These trees are now bare and the corn fields have been harvested. The Canadian Honkers have been coming in to feast on the freshly cut fields, fattening up and recouping for the next long leg of their journey. The furkids are spending more time indoors, finding the extra blankets put out great napping places. Yes, the smell of snow is in the air - heck, we've had snow!
Let's see how I did with my October goals............
The RSC15 monthly color was brown. Since most of my projects had their block amounts, this was the only one that got visited. Actually, most of my RSC blocks were shipped off to Sarah's group. I have plenty to keep me busy and they make great use of those blocks very quickly.
I finished my little project for Let's Book It. Some fun with little pieces.

I failed miserably with Slow Sunday Stitching. I did do one hand stitched binding and the others I finished up with machine. But I never touched the melon (pumpkin seed or orange peel) blocks
I guess it was because I got distracted in making the 'Country Roads' with Lori at Humble Quilts. Yup, a little baggy of scraps just took me off into another world.
And Jo @ Jo's Country Junction always has a Bonnie Hunter UFO challenge - finish up one of those projects before the new BH Mystery comes out. It made me get that lozenges flimsy quilted - finished!!
I managed to keep some secret sewing from you all. My wallhanging and pillow for the Halloween Haunts Blog Hop. Wasn't that fun? Actually I have another secret project that was done in October, but that won't be shown until Nov 3rd. And NO, it's not about cats.
This guy - remember he gave us a scare in October - he is sticking to home these days. Still loves a good box, pile of scraps, or the snuggle blanket now
on the couch for a good nap. And I will be sure to keep an eye on him on Halloween Night - maybe my furkids need some treats.
Sewingly Yours,
Lovely bunch of creations Sharon. Love your Book It challenge quilt, and the little Country Roads mini. The colours in both are right up my alley.
Lots of quilty goodness, Sharon! Great inspiration from the first blog read of the morning! I really need to organize myself better so I can accomplish half as much. Have a great weekend! XO
furkids definitely need treats on Halloween! love love your projects. I have not been sewing lately. I guess the Fall cleaning bug has hit me to get ready for another winter. hopefully not one like last year.
Lovely finishes. The heart block is great. Sarah's group does turn your blocks into beautiful quilty hugs. Have a good Halloween.
Wow! Lots of great project this month. LOVE your little quilt with Lori from Humble Quilts. I have yet to decide how to quilt mine. Love how you used the red border. Great little scrappy finish for the Let's Book It Challenge quilt. Super Cute. Have a great weekend, Sharon!
You had a very productive and beautiful month! I always enjoy your projects! As with you and Moe, I will need to keep Zorro inside tonight and he wontlike it. I best "kick" him outside now to get it out of his system for the day. Did u see Bonnie posted the first mystery intro post an hour ago??!! I was debating skipping this year but love her colors. I am feeling weak...
What a wonderful month of projects! Love those scrappy quilts!
Looks like you had a good October. Moe breaks my heart a little thinking of what he went through on his adventure and I'm glad he's staying close to home.
Great month.....what happened to the bow tie quilt? I know you hid it from me because you knew I would grab it and Another surprise secret project....very interesting.
Another very productive month. Pretty too. Happy Halloween.
I'd say it was a good quilty month for you, Sharon. I think I want to be a cat and curl up in a box of scraps.
You've got a wonderful bunch of gorgeousness, there. I always enjoy your end-of-month roundups. Your projects are inspiring!
Everything you have made is super nice. I like the light brown heart, the scrap projects all look great, but the cat is the best! Love the sleek look of it.
The Cat wall hanging is beautiful. I enjoy looking at your blog every day.
I read about Moe's harrowing adventure! I am so glad he seems content to stay in one of your fabric tubs now! Love your version of Country Roads. Every time I see your Lozenge quilt I am reminded I need to get mine quilted!
Always wonderful quilts from you.....I love the kitty quilt and the cat in the box....grin.
Looks like you had a great month! I particularly love the black cat wall hanging - very cool. And we really appreciate all the blocks you send! They are awesome!!
I think you accomplished plenty during the month. And shame on you for saying that nasty four letter word. :)
You got a lot done last month. I love your Halloween projects and the scrappy Lets Book it Project turned out beautifully.
WOW! That was a lot of progress in one month! You rocked October!
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