
Wednesday, April 25, 2012


Oh, ladies, don't we look good! We are dancing now, so close to May For Me - lots of fun things coming up. Of course, thank you to all 98 Bingo Card link-ups - you just thrilled us. Also, note the new top button - if you would like to have your own May For Me offering, be sure to link your blog over with Marcia (just click the button to get there). That will be your GO-TO place to see what is going on all month.


Cherise so nicely set up a button for the Traveling Stash - just click there for updates and feel free to put it on your side bar.

McCall's 100 Block Blog Tour - you don't want to miss this, lots of give aways.

Sliced Apples Quilt Along with Mama Spark and CrazyQuiltGirl - fabric requirements will be revealed May 1st.

To Come Shortly - Amy's Creative Side Blogger's Quilt Festival - will get that up in a couple of days - and Temecula Quilt Co will be having a new Blessed mini quilt offered in May - will get that up as soon as button is available.

OK, that tote of possible fabrics sat long enough and I finally decided to keep this a 3-fabric piece. So caught up with the four blocks - yes Billie, you were right.

And since I am sharing my sewing space with my SIL, keeping to simple so I can help when called. Lots of string blocks. I love those mini baskets - from the Dollar Store - just grab some strings in it rather than my huge bins and my pretzal barrel full of orphan triangles for the corners - I can work in a small space without too much thought.


Thank you to all of you who stopped by and left such lovely comments. If you didn't get a reply from me you were probably a 'no-reply' (think I had a couple) - yes, I answered you all as you were so kind to leave me a comment. So happy to announce the winner is Debbie of Stitchin Therapy - oh, she has a wonderful blog so pay her a visit with a little love. I will send a private e-mail for mailing information.


We're fools whether we dance or not,
so we might as well dance.
~Japanese Proverb

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I feel the same way about singing. I sing (even I admit, not well), but I love it! I guess now I can add dancing too and apologize to no one. :-)

  2. so glad you are dancing Sharon and congrats to Debbie.xx

  3. I linked up to play BINGO, do I need to link up on Marcia's Blog too? Just checking...

  4. Ohhh so much happening! Love this place called blogland! :)

  5. You have a happening place! May for Me sounds so exciting, it makes me want to dance too!

  6. There' always so many wonderful things going on in your blog -lots to see and admire

  7. I always sing when I pull out my scraps - they make me happy just looking at them.
    And sometimes I make a happy-dance around them... but don't tell;-)

  8. YES we are all dancing! May for Me Celebration is coming fast! Yippee!
    Yes I think we do think alike!

  9. Love the Japanese proverb! So true!
    Thanks for the updates.

  10. Lots of fun dancing coming up!!!!

    Those totes are a great idea for the scraps.

  11. Congrats to Debbie! And as always you inspire me Sharon.

  12. Too funny. I just sent you an email to esp me some energy and you are over here on your blog dancing......giggle.

  13. Lovely thoughts about dancing...that really cheered me up! The quilt bingo looks like fun...wish I had discovered that sooner! I've got LOTS of novelties!! Lovin' the string blocks...what is it about those that is so satisfying?

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  14. All this dancing and singing makes me want to get up and join in the fun :)

  15. Oh, I do love to make string blocks! I hope you'll show us when you put them together.
