
Sunday, November 10, 2013

Christmas QAL & Challenge - Sunday

Our little bit of snow is gone today, but it is bitter cold outside.  Another good day to sew.  My challenge piece is finished but I have a few little things to wrap up so I can clear my work space.

First to finish up my mini twister.  This was one of the projects demonstrated at our last quilt guild meeting - I would like to have it done so I can take it and the large wreath wallhanging back to the next meeting for show-n-tell.

This poor little kitty has sat for a few years.  I was going to put it into a tote - which I used the fabric for something else now.  So I put him into a fabric frame - ready for quilting.

Another little cross stitch I found tucked in a book - too cute to leave sitting so fabric framed and ready to stitch.

I found a couple more pieced that just need their bindings - so on my to-do list for the day.  I will up date this post later today.


After all the quilting was done, I pulled my scrap binding drawer.  These are all small projects, so why make binding when there is probably something in here.

Those three little projects are done now.  And the othe two pieces I found:

All those binding were hand stitched, so my fingers and hands are calling it a day.  I think it is time to curl up on the couch with the furries, find a good movie, and maybe a nap.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Sweet kitty. He would make a nice Valentine project; so would the cross stitch.

  2. Your Wreath looks great I am sure you will get it finished on time.
    Nice little projects you are finishing off too.

  3. You are a busy bee today! Your twister turned out great and your frames are perfect for your stitcheries!

  4. Love your twister wreath and the stitched pics are so lovely

  5. The kitty, of all of them, is my favorite. He'll be so cute when finished!

  6. You are just ticking off those unfinished projects, Sharon - like that others, I love that kitty!

  7. After all those bindings, I think you need a nap. Pretty!

  8. You deserve to put your feet up after that marathon of hand sewing . Love all your projects , congrats on all these great finishes !

  9. Wonderful cross stitching! Love the sweet kitty.

  10. Good for you in getting things completed. It's always nice to finally see that something is finished.

  11. I would say you definitely deserve a nice nap after all that work! I'm amazed that you got all of that done. Great way to finish up your cross stitch pieces and get them crossed off your list! I just love that fan piece, and you know I drooled a little over the kitty piece too:)

  12. I knew you would be busy, but didn't expect that much from you. There's some cute things there that you can now call finished.

  13. Very nicely done. I hope you enjoyed your movie and nap.

  14. You are really checking those cute UFO's off your list! I'm inspired to work on mine this week.
