
Saturday, April 28, 2012

April NewFO

Another fun month with a lot of small projects. I am enjoying the freedom of just being able to play and create. I attended a class on the Rapid Fire Hunter Star, completed this month's Schnibble, made 2 mini projects with Sew Lux Charm Challenge, participated in the Table Topper Blog Hop, made a doll quilt for the HST Challenge, started and still trying to get re-organized in my new space, finished and mailed out my May Doll Swap (has to travel to Germany), sharing my space with my SIL (fun to create along side someone else), lots of string blocks, and have been enjoying the 30 days of paper piecing-Garden Party. PLUS, getting things ready for May For Me.

I did get the FMQ April Challenge done. Didn't photo any process as did it during a day sharing space with my SIL. I had no tulle, no hoop. no marker - so I used some solvy - clothes pinned to pattern, trace, solvy to sandwich, and used a machine that has no darning foot. I took off the foot, put a 3x5 card over the feed dogs, and stitched. You can see the tension is slightly off and I had a heck of a time following the lines, but it was doable. I found it a lot of steps - even though not using the exact method. I think a stencil and pounce is more practical. AND using my new,better machine for the purpose!


Lots of new things lining up for May and beyond:
SummerTime Adventures
100 Blocks Hop
Sliced Apples
Blogger Quilt Festival
12" Mini Club
July Blog Hop


Received this great book from Moose on the Porch for the FQ Star QAL (my SIL has picked out a pattern for her next project). Lovely charm pack - Cabbages & Roses. Think I will pair these with some shot cotton solids and do a disappearing 4-patch. Thank you Konda for such a fun project as well as the lovelies.

And Katie Q of Katie's Saltmarsh Path sent me some lovely 2" squares in one of her give aways. I can't show them as they are already sewn into my postage stamp quilt that is in progress. Thank you KQ!

And quilters are just great. Karen of KocanQUilt won one of my give aways. She saw that I collected Mary Englebreit and sent me this fabulous piece. Thank you sweetie!

**linking up with
Cat Patches - NewFO
Patchwork TImes - on the wall
SewCalGal - FMQ Challenge


May is coming!!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. You have some great treasures...I didn't know you collected ME stuff. NOW...I know...look out =)


  2. lovely post Sharon and how nice to spend time with your SIL.xx

  3. Flickr shows me how busy you have really been. So productive as usually. I'm having the best time looking at your Garden Party Blocks.....terrific job.

  4. Nice to spend time with family especially if they! :)

  5. You definitely had a wonderful month! Thanks for sharing all the goodies and your creativity!

  6. I always love to see all the bounty that you are able to create every month.

  7. Some nice projects you've got going/finished! And some sweet treasures you won, too! :)

  8. It would be so much fun to be able to sit beside my sister and sew. She retires in a year, and then we plan on having a blast!
    You've certainly been productive!

  9. I do believe you have had a very fun month indeed!
    Looooooooooove Mary Engelbreit. I miss that Home Companion magazine so much.

  10. As usual you ran rings around me this month! (I'm still getting back in the swing from my trip east for our son's wedding.) Such wonderful projects! And I'm really looking forward to May for Me!!!

  11. You are too funny. I am glad you like the little ME panel. I think I am going to have to go into your archives and see if I can find more.

  12. You've definitely been busy. Looking good!

  13. Love seeing your projects...they are a kick in my tushie sometimes, to tell me to get going! LOL
    I'm a ME fanatic, too....absolutely love her stuff! Cute panel! Whatcha going to use it for? Inquiring minds, you know.

  14. Love those string blocks. I just found several pieces of Mary E. snowman fabrics at the thrift store last week.

  15. Hope you had fun with the April FMQ Challenge. Your sample stitch out looks great.

