
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Christmas QAL - June - Update

The binding got put on the quilt and by sitting and stitching a thread's length each time I passed her by - it is about half way done.  This quilt is for someone else, so until they give permission it can be 'viewed', it will have to stay hidden.

I don't have any models for the aprons - the furries refused (the weather is gorgeous today so they are outside).  They got finished and I have some items on my 'shopping list' so I can make up some cute gift packages.

I emptied out the 'under the bed' tote so I could really see what was in there - oh my, a quilt top from last year!!  I have found some border and binding fabric, pulled a batt package, and today I will piece up a backing.  This will be ready to finish off with next month's QAL weekend.

And I am pulling together my fabrics for the 'No Red/Green' challenge piece.  I found some pieces in the tote, pulled my scrap barrels to find some pre-cuts that will work, went thru my basket of lites - I think there is enough here to play with my plans.  These are going into a shoe box size tote so they are ready to play with next QAL weekend.

So I am pretty well on my way - today I will keep at that binding while doing a little machine piecing (clearing some orphans found) mixed with some much needed housework.

Sewingly Yours,


  1. haha! It is always fun to dig through the "forgotten" projects!! I have a few of those lurking around too!

  2. I like what you find under the bed. It's like a treasure chest. I'm partial to spool blocks so I like the quilt top you discovered.

  3. What a productive weekend you've had! Can't wait to see what you do with your Christmas blues.

  4. A beautiful under the bed find! And, I love the blues for your Christmas quilt.

  5. Love them aprons. All my projects are forgotten....giggle. It's just those senior moments and kids running through house.

  6. It looks like you have some great finds and finishes. I really love the aprons.

  7. Oh joy!!! Do I see a blue & white Christmas quilt on the horizon? My fav colors, and especially for Christmas quilts :*)

  8. I wish I could reach under my bed and pull out something as beautiful as that quilt top! :O)

  9. Love the aprons and the blue christmas fabric is lovely. melanie

  10. You certainly had a busy day! Love that quilt top!

  11. So very productive. Is'nt it amazing what you can find to do if you look in the hidey holes. Great work.

  12. you will have that quilt finihed in no time Sharon and i am too scared to look under my beds dont know what i will find,lol.xx

  13. Nice "find" you found under the bed... love that pattern. I agree with you on doing binding.. a little here and little there and it's done painlessly :)

  14. You are really making some headway in those projects.

    I like the looks of your "no reds and greens".

  15. Busy, busy, busy -- that's what you are! I love your spools quilt top -- what a fun finish that will make!!! :)

  16. The only thing I've got under my be is dust bunnies. As I suspected, you've had a very busy and productive weekend. I can't wait to see what all those gorgeous blues are going to become.

  17. What a lovely treasure you found under the bed , beautiful quilt , great aprons too and some lovely blues to play with for the QAL.

  18. i LOVE THE STRING QUILT!! I've become addicted to making string blocks from all my scraps.
    Gmama Jane
