
Friday, January 1, 2016

A Very Good First Day

I sorted thru the first baggy of goodies.  Many were juvenile and novelty pieces which I don't really use (saved a couple of kitties though), but a local church group can use them and they will get passed on.  I did come across a few  blocks and some needed finishing.  Found most of the pieces or substituted from the barrels.  These all went into the mailing box - eventually to be sent off to Sarah's lovely group and made into some caring quilts.

These did grab my attention though!  How Fun!!  But someone cut all those dinos out and now to figure out how to use them.  I'm thinking a glue stick and small zig-zag will work.  I just have to pick up some fabric to play them on.  Yes, play - not place.  They're too fun.  I'm thinking  the Quick Strippie from Mary's Quilts will make a nice quilt for them.

I totally forgot about the Moda Sampler - I thought I was only 2 weeks behind and then the new ones came out - so 3 weeks.  Two blocks each Friday and I usually wait every two weeks to catch them up.  So I got real happy to be on my machine and finished those 6 blocks up.  We are half way with this now.

And I made my first 365 block!  Today was cold, occassional flurry, sometimes blue skies, then a white out, back to grey with small flakes.  Think this one expresses my day.  If this is new to you, visit HERE to see all the link ups.

This is how Bella spent the snowy day - yeah, Princess and the Pea with all those blankets piled up on the quilt rack (I just washed all of those).  I think Moe was stretched out on the quest bed.

Since that first bag of scraps cleared out so quickly, I grabbed another.  This looks like a lot of skinnies and bits - perfect for the weekend to play in the Miniature Quilts magazine with.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. you got a lot done. I was going to do the 365 circle quilt but decided to instead take on some UFOs. Bella knows how to spend Jan 1st after a party night LOL

  2. What a busy start to the year. I was tired so sorted and organised instead of stitching but the machine has been whizzing along this morning. Bella looks so cosy.

  3. Good for you for having such a great day! Love your Moda Shuffle blocks!

  4. I'm glad your first day of the new year was a good one. May there be many, many more for you in 2016.

  5. Your first 365 circle symbolized our day perfectly, we had similar squalls here in WNY. Looking forward to seeing what you do with those cute dinosaurs.

  6. Good to see you playing with your much loved scraps, those dinos are adorable, I'm sure you'll have fun playing with them.

  7. A great first circle! Glad you joined in. Such fun scraps you have!

  8. Looks like you had a productive and fun day! Our hexie group had a potluck party and i dug thru an old box of what i thought was a bunch of kits i could disassemble to repurpose the fabric. Oops - it's mostly UFOs!?! Guess i know what I'm doing the beginning of this year!

  9. Those dinos are fun. Looking forward to seeing what you do with those. Looks like you got off to a good start to 2016 by putting your "word" for the year into action.

  10. Wow, you did have a great first day! I'm still mucking out the sewing studio... but it's looking better!!

  11. Looks like a fun day! Interesting about the dinos. I'd probably put some fusing medium on them first, but a glue stick works too. I can see a Jurassic Park quilt in your future...gotta be a fabric line for that, right? The 365 quilt is very tempting to me. I considered starting one using the regional prints I've picked up in various quilt shops I visit in our travels. On the other hand, I could finish the projects I've already started. Decisions, decisions.

  12. It looks like you are off to another great year of quilting. I like the idea of your circles.

  13. So glad you are joining in in Quilty 365 circles! I envy Bella, she looks so cozy. I just came across those Moda Sampler blocks, I don't think I will try to catch up on them though, I will save them for later. Yours look very pretty!

  14. Lots accomplished! I'm loving the background of your first circle so much!

  15. A bag of scraps! Nothing could be more fun.

  16. Uh-oh, you have enticed me into saving patterns for the Moda Sampler blocks. I really like the colors/fabrics you are using.

  17. Fun first Quilty 265 block. I love the newsprint and the blue and white circle.

  18. such fun going through scraps, I made a nice table top for my horn cabinet out of donated scraps. The modq blocks look good loving the fabrics you are using for them

  19. Great start to your circles. Have fun!
