
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

July 2015 Goals

Well, the first day of July got off to a horrible start.  Lots of rain, cold and a dead car.  Yup, dead car on a holiday weekend to come.  My Mom (who's car is in the shop for new brakes), SIL and I had gone to do some grocery shopping, pick up scrips, return items, etc....  We got that trip thru nicely even if nasty weather.  I like to get my bread and milk at the local Stewart's Shop in town, so after unloading everyone and supplies put away, off I went - just a 1/4 mile away.

I come out to start the car to head back home - dead.  Well, everything else worked but the engine wouldn't.  So a series of phone calls, my SIL picking me up (she was sewing at my house), and the car is off to the dealer for repair.  Looks like this girl is home for the holidays.

Let's see how things will fare on the sewing front.  This is the book I will be playing in for Let's Book It.  I had wanted to use it last month, but it took me a whole month to locate it - it actually had been borrowed and finally returned home.

There are a lot of great projects in this book, but I specifally wanted to work this one.  I have a lot of neutral scraps that need taming and I remembered this pattern.  It's a big quilt (and triple border, too) and the strattas will take longer to make as I am working out of various sources of scraps, but it's about using that resource and starting - not so much the finish.

 RSC 15                           Slow Sunday Stitching

RSC15's color for July is RED.  I don't have a lot of reds, but I know there is enough to complete my blocks.  And Slow Sunday Stitching to help finish that little embroidery (shame) as well as some hand stitched bindings.

The commission quilt came back from the long armer and I hope the weather is good today so my two furkids spend the day outside so I can get the binding and label on it without chasing them out of the way.  Then she will have it to present to the family this holiday weekend.


I know I have been bad in thanking people for winnings - personally that has been done, but I forget to add that here.  This colorful FQ bundle was what I won from Terri for the Hands2Help Challenge.  I will need a charity quilt for our guild this next term as well as our pillowcase project.  I am sure this pile of fabrics will fit that bill to a "T".

This FQ bundle I selected from Sew Me a Song as my winnings for the Scrap Tuesday challenge.  Two of those are half yard cuts, thank you Rebbecca, as I could pick 2 more FQs to add and I told her to just add what ever.  I was thinking of these for bindings (remind me of old fashion ticking(, but they are perfect to work with my shirtings for another project.

 And I won this from Terry who was doing some book clean  out - she threw in some fabulous fabrics, too.  I love that star flower block and there are some smaller projects in this book using that block that I would love to make for some fall pretties.

So I am keeping my list small, hoping to add a finish (a quilt will be coming back from the long armer), and spend some time petting my new fabrics with plans to be made for the fall and winter.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Cars can be such a pain when they don't work, can't they! I hope the problems not too big. You've had a couple of lovely wins, Sharon.

  2. Did you say cold for July1? Send it down here, please. Hope the car is a simple fix and thank goodness you were close to home. Great wins....fabrics everywhere! Love your neutral project.....a braid is a favorite of mine, and you can make it big or small and it looks great!

  3. Well, that's a crappy start to July. Hoping your car will be up and running very soon, without costing the national deficit to fix. Great winnings though, you can enjoy them while your at home for a few days!

  4. Those bright primary colors with the animal print will make a charming kid quilt. Good luck with the car issue. And I'm with you on the rain. Enough is enough.

  5. Well I hope July 1 was the bottom for July and things just keep getting better through the month, we can dream. Nice wins, that kid's fabric with the animals is so cute, I know you'll make something wonderful with it.

  6. What a nice win! It's too bad your weather has been so crummy. And with this being July, we here in Oregon start getting a little anxious when we have a rainy summer like that. It's as if you'll miss the season altogether.

  7. Well, I hope the car is an easy (and cheap!) fix.
    Enjoy your loot - I can't wait to see what fantastic things you make from it.

  8. Oh no! Two cars now in the shop and it's a holiday weekend. Bummer!
    NICE winnings there, girl friend. Interesting "Let's Book It" project. Looks like braids of neutral strings. Guy friendly, cuddle quilt. It will be fun watching this one come together.
    Are you planning to sew some leader ender tumblers this year?

  9. Glad everything else worked, but the engine is important...giggle. Glad you got home safe. Home for the Holidays sounds wonderful.

  10. Sounds like our weather is still the same as yours...cold and wet. I am hoping for no rain on Saturday as I hope to get to a Lavender Fest I have never been too. Here's hoping the car is a quick fix and I hope you enjoy your time at home!

  11. Car problems are always such nightmares. I hope it is a quick and cheap fix.

    Have fun with those neutrals.

  12. Sorry about the car. Mine isn't happy, and I'm hoping I don't get stranded somewhere. Hope it is a simple fix.

  13. I'll get onto my red scraps when I get home. Shame about the car!

  14. That book looks really interesting. I'm so behind on my Rainbow challenge quilt. Hopefully I can get caught up after the World Conference at our church.
