
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Christmas QAL - June

This weekend I will be participating in the Christmas QAL and linking up over at Joanna's with the rest of the players.  The is also a challenge this year - a Christmas project using no red or green.  Details are on Joanna's board.

I've pulled out the 'under the bed' tote of seasonal fabric, orphan blocks, etc.. and I know I have gathered a few FQs over the last couple of months, so will add them to the mix.  This is my toy box for these weekends.

First thing I must do is put this binding on a quilt.  It is not a Christmas quilt, but the fabric is - just some fun to add to this huge quilt!  Then I can put a few hand stitches into the binding as I pass it while working on other projects this weekend.

I have a couple of aprons cut and ready to play with.  I'm hoping I can find some kitchen towels to match for a cute gift set.

And for my non-red/green project - I bought this small clover rotary and extra blades to play with the tiniest of Twister templates - I laid a 1.5" square of fabric with the template to show the size.

Maybe you would like to join us once a month?  Please be sure to visit the link up to see what others are playing with.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. I'm doing the Christmas QAL Challenge too! My brain has been in overdrive all week coming up with a non red/green Christmas quilt. Can't wait to see what you and the others come up with.

  2. Nice to see everything you have going on today! I 'm watching from the sidelines, enjoying it all! Have fun!

  3. lots happening your way Sharon.xx

  4. You are always so productive on these days. I can't wait to see what you get up to this weekend.

  5. I like the idea of making aprons and giving them with matching towels. That's a good gift. I agree with everyone else; I'm in awe at all you get done and all so well done.

  6. I looked at the No Red, No Green, Christmas sew along. Very interesting. I like the first block!

  7. Xmas is certainly Nanking its mark in blog land - love all you do and some great ideas

  8. I have to check out this challenge , sounds interesting for sure . I love making aprons , can't wait to see what you make , enjoy sewing this weekend.

  9. Love the aprons too - and that rotary cutter is the cutest thing!

    Looking forward to seeing what your challenge item is!

  10. Oh yes, I definitely want to play along - not the challenge, but working on Christmas projects - yay!!! Looks like you already have a very nice start. It's always fun to see what you come up with :*)

  11. Sounds like fun Sharon...but I have so much to do. I know, why am I reading blogs then...? Back to work.

  12. Oh, my gosh, Sharon!! I cannot beleive you are already talking about Christmas!! Yiks!! Yiks!!! Yiks!! And my very favorite part of making a quilt - binding it!! Enjoy!!

  13. Nope, no linky up for me this month but I'll be interested in seeing what you create. Have fun!

  14. When I opened up my bin of Christmas fabric, I found some I had put together and started cutting...and I have no idea what for! lol I'm hoping it comes back to me!!

  15. I'm doing the Christmas QAL also. No green and size are proving to be my biggest challenges so far. I'll get there! Happy quilting.
