
Saturday, November 9, 2013

Christmas QAL & Challenge - Saturday

Well, we have snow for today's Christmas QAL - the lovely Hazel is our hostess.  Now we didn't get much snow (yet-still falling), but where I was headed today did - so I have cancelled my outing and staying safe at home.  Which means I get to play today!

I had prepped a few projects thinking I would only have Sunday - so I can relax a little and enjoy working on them.

This is hard to see, but a Karen Combs for Blank Quilting.  With pretty gold metallic splashed thru it.  My Binding for the challenge piece.

GOsh, I can't work this camera - some key fob webbing waiting for the hardware to be attached.

I have to run a few in-town errands and then will be back to play.  I will update today's projects on this page thru the day.


The key fobs are all done.  A gross of these were made for the vending season (a gross is 144).  I don't remember where I ordered the clips from, but I bought my webbing at Farm & Tractor Store - way cheeper than a fabric store.

The binding is done on my challenge piece!  Yes, it is all done - with hanging corners and a label.  Waiting for the show of finishes next month.  See, even the back has no red or green.

And that 'block' everyone remarked on - not a block at all but the layout for a mini-twister wreath.  A new Mini for my table top hanger.  Sandwiched and waiting for quilting , embelishings and binding.

I am putting aside my fabrics - I pulled some supplies to do some gift wrapping to finish out my Saturday.  Thak you for stopping by.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. We had a dusting of snow today as well! Just enough to look pretty on the lawn! Enjoy your day!

  2. Snow??? No keep it over your way please. We've had rain, wind and sun here today so far.

  3. Have fun playing....and staying safe and warm! I hope to get started on some Christmas projects today too!

  4. Hi Sharon! We have a crisp sunshiny autumn day here - just wonderful! Looking forward to seeing what you get up to today!

  5. Lucky you - snow!! Have so much fun playing today and be careful when you have to go out!!

  6. Noooo, not snow! How can it be November already! Love your first block! and I will check back later today.

  7. It's beginn ing to look ... a lot ... like ... Christ mas : )

  8. It's beginn ing to look ... a lot ... like ... Christ mas : )

  9. How appropriate to have snow for the Christmas QAL. We might get snow tonight then showers. That first block you have is reminding me of one I saw online that I liked quite a bit because the quilter fussy cut some of the squares. Was it you?

  10. hopefully n. ga. want get any snow any time soon, enjoy it

  11. such beautiful work Sharon and boy snow so soon,have a lovely day.xx

  12. You have been busy Sharon. I love that fabric you have used for the backing of your challenge piece.

  13. wow, you certainly have achieved a lot of sewing, pleased you got to stay home and sew.

  14. I love those key fobs - they make fabulous little gifts, don't they?

    You're got some pretty pieces on the go at the mo!

  15. Oh SNOW!!! Helps me feel a little cooler as we have 37 deg cel here ( about 102 at your place)
    Lovely projects you have been working on..

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. It is the end of the day and I came back, wow! You busy girl you!! Way to go!

  18. I love the key fobs and your mini wreath. I did wonder if it was going to become a twisted topper!

  19. What a sweet little building there! I am so ready for Christmas...your projects just make me more inspired. :)

  20. Love the view. SNOW!!! Wow, how exciting!!

    Love your little twisty wreath!

  21. Snow EEEK (squeals with excitement.)How festive. xx
