Monday, September 29, 2014

September NewFO & Finishes

2014 NewFO Challenge

Although I don't have trouble starting anything new (sure most of you can relate to that), it is always nice when some one encourages you to do just that - no worries, no stress, no need to finish.  Thank you Barbara @ CatPatches for being the ringleader in all things NEW.

My official NewFO was my project for the Monthly Doll Quilt Swap Group.  The monthly theme (and you and your partner can agree to the theme or chose something else) was 'Back to School'.  It just so happened I had an old FQ bundle on my shelf that was called 'Back to School' by Melissa Babcock Saylor for Quilting Treasures.  I have a tutorial for this block/pattern HERE.

And since my partner was in Australia, she loved the American buses and school items.  Yup, a little dolly dressed for school went along with it.

Never too hot to Stitch!

I will admit that I totally did not get to this.  My 'Old' was to re-load my EQ on this not-so-new computer and really start to use it - not done.  My 'New' was to put my tutorials on a tab - not done.  I did start browsing old posts and making notes, but nothing got pass that point.

In defense, I had a month of 'nursing' my Mom after surgery, participating in a County wide 'airing of the quilts' , and a new grandbaby arrived.  And.....

Bella freaking out because there was just something new and different and not so pleasant.  Yes, she has a curly tail which curls even tighter when she is scared.

I've had nightmares that my upstairs bathroom was going to end up downstairs, especially that old heavy tub.  Well a leak and a falling ceiling and I was freaking out right along with Bella.  I am assured the bathroom (and tub) is going to stay in place - just a leaky seal on the tubs drain.  But they can't come back to do that 10 minute repair for another week!


I have so enjoyed seeing what others have used as a resource and their projects of choice. I don't have a lot of books - well compared to my Mom's 40 yr collection - but I am amazed that I let them sit without playing with them.

I'm very pleased with my wallhanging adapted from table runner pattern and you can see more about it HERE.

Tea Wallets using this TUTORIAL were my monthly Make it Handmade Christmas Challenge project.  We have a few tea drinkers in the family and they like to carry their own tea bags for dining out - quick, fun, and can be personalized.

I loved playing with the camping Riley Blake Panel and ginghams for the 'Back in September' Hop.

Testing a pattern for Bea Lee @ BeaQuilter - now available in her Craftsy Store.

Fun just playing with some spool blocks that were suppose to be for another project that I lost interest in - Buttons & Bows.

And then playing with blocks:


Country Corners

Marcus Brothers QAL

Charming Star QAL

Quilt Doodle Row Quilt

Temecula Quilt Co. 'Little Alphabet' QAL

And I have been enjoying one, two, or even three little walks each day as our weather has been just delightful.  The Fall flowers and the trees starting to color make for great inspiration.

Hope you've had a grand September,
Sewingly Yours,

Friday, September 26, 2014

Let's Book It - September Link-Up


It is hard to believe that there are only three months left in the year - and there are way more books, patterns, print outs, etc. on that shelf that I haven't explored yet.  I hope you have been enjoying exploring your lost treasures thru the year.

This was the book I pulled from that dusty shelf - the shelf has since been dusted by the way.  I don't remember buying this book, I believe it was something I pulled from the Traveling Stash Boxes a couple of years ago.

This was the project I selected from the book - something to go with the coming season.  This is a very long table runner, so I decided to make some changes for a wallhanging.

Fabrics were selected and prepped - everything for this project came strictly from my scrap baskets which is a plus.

Rows of purple HSTs made.  I was surprised how close that paisley looked so much like the one pumpkin figurine's shirt pattern - my SIL pointed it out to me.

Pumpkins in a viney bed, waiting for their placement and faces.  Well, I decided NO faces after playing with lots of cut outs, placement and goofing around.  This needed to be simple and done.

Some curly vines, leaves, and thread painting was my finish with the pumpkins and of course I had to add some buttons.  Now this can hang from September right thru November.

September's Barn Pin and Charm - 8-pointed Star


Now it's your turn to share your project:
Let's Book It - September Link-Up
1. Lisa Marie  4. Cath  7. Sew Cook and Travel  
2. Christine M - MacDonald's Patch  5. Dasha @ Patching Pixies  
3. Gone Stitchin-Aust  6. Nita @ NitaDances  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

**link closes Oct 3 10pm EST - I will announce winner the next day**
Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, September 25, 2014


Hannah Catherine Guthrie
September 22, 2014
8:23 AM
8lbs. 13 ozs.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Tuesday Archives - Ghastlies & Ghosts

Val's Quilting Studio

I know you bloggers have something to share with this week's Archive over at Val's Quilting Studio.  I know I have seen them in the past.

I don't have any ghosties, but I just LOVE the Ghastlies!

One of my projects from THIS POST in 2011

A project with tutorial from THIS POST in 2012

And a project from this bundle on THIS POST in 2013

YES - there is a new project in the works using Ghastlies for the 'Black Cat Crossing' Hop coming up in Oct 2014!

So please post up and/or go visit Val - Halloween is just around the corner.

Sewiingly Yours,

Design Wall Monday - 9/22/14

It's been a while since I posted up for a Design Wall Monday.  I think it is because I have too many projects on the go and I have them kitted into nice containers now - not all over the place.  This is my next two blocks for Country Corners with Lynn @ SewNWildOaks.


These two blocks are from the Marcus Brothers QAL.

And little alphabet blocks for the 'Back to School' QAL with Temecula Quilt CO.  I have the 'E' letter done, but somehow didn't photo it.

Two more Charming Star blocks playing with Terry's sew along with this lovely Moda free pattern.

And after re-counting all my lozenge blocks for Bonnie Hunter's challenge - I needed just a few more with the black corners, so finished them up.  Now it's time to seriously start turning them into 'twosies'.

Please visit PatchWorkTimes to see what everyone is working on.

Sewingly Yours,

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Airing of the Quilts/September Hop Winner

You couldn't ask for the weather to be nicer.  It was in the 70's (we've had some really cold days of late).  Although the wind did blow all day, it made things flutter and dance for the occassion.

Just some of the smaller quilts were hung outside because of the winds.

Yup, a blurr in the wind - we did have to go un-wrap them a couple of times, but none came down or blew to the neighbors.

Thank you Stef for sending me some of your photos - the whole line...

and she braved my very steep front hill to snap the ones on this porch.

And since we weren't able to get out to catch the 'airing', she sent a photo of the quilts she had displayed in her yard. Isn't that a pretty setting?  Look at the color coming in the tree!


The winner of my 'See You in September' gingham give away is:

LJ said...
You are so prolific - I couldn't accomplish that much in a whole year and you did it in a summer. The quilt is wonderful with all the camping images. I loved the backing to go with it and the ditty bag, and pillow were just perfect.
I will contact her for mailing information and thank you all for visiting and commenting.

Sewingly Yours,

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Mail Call

I received some lovely mail the pass couple of days.  First was this sweet doll quilt from my partner Emily for the Mellow Yellow theme.  And the added packet of sunflower seeds actually were very touching as my Dad's B'day is coming up and he loved to plant these.  

This lovely kitchen set arrived from my partner in the Friends Swap.  Just lovely and special as this little group disbanded with this last swap - makes it extra special to have recieved such pretties.

And a dear blogging friend sensed there was something amiss at Quilt Lane and sent me a sweet package to cheer me up.  I have so admired her dishclothes and then she started to make the swirly scrubbies - now I have some.  Candy is always a comfort.  There was some gum, but that went right into the purse.  Yeah I am a gum chewer - NO a gum snapper, which drives people nuts.  I have to chew gum when I am in a car (driving or riding) to help with head pressure.

A few know that I have been caring for my Mom who had some minor surgery.  And those who have done caregiving, know that we forget to care for ourselves. So I wasn't so careful in that respect and got a little run down - but popping back.

So I haven't done a lot of sewing, but I did manage to finish up my little spools.  Someone mentioned they looked like bows, and my love of buttons - so I made it 'Buttons & Bows'.

Tomorrow , with the help of my SIL, we will be be getting things ready to hang out quilts for the 'Airing of the Quilts' come Saturday morning.  And the shop needs a little sprucing up, too.  Need to charge my camera - will take pictures.

Sewingly Yours,

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Handmade Christmas Challenge - September

2014 Christmas Handmade Pledge

Have you started your Christmas gift making yet?  It is getting closer, so why stress out at the last minute and start now and join in SewCalGal with the fun.

This month I made a few tea wallets using THIS TUTORIAL.  These work up so quickly, use up some of those scraps, and can be personalized for each recipient.  I bought a pack of 50 colorful hair/pony tail elastics in the dollar store to use for my button fasteners.  Some special tea mixes to be added will make a nice little gift for each of my family's tea drinkers who like to carry these when dining out.

That pressie box is getting fuller!

Sewingly Yours,