
Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Scrappy Wednesday

All of the 16-patches are made, but I need twelve 3x4 blocks.  So the 1.5" squares have been dumped on the table again.  When I find 4 like pieces, they are set into groupings for the Easy Breazy leader/ender project.

I have quite a pile of the white scraps pieces bundled so I can pair up with the tiny squares.  I'm not really working these as leader/enders, but doing up 10-12 at a time.  Right now I have 50 blocks done and have another 10 ready to whip up at the machine .  This is a year long project, so I might set this aside for a couple of months.

Poor Moe got caught outside in the storm from yesterday afternoon until the blow over the next late afternoon.  Well, he must have held up in one of the barns and sure he 'fed' himself.  I gave him a special treat and lots of pets & scritches.  Then he hunkered down in the middle of my work.  It will make me slow down the process, but sometimes we need that nudge to take it slow.

So many areas were hit hard with storm Isaias and NY was in the eye for some time.  While areas around us had extensive damage and power outage, we stayed 'lit' and hopefully damage free - I won't know until I assess things later.

Stay Safe and Healthy,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. I hope all is safe after the storm, Moe looks to be ok, but no doubt is happy to be inside with you again! Your scrappy blocks look wonderful.

  2. It's good to hear you are safe and hopefully either damage free or limited damage. Poor Moe caught in the storm but kitties are very resilient. I love those scrappy blocks.

  3. Good to hear you and Moe are safe and sound. We are too. Now to assess damages nearby and clean up fallen trees
    Love those blocks

  4. How wonderful that you didn't lose power. Moe must be glad to be back inside where is warm and dry.

  5. I hope you didn't get any damage. We are so far inland that all we got was a day of rain.

  6. Your scrappy blocks are sooo pretty.
    I am glad that ya'll are safe and hope there isn't much damage. We have been getting lots of rain and thunderstorms every afternoon. I thought it would be over with by now, but the rain is still with us.

  7. Wow! You are doing great on those scrappy blocks, Sharon! Here's hoping Moe will let you work tomorrow. :o))
