
Tuesday, November 5, 2013


I would like to thank Mdm Samm for the inspiration and to Amy of Sew Incredibly Crazy for being our head cheerleader.  Please be aware that Amy has added more bloggers and days to the Hop which now runs to November 15th.  Please be sure to visit these lovely ladies that I share my day with:

I first thought of my 'little boys' - those grandies who know how to wrap NaNa around their little fingers

Hmm, what could be rolled up in these?  I used this Tutorial

to make some crayon roll-ups.  Who doesn't like to play with crayons?  I have a special box to use with my stitchery work.  But I think my guys will prefer these.

One of my little boys loves trains (I only have trucks to play with at my house) and I happened to have a panel on the shelf.  Panels are fun and make for a quick quilt.  That bundle of colorful stripe FQs I keep on the other shelf joined in the play.

Some cuddle fabric for the back and an all over meander - wash and dry for that crinkly goodness and a bright 'drag-around' size quilt is waiting to get wrapped for Christmas.

But I have a lot of Big Boys in my family and this is a popular gift.  Eye glass cases made with my tutorial found HERE.  

And some tissue boxes that are on the manly side using my Tutorial.

Yes, there has to be a Big Boy quilt, too.  This is the third quilt I have managed out of that box of de-constructed men's flannel shirts from my guys - there might be enough for one more.  8.5" unfinished squares with 4.5" unfinished squares on two sides gives you a 12.5" unfinished block to play with any layout.  With borders this one finishes at 60" x 72"

Need a nice Big Boy gift set?  I bought a flannel sheet set - came in that nice flannel covered zip-box.  I used the flat sheet for the back of the quilt - always wash your flannel first as it does shrink.  Now I have the fitted sheet, pillowcases, and that cool box to tuck them in - along with the quilt - for a complete gift set.

Thank you for visiting and hope I gave some inspiration for little and big boy gifts with the pending season.  As a give away I have:

1 yard cuts of two Robert Kaufman "Illustration Ink - Super Hero".  I will ship international - be sure I have a way to contact you.  Comments close on Nov 15 and winner will be announced and contacted on the 16th.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Wonderful quilty inspirations for the guys in my life! I particularly like the idea of the man's shirt quilt with the flannel backing and sheet set for gifting. Thank you for sharing ... :) Pat

  2. What great boy projects from young to older. Love the idea of using a sheet set to coordinate your gift. Beautiful work!

  3. LOve your projects. Especially the train quilt. My grandson would love it.

  4. Absolutely BOY- ville here…those crayon packs, love them…the fabric choices perfect, the quilts young and oldish, ideal….yep boyville over here lol

  5. Great ideas, Sharon!! I especially love those crayon roll-ups!! What a great gift for kids of lots of different ages!! Nice blog to start the BOY's blog hop!! Thanks!!

  6. I love your crayons-roll-ups, what a great idea to sew for X-mas, I have 3 little boys at home :-))
    You were very productive, I am still sewing on mine...busy busy but happy :-))
    Thanks for sharing!

  7. Lots of great things! Love the crayon roll-ups and the big boys quilt is so cool out of the shirts.

  8. Great work :D I love those crayon roll-ups. And that train- quilt is great !
    Hugs from Poland :)

  9. As always Sharon your projects are perfect and give loads of ideas for Christmas makes. Love the quilt for the 'big boys'.

  10. Lots of fabulous ideas for big and little boys! I especially like the Big Boy quilt, both the design and the idea of using the sheet as backing and then packing with the fitted sheet and pillowcases.

  11. Great projects Sharon! especially the train quilt!
    As the mum of 3 boys it's great to see the boys get a hop to themselves!

  12. Wonderful projects Sharon. I love, love that cuddle quilt made from big boys flanell shirts. You have been a very busy woman. Thanks for sharing your creativity and being part of this hop

  13. Some greta ideas for our boys! Well done for providing such great projects

  14. Holy cow Sharon! You have been busy. Love all your projects, but the quilt and sheet set is amazing. Great job!

  15. Thank you so much for these ideas, I am always in need of help for boy presents. I particularly like the shirt quilt, maybe to do for my husband.

  16. Looovvee it all. The crayon roll ups are great...quick to sew and easy to use. Sew many items. The man's quilt is wonderful. Funny thing, I've always preferred these tones to the brighter lady ones...guess it is the "country" in me.

  17. The very best part of a blog hop is finding brilliant new blogs full of fresh ideas. I make shirt quilts but would never have thought about a sheet set.

  18. Sharon. Love all those boy things. Crayon rolls are a must for me to sew for my two little grandsons. Everything was fabulous!

  19. Wonderful projects for my great nephews - thanks for sharing.

  20. So many wonderful project you made.
    Thank you for giving new inspiration.

  21. Delightful projects. It is always hard to create for men but you seem to have mastered it. Thanks for hoping and sharing.

  22. Busy all of your boysy projects! Everyone sure loves crayons...young and old... and I love the flannel shirt quilt. It's always fun to point out specific fabric memories. Thanks for sharing all of these great ideas!

  23. Fantastic projects!! Those are such great ideas and I love the big boy quilt!!

  24. Great projects! I especially like the crayon roll-ups.

  25. Love Your projects, especially like the sheet idea!

  26. Looks like there are some boys that are very lucky to have Nana wrapped around their fingers! What fun.

  27. What a great idea Sharon - using the back of the flannel sheet for a quilt, then gifting the set! And I love your crayon rollups. I made some crayon bags several years ago but I like this idea better. Thanks for the links to the tutorials too. I've been wanting to make some tissue box covers. :) blessings, marlene

  28. Sharon you have been busy making some very neat stuff ! love the crayon rolls, so great for any little one ! Eyeglass cases...I made my husband one, and he loves it.

  29. Wow! Sew many wonderful projects! I especially like the quilt made from the men's shirts. And those crayon rolls are sweet too! Great job on all!

  30. What a wonderful kick off for this hop. Great stuff for the little guys, but really love the whole big guy set you have going on. Terrific idea using that whole flannel sheet set concept.

  31. Great ideas for guy friendly fabrics and projects. This is a most helpful blog hop as I need guy friendly ideas. LOVE the quilt.

  32. Wow! I love all your projects. I have 3 grandsons and these projects would be perfect for them. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway.

  33. Love the crayon rolls!! What a great idea!

  34. I love your "for the boys" projects! Thanks for the ideas.

  35. Definitely some great projects for the "boys" in our lives! Super post.

  36. Thanks for the great gift ideas and tutorials to go with! Well done!

  37. love your projects and the flannel quilt.....thanks for the tuts and the giveaway...

  38. I have two boys and have been jealous if all the cute quilts for girls. This is a wonderful hop.

  39. What gorgeous projects you have made. I love the crayon holder, I never thought of that. Thank you for sharing.

  40. Great projects! The flannel shirt quilt is my favorite!!

  41. Thank you so much for all of those wonderful "boy" ideas. When I make things for the family, the girls are easy to think of some projects, they even give me ideas but then the boys!! Great projects. I enjoyed seeing them all.

  42. Thank you for sharing your projects, they were all great. I don't have any little boys, but I do have some big boys to quilt for. Thanks for the great ideas.

  43. Great ideas for boys! I have a couple on my list for Christmas! Thanks

  44. Great projects all. I have big boys in my life, and they would all like a flannel quilt like yours.

  45. So many great boy projects! Love them all. Thanks for the inspiration!!

  46. A delightful parade of quilty projects for boys of all ages. Luv the plaid 'big boy' quilt. Thanks for participating in the hop and inspiring us!! Enjoy your day and happy stitching, Pauline

  47. Lovely projects, all of them. The big boy quilt was a really good one.

  48. All great ideas for any age. I love the sheet set idea and have bookmarked your tutorial for the tissue holder. Thanks.

  49. What neat projects Sharon and a great idea buying the flannel sheet set for a quilt!! Thanks for sharing!

  50. Wonderful inspiration for little and big boys!

  51. Love the big boy quilt!!! I know what i could do with the giveaway fabric for my grandson! Please enter me!

  52. many men young and old in my life who would like these projects thanks for the inspiration.

  53. Wow! You have had LOTS of fun on this one!!! I love the blanket...I can almost feel the softness here!!!

  54. What neat crayon holder, Thanks for sharing

  55. Every project is perfect for boys and men. The quilt and flannel sheet set is cozylicious! Thank you for hopping and for sharing your tutorials. Boys to Men...Awesome!

  56. My little guy loves anything to do with super hero's - thanks for the chance!

  57. Great projects! I love the flannel squares quilt.

  58. That train quilt is so darling!

  59. What a great bunch of gifts.I especially love the quilt. And thanks for the giveaway.

  60. So many cool ideas here, glad you shared~

  61. So many great projects for guys! I love how you used the shirts for a quilt...wonderful idea!

  62. What great projects. The quilts are so cute. I have never made a quilt with flannel shirts. It is cool. The crayon cases are great too!!

  63. Very cool ideas. Thanks for the inspiration.

  64. I love the flannel quilt! In our house you can never have enough flannel.

    Actually I love them all(but you already knew that).

  65. Love the crayon rolls. I have made matchbox roll ups before

  66. Sharon, you have certainly been a busy little quilter. I bet the little boys will love the crayon roll up and the big boys, the glasses cases.

    You make my want to pull out my box of homespuns to see what I can get squeezed out of the fats and yardage in there! Wonderful quilt!

    THX for the giveaway opportunity.

  67. You were definitely inspired by this hop. What a lucky little guy to have all these goodies. Thanks for sharing and the giveaway.

  68. Thanks for the inspiration - I have lots of boys in the family and need all the help I can get!

  69. Great ideas - the crayon holders are such fun! Wow, those flannel shirts for quilts is such a creative use of them. Thanks.

  70. You sure were busy! I love the crayon rolls. I made my grandkids a crayon keep back a couple of years ago. Love yours! And those quilts are great!

  71. Great projects, Sharon. Being surrounded by boys/men, you have given me lots of ideas. I really like the gift set with the quilt and sheets. It will make a wonderful present. Thank you for sharing.

  72. Congratulatins! Your ideas are really great! Especially the quilt made of men's shirts! perfect!

  73. You hit all the boys for sure. Great ideas and the little guys are going to love the crayon holders.

  74. Your projects are wonderful. My favorite is the big boy's gift set.

  75. What great projects for boys. Thank you for sharing.

  76. Wow! You always amaze. Love them all, especially the crayon holders. Thanks for the tuts. Congrats on being one of the chosen.

  77. Wow! You always amaze. Love them all, especially the crayon holders. Thanks for the tuts. Congrats on being one of the chosen.

  78. Hey, that's some great projects there! Love the tissue covers. I have some hunting fabric remnants that would make great covers for someone!!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  79. Great projects. I love the flannel quilt using old flannel shirts. I've made a crayon bag for my granddaughters, but I really love this wrap and will have to make it for my grandson. All of your projects are terrific! Great job!

  80. all your projects are great but my heart beats a little faster whit the plaid quilt. LOVE it!!!

  81. Such fun projects! Thanks for sharing them!

  82. Wow! So much great stuff! I really love your train quilt.

  83. What nice "guys" quilt. Looks warm and cuddly too. Thank you for sharing...

  84. I love your flannel shirt quilt! What a great idea!

  85. wow :)
    I just love first quilt! :D

  86. Looks like the boys in your family are spoilt! Gorgeous projects Sharon. Those pencil/crayon holders are great.

  87. Lots of great ideas for the boys. Really like the crayon roll ups and the idea with the flannel sheets is great.

  88. Really great boys projects , I especially love the quilt you made using the shirts, fantastic ! Think I will have to make a couple of those crayon roll ups too , I know the grandies would love them . You are an inspiration .

  89. Such cute projects. I'm with your grandson..trains are cool! Thanks for sharing.

  90. wow Sharon you sure spoil your boys,beautiful projects there,well done,xx

  91. Cute projects!!! Love the crayon rolls!

  92. Love all of your projects, especially the flannel shirt quilt.! Thanks for sharing.

  93. Thanks for all the wonderful ideas for the boys this Holiday season! Love the flannel shirt quilt.

  94. Wow you have been busy. Love the quilts. Very nice. This year I am making quilts for my grand daughters. Next year for my grand sons. Thanks for having a give away.

  95. You have some very lucky boys in your life.

  96. You always have such great projects! Mine need glasses holders too! As always thank you!

  97. My, you have been busy. Your projects are great! Thanks for sharing and thanks for the giveaway!

  98. What a great post Sharon! Lots of wonderful ideas for those of us with boys!

  99. Wonderful projects for the Men in your life and it certainly made me think and get some ideas. I am making my son a flannel quilt too but not out of shirts that is second one I have seen this week Bonnie Hunter did a beautiful one for her brother in three days. You ladies are just so talented.Hugs sandra

  100. Great idea with the flannel sheets!

  101. Wow! You've been a busy quilter and I have no doubt that the grandkids will love their gifts. Thanks for sharing your creations with us today. I think I have just found a few Christmas gift ideas. :-)

  102. Guys are always tricky to make quilted gifts for... You've got some awesome ideas!!! Thank you!

  103. Love the train quilt. Thanks for making it open to all. Much appreciated.

  104. You've been busy! All of them are just great!

  105. Wow Sharon... so may great ideas for boys gifts! And love the plaid quilt and sheet set gift idea!

  106. I love the idea of using the flannel sheet set the way you did. My husband and sons have old flannel shirts and lounge pants that I can use. I think I will make one of the roll ups for my colored pencils. Thank you for sharing! anglanouette at gmail dot com

  107. Great projects for boys of all ages! I love the flannel sheet set idea.

  108. Lots of great made there! Love the train quilt! I bet the boys loooove every bits of your lovely work!

  109. WOW! KAPOW! You really know how to knock out lovely quilty items. My favorite is your quilt in a flannybox/bag idea and qui. Perfect! Jane

    I'm heading to your tutorials next. Eye glass cases are needed, thanks for sharing.

  110. Wow! You gave me so many ideas for guys. You have been busy. Thank you.

  111. Loving your guy quilts! You do a super job.

  112. You have so many creative projects. Thanks for the chance to win.

  113. Sharon, you are always SO creative!!! I love your "boy" ideas - especially buying the flannel sheet set and using it to make an ensemble with a matching quilt - ingenious!!!! I also "pinned" your eyeglass case tutorial - my sister just asked for me to make one for her with her name on it :*) Thanks for sharing with us!

  114. Wonderful projects. You have just solved several of my gift problems for this Christmas. Thanks for the great projects and the chance to win.

  115. I am loving the De-constructed shirts quilt flannel gift set! Fantastic idea and it looks so cozy to be under.

  116. Congrats on being Most Creative Boy Creator of the day - you are very deserving. You have projects for a plethora of ages. I love crayons and my children seem to be embarrassed when I ask for crayons and coloring sheet for me at a restaurant. It helps the time go faster for me, too. I love the panel quilt. My FIL was a model railroader and won some national awards for them. So, I have a special place in my heart for trains. I think many little boys love trains. The eyeglass cases and tissue box covers are a great idea in "manly" fabrics. Your deconstructed shirt quilt is wonderful and what a great idea with the sheet set for the flannel. Seems as if you got all the bed covered on that one. Thanks for participating and giving wonderful project ideas for a variety of males.

  117. Sharon what lovely projects the little boys will love the crayon roll ups and the big boys will enjoy there presents too especially the quilt made of Flannel. I have been making a flannel quilt for my son to but not from shirts,excellent idea.

  118. Great projects -- LOVE your flannel shirt quilt! :)

  119. What fun projects for boys…love the crayon holders and that flannel shirt quilt as well..thanks for sharing!

  120. Great idea and I may have to steal your idea!
    Gmama Jane

  121. I forgot to tell you that I am STILL using all those stash squares I won from your blog!! My quilt group and I have made numerous charity quilts with them and 3 ladies have learned how to quilt, make HST's and all kinds of fun using your squares!
    Gmama Jane

  122. Such a great collection of ideas for guys - thanks for the inspiration

  123. You have some really lucky guys in your family to be able to receive those great goodies.

  124. Great projects all for boys (sometimes I think they are forgotten). Love the crayon holders!

  125. Wonderful boys stuff you have made, I love that flannel quilt, looks so great and so cosy.

  126. Many great ideas! Thanks for sharing!

  127. Thanks for sharing the wonderful projects for the boy. Love all of them

  128. I'm having to play catch up with this hop and you are first on my list. You have given me some great ideas for the boys in my life. Great projects! Thank you!!

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  133. What great guy gifts! I love the crayon roll, have to try that one.

  134. What a great post to rejuvinate Sharon! Love those crayon holders and the idea of a quilt created from all your guys shirts! Bet that is one cozy quilt!! Thanks for sharing at Tuesday Archives....lots of inspiration in this post.
