.

  10. Good morning Sharon! And Happy May Day! The Bingo fun begins!!!!!
    I plan to finish a chair re-do for my desk. Can't wait to see it finished. I also intend to make myself a kindle cover, and maybe a purse. :)

  11. Happy Birthday month. After seeing all of the fabulous mini quilts on the Blog Hop, I broke down and bought myself a mini frame. My May for Me project will be to make a mini quilt for my frame.

  12. I'm planning to enjoy some time reading today. Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. During May For Me, I plan to finish my Sleeping Cats quilt top-- I've been putting that on the backburner for way too long! :-) Also, I plan to make some curtains and get my sewing room set up! :-)

  14. Good morning Sharon!
    Happy May for Me to you!
    Can't wait for your recipe too! I am will be sharing my Mom's Cherry coke Jello recipe -- great minds think alike!
    Glad you found Me time!

  15. I want to finish my granny squares.

  16. May for Me is going to Colorado for granddaughter's graduation and I will also be able to spend mother's day with my son - it has been awhile. Thanks Sharon for wonderful opportunity. Judy C

  17. One plan I have for May for Me is to start my plan for consistent exercise at least 4 times a week. I also hope to make some progress on a block of the month quilt that I purchased in 2003. With two new granddaughters I hope to spend as much time with them as possible.

  18. I plan to spend lots of time sewing buttons onto my BINGO card - LOL!!!! Thanks for the fun, inspiration and giveaways, too!

  19. What a great idea....HSTs with the strings and black. Love it!
    I'm hoping to work on a runner today....thanks for the chance to win some charms - always fun cos they are so versatile!

  20. May for Me will hopefully bring more time spent enjoying my garden,

  21. This May I am going to celebrate me on my birthday. Best Me day ever!! :)

  22. This month I plan to finish up a couple of old projects and I started an I Spy Quilt for the cuties I babysit on Fridays. I may do some other things if I progress quickly on the other planned items. We shall see :)

  23. I have a block of the month and a bee block that are hanging over my head before I get to do anything for me...

  24. I want to finish up a quilt made in Parisville that is all for me.

  25. I plan to sew some dresses to earn some money to be able to go on a shop hop in September.

  26. I am a new follower. I am also playing BINGO but letters here. Off to the next blog.

  27. May for me.....spend the whole day catching up on programs I've recorded:-)
    Thanks for the chance to win this giveaway. Have a GREAT DAY!

  28. What a loveley give away. I see a summer quilt with small baskets and white backgrpund fabric, I think that sounds like a great idea to make with those lovey charms! Thank you for organizing this give away

  29. I'm making an i spy quilt in May, among other things, lol. I'm a follower

  30. Well it is the first day of May and I took the day off work to try and get rested. I have been feeling very tired and depressed so I'm hoping to conquer that in the next few days...

  31. I am working on a quilt for my daughters best friend, we call her daughter #2, it is her birthday at the beginning of June. I am making diamond blocks with brights and black kona

  32. That sounds very interesting - crockpot cherry cola chocolate cake! For a bit of May for Me, I'm going to a "Ladies Day" at my boys' football club. Shall be interesting.

  33. We started off May for ME with a shopping trip to a city where there is a Mall. After an several hours we were ready to go home! Still, my mother now has a great looking outfit. You know we were tired when we decided to skip going to JoAnn's! "Going to town" is a big deal for someone from a rural area as the travel takes so much time.

  34. I plan to sew on my Rainy Days and Mondays diamonds. :) I can't believe it's May already!

  35. I'm your Scottish Follower. My chief May for Me time will be taken up making little table topper quilts. I'm going to try lots of different techniques in minature. Something I have wanted to do for ages.

  36. My main May for Me goal is to spend some time reading for pleasure...not for work.

  37. Wonderful giveaway....thank you!
    I plan to just try to relax as the school year ends and I get to spend more time at home with my kids.

  38. For May for Me, I'll definitely take some time out to re-read some of my favorite books because the next book of the series is coming out this month and I need to be "refreshed" as to what happens!

  39. Oh Lordy! I'm planning to close on the house and start moving! LOL. I do want to finish a mug rug before the move; so, maybe I'll find time to do that. :-)

  40. My May for Me hopefully will be to get my new veggie bins built and planted. I haven't had a garden in a couple of years and I really miss it. Nothing beat tomotoes fresh off the vine.

  41. I'm having a garage sale in May, celebrating my hubby's 33rd birthday and watching my girls in their ballet recital!

  42. my may is mostly getting to know my newborn daughter.

    We also have a road trip planned to go to lewisville ky for memorial day weekend

  43. Sharon I love the string blocks you're working on. I am trying my had at a couple of mini quiltlets...all just for me!
    Looking forward to your recipe!

    thanks for all the work you've put into this fun time...

  44. In May we will be preparing to move. I will be planning a new sewing space and making dreams into realities. ;)

  45. I am planning on spending some time off the computer just relaxing and reading a book! No button for me today.

  46. I am planning on spending some time off the computer just relaxing and reading a book! No button for me today.

  47. Hello Sharon! What a great giveaway! Thanks for offering them! I'm planning on making myself a bag that I keep putting off for other projects. Now is the time for me! :)

  48. That cake recipe sounds intriguing.

    As for May, I am planning to finish my Sunshine top (well if the weather won't co-operate, I'll have to create my own) and then get my frame out and quilt some more tops. Binding may be in my future too!

  49. I plan to make a clutch for myself for May For Me...Thanks for the lovely giveaway!!

  50. May for me. What a wonderful idea. I just had some oral surgery. I'm trying to listen to my body and recover. Naps and reading are on the agenda for today. A treat will be to take my dog for a walk in the awesome sunshine. Have a great day!

  51. I am currently making journal covers and zip bags. I am going to try paper piecing a flower block this month.

  52. Love the bingo game! thanks for hosting and I'd love to win! I do follow.

  53. May for me and my grandkids! Heading home for the summer to be near them...2 girls and one little Grandma time for me! Nice giveaway!

  54. I want to catch up on the Farmer's Wife blocks this month. I just joined the club and have 30 blocks to try and make this month. Thanks for the giveaway.

  55. My May for Me goal is to work on some quilt designs of my own; without a thought of who will get the quilt, when I get it done. Just fun sewing in a random way.

  56. I have got to piece my Dad's Star Trek quilt! So I can finish it for his birthday!

  57. Maybe finish the blocks for the GardenSteps QAL. I'm far behind now..

  58. I am going to attend two workshops and finish two quilts for my guild's next show.
