
Sunday, June 28, 2015

Monday Making 6/29/15

On my design wall (a.ka. louvered doors to my washer/dryer) is my newest Postage Stamp quilt using 2" squares.  I have a few more rows ready to add and I probably need to make more.  Once I get those on there will be a border of muslin and then a 2" scrappy square border followed by another muslin border.  You all know how I love borders - so this one will be around for a few more play dates.

I have 30 Bonnie Hunter's Grandpa's Stars made  - thought I would lay four of them out so you can see what pattern they make.  I need a total of 80, so I will play with these thru the week, too.  They go fast as I have that box full of ready made scrap HSTs.  The skinny (1.5") braces are coming out of my string tote - cornerstones coming out of the 1.5" barrel.

My thread order arrived (Connecting Thread sale) and notice they are tubing them differently.  I just hope this doesn't cause a problem with my side spindle feed on my machine - and they don't stand to steady on my stand either. We shall see as my last 'piecing' color spool is just about out and I will be using the new spool.

And I had a 'duh' moment with my new lint rollers - must have these for working with scraps that leave threads every where as well as two furkids that shed non-stop.  I removed the cover (same print) and set it down to do the next one.  I looked - now didn't I just remove the cover?  Well howdee!!  Every sewing room needs a fancy sticky lint roller.  Now I have to check next time if there are other patterns.

Speaking of scraps - I sent off my 5" cut downs and a box filled with my 3.5" and 2.5" squares is heading out to a new home.  WHY??  Because I have not been able to keep up with them, used them in 20 plus projects, and I have some new bags of gifted scraps that need moving into my fabric food chain.  Why stuff them into over flowing totes and barrels - clear out and start fresh.  First clear was all the large items to either the drawers or totes.

And there were a lot of skinny strings.  Some of these will get worked into my Grandpa's Stars, but I think some serious string block play needs to be had.
I found some pieces for my July 'Let's Book It' project and pulled some reds for RSC15.  What was left will be cut down into my barrels thru out the week.

** linking up with Monday Making and Design Wall Monday **

Will you play this week?
Sewingly Yours,


  1. No matter how simple, your quilts are always gorgeous, Sharon!

  2. I know you don't like borders, but I think it's going to be cute from what you've described. Totally didn't get anything started for Let's Book It. Just too busy this month.

  3. Your stars look like such fun! The quilt is going to be happy and wonderful.
    Can't wait to see what you do with strings!

  4. You know how much I love postage stamp quilts. All those light squares mixed through make the rainbow squares pop.
    Looking forward to seeing your skinny string blocks. I'm working on my string/strip collections as I go through my scraps each month during this year's RSC. I'm looking forward to making some colorful string block quilts myself. Postage stamp quilts and string blocks quilts say "home" to me.

  5. Taming my scraps is on my July to do list. I have found a couple patterns to use 2.5" squares. I am sure I can find plenty of them in my scraps. Your postage stamp will be awesome.

  6. So many scraps put to good use. I completely understand about not being able to keep up with them. It is an ongoing process for us all.

  7. Yowzer you've been busy!! No need to worry about giving away some of your scraps - you seem to have plenty of friends who keep you in good supply and I'm sure the friends you share with will put them to good use.

  8. I like those Grandpa's Stars blocks. I've never seen 'decorated' lint rollers before. Cool.

  9. Your postage stamps look great, Sharon. I love the stars too.

  10. Love all your scrap projects! So inspiring!

  11. Hi Sharon I am amazed with what you turn your scraps into,your quilts are stunning,well done my friend xx

  12. Your scrap projects always turn out so nice. You are always on the go doing so much with your time.

  13. Love your postage stamp quilt. It's coming along beautfully.

  14. You've got a lot going on in the scrappy department. I don't think I've seen BH's Grandpa's Stars. They look great.

  15. Let us know what you think of the new thread spools, they remind me of some I used for machine embroidery, the thread would pool up on the spindles which was a real pain. I bought adapters which were small round sponges with a hole in the center that you put the spool end in.

  16. Those scrap quilts are really going to be fabulous. Those Grandpa Stars make such a nice design.

    I hope the new thread design works for you. I never understand why things are always changing.

  17. As always you keep plenty busy. I hope you are enjoying the holiday weekend.

  18. I love that Grandpa's Stars quilt you are making, and the postage stamp one is looing great too.
