
Thursday, December 31, 2015

January 2016 Goals

Well the end of 2015 finally brought us a little snow in the Valley and there is a light flurry for January 1st - marking  New Beginnings.

This will be my new Let's Book It project.  I found that I was working rather dark colors in my last few projects toward the end of 2015, so I feel I need to brighten things up.  I printed off "Dottie" to save - saw some use this with the RSC14 and loved it.  I bought two Lotta Dots strip sets from Connecting Threads during Black Friday Sales.  Why two?  Well they only have 27 strips, and that won't do.  The white-on-white has sat on the shelf for almost two years - time to use it.

I will continue this with Slow Sunday Stitching.  It's getting close to a finish, but I am getting down to those 7 missing floss colors to fill in spaces.  I was going to order on-line and then had a DUH moment.  One of our LQS carries DMC floss and I have a gift certificate (Christmas present) for them.  So I will visit them in a few days.

This was hard to photo - a jelly roll I treated myself to when I had my Blogaversary - Zen Chic's 'Modern Background - Paper'.  This is going to be my background for the 365 project. This just tickles me for some reason.

And my block making - Do More What Makes You Happy!  I pulled my first bag of scraps and will work thru this.  And the Miniature Quilts magazine - waiting for Angela to announce the RSC16 new color and a mini will be born.

There are a lot of new buttons on the side bar.  Please don't think I am doing all of them!!  There may be something that interests others, that's why I try to collect them.

My machine has been put away since December 23rd - I had to search for the power cord - why wasn't it with the machine?  It was still attached to the power strip - DUH again!  I think I am ready for new beginnings.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. sounds like a fun start to the year! Happy new Year Sharon

  2. Looks like you've got the makings for a very productive January. I'm looking forward to Let's Book it this year, I promise to link up more often.

  3. Sounds like you have some great plans for the year. That jellyroll looks rather interesting :-)

  4. I love the way you stay so focused and get things done. I would like to join you in the book-it this year and for the first one will choose something from the " color-bright quilts" a Fons and Porter book.
    Now can you tell me how to get those buttons on the side of my blog? thanks for such inspiration.

  5. I am inspired by reading your post about goals. I have not thought too much about projects yet but I am ready to take a look around my sewing room and get a list made. I think I should think about a Let's Book it project, I have several books I have not used the way I had planned.

  6. Ohhhhhh.....a light snow sounds so pretty and calm at least from here....grin. Have a Happy New Year Sharon....big hugs.

  7. I look forward to see your new mini! Great cross stitch project!

  8. I've got a couple or ten jelly rolls Sharon that I need to think of something to do with. I don't really have fabrics to go with them - well a few, but not many. Any suggestions on how to use them? blessings, marlene

  9. Nifty lookin jelly roll. Can't wait to see how you use it. Well while it was nice seeing snow while visiting Missouri I don't like driving in it. Of course my daughter who has never been around much snow loved it.
