
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Feline Friday and Fabric

It's been a while since I posted up to Feline Friday with Sarah Did It.  I had taken some photos of furry cuddles while working on my 'shirt' quilt for the For The Boys Hop.  There is something about flannel shirts that hold a smell and feel of a person and I think my kitties just found this loveliness.

Yeah, I would no sooner chase one off, the other would settle in place.  Moe loves everyone, but my Bella is very skittish (especially afraid of men) and my baby.  BUT she loves my youngest son and I think she found him in this quilt.

Some of you asked to see what I bought on my recent trip to my LQS.  A few of the FQs that went into the tote for Bonnie Hunter's new Mystery coming up.  The others got put in their respective color totes for future use and I couldn't remember what was the new ones.  I think I picked up 40 FQs that day.

This is folded in half so I could get a photo in a small space.  This is 'Around Town' by Terri Degenkolb of Whimsicals for Red Rooster Fabrics.  Quilt shop. boutique, flower shop, cafe, pet shop, ice cream and chocolate shops.  And all the cutsies.

There are different coordinates with this line in various colorways, but these are the ones I got to use with the 'shops' fabric.  LOVE IT!!

The smudge dot - cleared the bolt - great binding fabric in the future.  And the blurry Tri-Rec.  I had this set , but it is 'lost' so picked up another for Bonnie's mystery and some other projects have been using them - so a real need right now.

I started photo'ing some of the other purchases and then realized - they are for future blog give aways - so you will have to wait.

When I saw this over at Quilt Taffy when they had a charm give away - well, I just had to look it up and order me some yardage.  I have some Kona White and Ash and fabric in my stash match some of those bow-ties - a project lined up for next year.  Fun fabrics make for fun stitching.

This large box is an order from - winter fleece at $4.98 a yrd. and it is 60" wide.  I got 2 yrd cuts of several colors (blues, reds, greens), but love that Banana Yellow!  These will actually be stored for next winter's projects.

OK I am waiting on three (yes, 3) more boxes of fabric orders.  But these lovelies have come in the mail, too.  I won the Schnibbles 'Good Fortune' from Sinta of Pink Pincushion, the cute kitty mug rug from Connie of Freemotion by the River, and when I saw the Celebration quilts over at Marcia's Crafty, Sewing, I just had to order the pattern.

Yes, I am stocking up and readying those fabric shelves, patterns pulled, books pulled - things are mapped out with a plan for the New Year.  Hey, it's not that far away!

Sewingly Yours,


  1. It looks like you're planning to be busy this winter!

  2. Comfy kitties and pretty fabrics!

  3. Good for you planning ahead! I havne't even thought that far yet - no time until job#2 finishes next week or so...and then I can get back to a normal schedule. I also love flannel - need to make myself a flannel quilt one day. Glad to see both the felines enjoyed yours as well! I just saw the Temecula button on your blog...I better get on that and Bonnie's mystery too. I need to buy some fabric!!!!

  4. Wow, Sharon, you have some great treasures! Great idea to get ready for the cold winter months...just perfect for quilting!

  5. Love the Red Rooster line; their designers come up with the sweetest images. Love the foxes, too. If you get snowed in this winter, you will lots to keep you going.

  6. Your kitties sure do look like they are snuggled in for a long nap! I would too with that comfy quilt anywhere near :*D Love all the fabric eye candy - especially the Fox and Houndstooth fabrics - wowzers! And the Around the Town fabric is so cute, it would make a great backing too :*) Looks like you really are prepared for a Happy New Year!

  7. Love seeing the furries enjoying the quilted goodness! Such gorgeous fabrics...looking forward to seeing what you make!

  8. You look well stocked up now, + the prizes. Like you, I am getting ready for Bonnie's Mystery a Quilt.

  9. That is some serious shopping you have done my friend and I know that all of that will become some wonderful projects in the coming months.

  10. Nothing says cuddles like flannel and kitties! That fox fabric is darling!

  11. The kitty pictures look so warm and comfy, I would want to join them. Can't wait to see what you do with the house fabric, it's wonderful.

  12. I love that you bought fabric for next year. Years ago, on my lunch hour, I bought some beautiful fabric for a jacket. I showed it to my co-workers when I went back to work. After a couple of weeks they started to bug me about seeing the finished product. I finally had to tell them (sigh, they don't sew. they had no way of knowing) that fabric must be properly aged before it can be sewn. LOVE aged fabric. LOL
