
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Monday Making

I've pin basted this postage stamp quilt to prep for quilting today.  It took me a little longer to do because of help that wasn't too helpful - you might spy in the upper right hand corner.

Yup, right where there is absolutely NO pins - a good place to take a bath.
But company showed up and he had to be in the middle of everyone.  So I quickly pinned that spot and it is ready - and I enjoyed company.

I laid all these plaids - mix of homespuns, shirting, and cotton plaids.  When I need a break from the quilting, I'll tackle these to cut up for a new project.

I'm happy to say that the homespuns are now in a much smaller tote.  Another large tote to put away (not refill).  My daughter helped with the clean out.  She filled that last empty large tote - half of the homespuns of pinks, light blues, and greens.  A number of things off the shelf - I've got that 2 yr turn around thing.  The tote and large bag went home with her.

Now I need to reorganize and rechart what is left for a more workable year end progress.  I'd like to see half of it finished, used, or moved on.  I already know that next year is going to be more dedicated to hand work.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. We are going to try to get a hike in this morning while it is still cool. Then, to the basement cool for working on the next Dream Big.

  2. Your postage stamp looks lovely! I have not been brave enough to allow my furry helper into my studio yet -- he's a 9 month old Rottweiler puppy who puts everything in his mouth FAST, and we are also working on training him that urine marking OUTSIDE the house is good, but INSIDE the house it is STRONGLY DISCOURAGED!! He is pretty good in the gated off kitchen/family room area, but needs to be watched like a hawk -- CONSTANTLY -- when he ventures into other parts of the house. So, no helping with quilts for him quite yet!

  3. Good progress on your scrap sorting! The postage stamp quilt looks great.

  4. How would we ever get anything done without our kitty companions? Mine aren’t happy campers this morning. Their food is picked up because Sadie is getting her teeth cleaned today. Bummer.

  5. Love your postage stamp quilt, where would you be without your helpers!! (further along with projects I suspect!!) Well done to get some fabric moved along.

  6. Furry helpers are so good but how do the know to lie in the one spot you need access to. Casso always knows and goes to sleep instantly , nothing will move him until he's ready.

  7. Is your Postage Stamp made with squares that NONE repeat except the alternate blocks?


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