
Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bits & Snips


Remember to get over to AMY'S and vote in each of the different catagories.  You have to go into each catagory post, see the red heart on the top right hand corner of the photo - that's where you click to cast your vote.  One vote in each catagory, so chose wisely.

Needle, Thread, Happiness

This weekend is the next Christmas QAL & Challenge and the lovely Hazel will be this month's hostess.  She mentioned something about chocolate and sneakers - odd pair up!  I will be home Sunday, so hope to join in with a couple of little projects.

And you folks who have had a braid quilt on your 'to-do' list, don't miss this.  The lovely Debbie over at Stitchin Therapy is planning a series on different braid techniques (not hair - quilts).  She's even started a pin board of braid quilts that might inspire you.  I am so pleased that her faux braid quilt is up for Viewer's Choice over at the Blogger's Quilt Festival. 

Of course there are lots of Hops and QAL's and stuff going on, just browse the side bar - I hope there is something there for everyone.  I actually took some time off today - no sewing!  BUT I went to my LQS to pick up some more bits of fabric to add to that large tote for Bonnie Hunter's next Mystery QAL (of course some other things fell into the bag, too). 

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Isn't that always the way... unexpected stuff coming home with us from the :)

  2. Funny how things fall off the shelves and fabric follows us home! Gotta love it!

  3. Your blog is a good place to find qal's and such, and I refer to it. Maybe I'll be making a braid quilt soon. Your LQS must love seeing you, as much as you love seeing them.

  4. I voted as soon as I read your blog. Loved both of your quilts and hope you win.
    So glad you are going to play along with Bonnie's Mystery Quilt along. Love those colors.

  5. Fancy those extra things falling into your bag!

  6. A day off from sewing!!!! No way! LOL, I want to see what fell into your shopping bag at the LQS!
