
Thursday, April 15, 2021

Whooping Friday


I haven't done a lot of stitching the last few days - errands, paper work, and selecting/filling entries for a few quilts for a July Quilt Show.  Boy it's nice to finally use my planner this year - even have some notices for Fall events.

I had all my sheep prepped, so when I could find time, they are finished.  BUT they are put aside as I ponder how I want to set them - sashing, borders, etc....

 Our guild had a lovely meeting on Tuesday - another hour long Show & Tell.    It was, also, our 'turn in your charity projects' meeting and we collected 55 placemats for Meals on Wheels, 15 quilts (more coming to my house) for Catholic Charities, and 12 pillowcases (we had people miss the December lot) for Community Maternity Services.  The program was dimensional flowers and they all seem to like doing the hands on projects.  Part of the Show & Tell were the members President's Challenge Blocks, so I have a list of blocks that I need to make in miniature.  SO, the usual CW totes have come out for block prep and will stitch them as I have time.

The horrid 'S' word is on for the next few days and depending where and for how long this storm lingers over us will dictate how many inches we get.  Luckily it will warm up after and it will be gone. 

You may or may not of heard - bloggers are posting notice - but if you read your bloggers by e-mail sign up, that service is being dropped by blogger.  As soon as I hear about the best way to sign back up for a list read, I will pass the word on.  I have removed that sign-up from my side bar.

See you on the other side of the weekend,

Sewingly Yours,



  1. Wow, your guild is really productive. I miss show and tell! Our guild still cannot meet yet.

  2. Those sheep blocks are SEW cute, Sharon!! I should make those for my Knit Group. Christmas is coming...

  3. Those sheep blocks are just darling. And how fun to be able to attend a guild meeting. Have a lovely weekend, Happy Quilting.

  4. The sheep blocks are very cute. I thought I might have found a solution to the feed problem, but it didn’t work this morning. I’m still trying to get it figured out.

  5. Love the sheep blocks! I follow on Bloglovin. But Bloglovin has dropped me. This is such an unfortunate situation. Hope you find a good solution.
