Friday, August 1, 2014

Pets on Quilts Show - 2014

Today is the start of the Pets on Quilts Show over at Lily Pad Quilting

Participants can enter quilts in these categories:
1. Dog or puppy on quilt
2. Cat or kitten on quilt
3. Other animal on quilt
4. Dog-themed quilt project
5. Cat-themed quilt project
6. Other animal-themed project

The Show will run for 10 days, so if you forgot or are having trouble with your 'model', there is time to get a post together.


This is Moe, my rescue pet of sorts.  He was not fond of the idea of a new 'baby' in my daughter's family and got a little too 'gnarly', so he came to live with me.  We had one day of setting the rules of the house and he has been a perfect gentleman since.

Does he look nervous?  My furries know they are not to get on finished quilts, so he was a little confused (last year I couldn't bribe either one).

See, he slowly and carefully walked away.  And then wouldn't come near me the rest of the day.  Poor Moe!

This was my first model's reaction to the whole event - tee hee!  And with that....
It's A Cat's World Humor Banner
Sewingly Yours,


sewyouquilt2 said...

some models are so tempermental aren't they? cute kitty and nice quilt too!

QuiltSue said...

Poor, confused puss-cats. They are both gorgeous though and so is the quilt.

Dana Gaffney said...

Moe looks wonderful on that beautiful quilt, although I had to laugh at Bella, I can't tell you how many blurry butt pictures I have trying to get ready for this show.

Missy Shay said...

I have never been able to teach my cats to stay off quilts, but they will not get on a quilt if I want them too!

JLVerde said...

They were afraid it was a pretty trap! Lovely quilt and cute Kitties.

Dasha said...

Lovely quilt Sharon. My Tibby tests every quilt I make. She is drawn to them like a magnet. At least she doesn't try to eat the applique like my Venus used to. She was a terror!

tink's mom said...

Actually Moe looks like that quilt was made just for him to pose on, OK so he looks just a tad confused. But his coloring works so well with the quilt, great job.

Carol Swift said...

Your quilt is beautiful and so is Moe! I love your photos of the runaway cats...too funny!

Michele said...

At least you got one decent shot. Good for you. Moe knows that Momma's rules are Momma's rules.

KimM said...

Love you cat on quilt -

Quilting Babcia said...

Aww, cute! Wish I could teach my fur-shedders to stay off the finished ones!

Barbara said...

Some cats just don't know a good thing when they see it.

Quilter Kathy said...

So fun! I will have to see what I can do with my grand dog

Janet said...

Cute! Perhaps they just need their own quilt....

BillieBee (billiemick) said...

I have so many photos like that 1/2 a cat...giggle.

sew.darn.quilt said...

That's so funny, poor Moe. It's good to keep them on their toes ;)
That is a gorgeous quilt!

Connie Kresin Campbell said...

How cute Sharon and it looks like you really have Moe trained to NOT get on quilts!! How did you do that????

Loris said...

I have two cats keeping me in line here at my house...come to think of it, they keep the dogs in line too :-)
Your cats look beautiful...the quilt is nice too!

Judy@Quilt Paradigm said...

Your post made me smile :) Too funny how he really is very gingerly stepping away, and the last picture had me laughing out loud :)

Lori (ltdermdvm) said...

They are adorable! Thanks for sharing :)

Kim said...

Poor Moe. He is cute and love your quilt. I have those fabrics :-)

KaHolly said...

Cats are that way - yes, they are!

quiltedfabricart said...

Ha! Ha! I love that quote! I'm sharing it on twitter if you don't mind :-)

KatieQ said...

Poor Moe. It's tough to be that good looking.

Jane's Fabrics and Quilts said...

Oh such a beautiful quilt and it looks like Moe enjoyed it for a minute! Too funny, the blurry one!

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Love your quilt! I can see why Moe likes it! My cat thinks all quilts are for her enjoyment only!

Brandy said...

Hahaha, my cat did the same thing, gave me this look and then ever so carefully walked off the quilt, around it, and laid down with her back to mine! Silly girl. Thank you for sharing your pictures!

Blue Moth said...

What a good cat - and a lovely quilt!

Ruth said...

Luckily for us our stubborn Basset will do anything for treats!

Belinda said...

Love this!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!

Debra said...

Poor Moe! What a good boy! I have a couple of camera shy ones in my house too. Luckily I have one that wants to be the center of attention! We also are here just to open the cans! Too funny!

Kate said...

Moe looked pretty relaxed on that quilt. It's a nice shot.

Kaynik said...

I love the colours in your quilt. I laughed so hard at the fact your cats didn't want anything to do with your quilt. You've trained them well :-)


Qltr89 said...

I think Moe owns that quilt.

Val's Quilting Studio said...

Your blurry pic made me laugh out loud...such a cat's personality!! LOVE IT!!!

Sandra said...

In a way you are lucky. Rusty is such a ham that he "poses" whenever he sees the camera. He also feels that any and all quilts are his. The difference between dogs and cats I guess.


Nanbon44 said...

My dogs run to get on the quilts when i try to photograph them.. Beautiful cat on a quilt photo... said...

You are the Alpha Cat? That is cool that you have them "trained" to not get on your quilts.

Anonymous said...

Pet models can be such divas. I had a hard time getting my mom's dog to pose wearing her cool ties, can't imagine getting a cat to pose. :0)

Lara B. said...

That's a beautiful quilt Sharon! It has to be some sort of miracle that you can train kitties to stay off quilts!

Tina said...

Great quilt but love the photo bomb at the end.

Leslie said...

love your kitties and the quilt! so hard to get them cats or dogs off the quilts! they always love them!

Susie said...

Hi Sharon, I love your quilt and your reluctant models. They are so cute. Hugs Susie x

Scrapatches said...

I voted! I love Moe on Quilt ... <3 Pat

Teresa in Music City said...

Of course I had to vote for Moe! I've grown to love him from your posts :)

gpc said...

Beautiful quilt, no matter what your first model had to say about it!

Christine M said...

Your quilt is lovely, Sharon. At least you got Moe to cooperate for a bit!

Debby said...

Moe is so pretty on the quilt - even if he doesn't belong there. But I have to say your other model's reaction is priceless.