
Sunday, April 18, 2021

What's Cookin' In The Kitchen


I wish to thank Carla for hosting another fun HOP.  All things kitchen and it will be interesting to see what these host bloggers will inspire us to create:

Monday, April 19th

Tuesday, April 20th

Wednesday, April 21st

Thursday, April 22nd

I don't do kitchy stuff, but I would like to highlight my SIL's work.  She just loves to make these kind of things and always looking for something new. 

All kinds of pot holders: cupcakes, trees, pinchers, handle slide, leaves, etc..

A variety of pie, cake, and casserole carriers.   You can find this one HERE.

Always has an eye out for cute towels and pot holder sets on sale to make these oven front kitchen towels.  I'm not sure which tutorial she followed, but you can find one HERE.

And these 'scarf' towels are so cute!  There are so many all over the net, but HERE is a nice tutorial.

She, also, has made a lot of different styles of aprons, but I don't have any here to show you.


Now I couldn't just not try to do a project for this hop.  I am trying new techniques this year and on my list is the rope coaster, trivet, or bowl.

  A guild member gave me a bag of different ropes and I pulled this rather soft, nubby one as it is just a trial and to be sure I didn't kill my machine. (and I didn't want to wreck the good stuff)

A very poot try if I must say so.  BUT, I did try and I did make a coaster which I'll use at the computer for my coffee cup.  I think I'll leave the bowl making to someone else and buy one.  It's always good to try new, but don't beat yourself up if it just isn't 'you'.  We can't master it all.

Enjoy the HOP

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Your SIL really loves kitchen sewing - so many great projects! Your new coaster looks great and everytime you place your coffee cup on top of it, you'll think of this blog hop :)

  2. Nice projects from your SIL. Your coaster came out well. You could also make a larger trivet with the rope, which is easier than a bowl shape.

  3. Your SIL has some wonderful projects! I'm glad you shared them. The rope can be awkward to sew but they make some neat items. Good for you for trying it out! Thanks for sharing everything.

  4. Your SIL makes wonderful items! I think your coaster is cute and you should be proud of yourself for trying and succeeding a new technique.

  5. Great projects by your SIL but more importantly, amazing job at trying something new and pushing yourself. Great rope coaster. Thank you for sharing!

  6. I think that coaster might be starting out not quite so loved, but I think it is going to find a special place in your heart because of it not being cookie cutter perfect, but having an attitude and personality of its own.

  7. I cracked up on your bowl making adventure as I was going to make some rope bowls too. I bought the rope and watched the videos, and decided it wasn't my thing. LOL Your SIL made some really fun kitchen things. Thanks for sharing!

  8. You go can't say you hate it if you've never tried it. Rope bowl making takes a little practice, but surprisingly doesn't seem to faze the sewing machine. I kind of like sitting down and stitching them. I loved seeing all your SIL's kitchen projects. You will laugh when you see me post on Wednesday. LOL!!

  9. thank you for sharing today. Woohoo for your for trying. Thanks for sharing all the links. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  10. Good for you for trying!!! And now you have a lovely coaster! And your SIL does great work!

  11. Cupcake potholders, I've had them on my list, but never made one. Cute.

  12. Good for you, trying something new, Sharon!! Thanks for the links and for sharing your SIL fabulous selection of kitchen project.

  13. I just love your attitude. Please thank your SIL for sharing her kitchen ideas and the links. She does wonderful work.

  14. Thanks for sharing! It's fun to try new things, even when the result isn't quite what we hoped. I think it makes a great cup coaster.

  15. Fun to see your sister's work and always great to try new things. I made one with clothesline that I love and intend to make a few more one day....I love them.

  16. Always time to start a kitchy item. Your SIL does great work.

  17. Thanks for sharing your and your SIL's cute projects.

  18. Hi, Sharon, thanks for showcasing your SIL's fun projects! Those scarf towels are pretty fun! And, good effort on your coaster, it's cute! I'm sure you'll get lots of use out of it!

  19. Hey, Sharon, nice to "see" you again. I tried a rope bowl once and broke a needle. I just don't have the knack for crafts.

  20. So many great ideas for the kitchen. Thank you for sharing all of them. Those rope bowls are a little tedious. I've only made one complete. Thanks for joining the hop and inspiring us!

  21. Great ideas for the kitchen! Thanks for sharing. I never tried that rope idea.

  22. What an inspiring post filled with fun projects. Thanks for sharing. My bowl project turned out almost as good as yours 😉

  23. Yes, so many fun and pretty projects. A rope bowl is on my to do list as well.

  24. Lots of neat projects. LOL not everything is in our wheelhouse. But it is fun trying.

  25. All really great projects. I think I need some cupcake potholders in my life.

  26. Those are great projects! I've never tried a rope bowl or mug rug. Sounds like fun!

  27. Your SIL make lovely things! Thanks so much for sharing! xx

  28. Lots of cute ideas. Kudos to your SIL for all her neat kitchen items. Good for you trying to do something new. It came out cute.
