
Friday, August 7, 2020

Whooping Friday

The herd of Triceratops is completed.   For some reason I made the same mistake on the same section with each dino.  I even put a NOTE in the instructions, but still flipped the wrong way.  Luckily I check before snipping off.  The seam ripper had a great time.  Sashings and borders are cut and ready for a weekend finish.

AND Bella was such a great help in getting this one quilted and bound.  I just kept spinning her as I needed to work a section.  She would just reposition onto the available space.  But it got finished and hopefully it will be a nice day for outside photos.

So you can get ready for the event:

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Cute quilt. I picture you spinning Bella like a roulette wheel ....lets see where she lands.....ohhh. on log cabin...log cabin is the winner LOL

  2. I love that tomorrow is "sneak some zucchini onto your neighbour's porch" day! When we farmed, we often slipped a big one into the neighbour's roadside mailboxes. Never got caught!

  3. So frustrating when that happens. My always mistake, sew a patch on and realize its too small, rip it off and sew the same patch back on. Your quilt looks great.

  4. Love those blocks! I laughed about what a great time your seam ripper had! Who knew that zucchini dumping had it's own day! LOL

  5. The triceratops blocks look great. It's nice to know there is someone else who is consistent with their errors. Once I make a mistake with a block, I am prone to repeat the error. In normal times, people leave zucchini in boxes near the backdoor of our library. I've taken a few in years when we didn't plant our own.

  6. Love the sneak some zuchinni onto the neighbours porch day idea 😁😁 when you grow them they sure produce a large crop!!
    Love your triceratops blocks, and has to smile at Bella being spun around.

  7. Bella is so cute! So are the tris. And I really laughed at everyone's zucchini stories. Where I used to work we could count on zucchinis available every day, and lots of bread/cookies to try!

  8. It's funny but I would welcome a drop off of zucchini, but haven't had it happen yet. Although I prefer the smaller one, I would make bread with a war club. Glad to see Bella didn't keep you from finishing the quilt. Looks like more heat on the way.

  9. Isn't it a pain to make the same mistake over and over?

  10. Your Triceratops quilt is so fun! I love how your cat loves to participate in your quilting. We miss our cat and may need to find a new one to entertain us and keep us company.
