
Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Closing out June - 2015

I am so glad to see this month done!  Although it marks half a year gone, it has been a miserable month.  RAIN, tornadoes, RAIN, lightening, tornadoes, RAIN, oops there was a day of sunshine, RAIN -  you get the point.

My SIMPLE list for the month was Let's Book It, RSC15. amd Slow Stitching Sunday.

The Let's Book It project - completed.

RSC15 - light blues - completed.  BUT boy I have a lot of blues left!!

Slow Stitching Sunday - well I failed on this poor little piece.  I got too caught up in my scrap piles.  This will be carried over into July.

Oh, and I was going to clear out this area!  Well, it was cleared out once - and then filled back in.  Empty bins and racks to be put away (rained out vending), a camode (?) which has sat in my hallway for a long time - this needs donating or into the scrap, bags and items for quilt guild that need putting away upstairs (program committee items).  The bins under the hanging bags are my (1) cut batts for the to-be-quilted (2) quilts which I would like to see completed by the end of the year.

I did get a quilt finished for the month - using donated scraps from many resources for a baby quilt.

And there was a second quilt completed, but with all the rain there has been no chance to photo it outside.  BUT here is all the pretty threads that I used on it.  I find it handy to keep my bobbins on my thread stand spindle to keep a certain furkid from playing (and losing) with them.

I spent a few days working on a commission piece.  This should be back tomorrow from the long armer so I will have a binding and special label to add - both of those are made and ready.

And that scrap pile play resulted in lots of blocks.  If I had to chose just one part of the quilting process as the only thing I could do, it would be making blocks - I love making blocks.

Here's wishing for a dryer and warmer and safer July,
Sewingly Yours,


  1. love your blocks those are going to be some pretty quilts

  2. Awesome bundle of blocks there. I hate that bit! I enjoy making the first few, then the challenge of it is licked and I lose interest. Good on you for getting them done. Hope your July is a sunny bright one.

  3. Wish I could send you some of our sunshine, at least you're getting things done while stuck in the house. The blocks look great, I really like the flowers on the strings.

  4. I think you have the energizer bunny somewhere in your always get so much done!

  5. Your princess quilt is adorable. It's surprising how different your weather has been from ours. It's been so warm and nice here...very different Junes on both sides of the country.

  6. I'm always so motivated when I see how much you get done! I cracked up at your snoopy true for you guys back East!

  7. Productive month, I do love your blocks. I have one of those potty chairs, my sister insists that I keep it in case a hurricane knocks off our water supply.

  8. I'm still wowwing at your productivity! I love all your scrappy work.
    And my favorite part is making the blocks, too. Sewing little bits to make slightly bigger bits just makes me happy.

  9. You've been very busy again! We've had an unusually rainy Spring, so I'm hoping for some sunny days to come. Not today or tomorrow or the next day though. More rain. :-( At least the lawns and the flowers are very happy!

  10. Hi Sharon boy you are always so busy,love all your work and I also need to clean my sewing room,enjoy your day my friend xx

  11. You managed to get lots done. I'm not looking forward to red in the RSC challenge although I don't mind red I don't have many red batiks and that is what I'm using for the Sawtooth Star blocks. Our weather has been HOT, HOT, HOT and very, very little rain.

  12. I always love seeing what you've been up to Sharon ... and I have to say I love seeing your blocks!!! They look so fun :*) I'm shocked that June is gone so fast, but I can see why you might be glad of that LOL!!! I love a good summer rainstorm, but constant dreary rainy weather is pretty darn depressing! Crossing my finger with you that July will bring some happier, sunnier weather :*)

  13. Sharon, could you direct a smidgen of that infernal rain my way, please. We are suffering drought so bad the trees are dying. Reservoirs dry, creek beds dust. Rationing with Not Nearly huge-enough fines for those who use FOUR times the norm. Personally, I think fines ought to kick in after they consume/run thru sewer more than a reasonable average per person and that figure ought to be much lower than the ones CA uses in these conditions. (my personal opinion only here)

    Your blocks are wonderful and fun to look at and dream of the quilts that will come from them. The lower left corner picture of those Oh So Busy blocks are my fave; they look like a ton of fun to build.

    Have a safe weekend.

  14. Yes it certainly has been rainy and marching in the parade yesterday in it wasn't the most fun. Here's hoping for some nice dry days this week.
