
Thursday, June 6, 2013

Felines, Yellow & X-mas

I know, an odd post title - but it will all make sense in a minute.  I haven't had a Feline Friday  post in a while - they aren't allowed.  BUT occassionally when my back is turned they sneak a nap in.  How funny Moe goes for the black or brown quilts and Bella goes for RED.  And always when you are trying to lay out blocks for assembling tops.  One of the quilts for the Oklahoma teachers - yes, I have two all quilted up and waiting to hear where to mail them.

And since I will be busy thru the weekend with a new venture, I am posting up my yellow for the Rainbow Challenge.  I always start with this large star block to use the larger bits of fabric first.

Then I move to the Sprouts blocks.  My bit of whimsy this time with the yellow?  Did you find the elephants?

Next I find material to play with these cute starlet blocks.

Last I make up the tiny log cabin blocks with what is left in the pile.  I didn't have a lot of yellow in that zip bag  - but it is used up (little bit left was cut down for the pre-cut barrels).

I did all my yellow scrapping in a couple of days rather than constantly pull that baggy out over the month - I have some fun other things to play with (new buttons on the side bar).  Will link up with ScrapHappy on Saturday - take a peek at what others are playing with their yellows.

This weekend I will be playing with this - New Christmas QAL with Joanna.  You can work on anything you like or take on the challenge - or both!  I have already pulled fabrics and patterns.  We are to have a weekend of RAIN from the tropical storm Andrea (hopefully no tornados).  Why not join us for the weekend - or even just one day.

Sewingly Yours,

PS - prayers of safety for all on the East Coast as Andrea moves up the shore lines


  1. I love all your yellows. Must be a day for cats on blogs.

  2. I love the look of the red blocks.

    Look forward to seeing you at the Christmas QAL this weekend.

  3. Since yellow is my favorite color Sharon, I loved these blocks. My bedroom is yellow and I have two yellow quilts in there - I just find that color soothing I think. And I love the picture of your cat. Funny that they prefer different colors. :) blessings, marlene

  4. I really like your yellow blocks. Have fun sewing this week-end. Be safe.

  5. Oh, I love, love, love yellow. I want to use it for the background on a scrappy quilt...your blocks are just inspiring to me, but I have no yellow scraps...maybe 2014?? Can I already have a list for then?

    I love how you did the stars.

  6. Cute log cabins:)

    Love the sprouts blocks as well!

  7. Those of us at Feline Friday are happy the kids snuck in a nap...just this once :) I like the starlet blocks the best - are they paper pieced?

  8. Some very pretty yellow blocks , really love the scrappy star block !! Stay safe if Andrea is heading your way .

  9. Yellow is my favourite colour :)

  10. What a great post title! I love all of the yellow blocks. That will be your sunshine through the storm.

  11. I especially love the red blocks with the lovely pop of yellow. lol Happy quilting.

  12. hi Sharon i not a yellow girl but i am quite enjoying your yellow blocks,you do such lovely work,stay safe and have a lovely weekend.xx

  13. Such pretty blocks! And your cats are pretty discriminating - they choose to lay on your quilts! Whoop whoop!!

  14. Your yellow blocks are sunshiny beautiful! I love how you make so many different ones. I'm afraid I'm a little behind...maybe tomorrow!

  15. Seriously I looked at this post this morning and went straight to my scraps. I really love the blocks you're making and such inspiration for me to tackle my out of control scraps.

  16. Grandkids are all here so I'm checking my blogs on my kindle while everyone is sleeping. Love your everything yellow and your sweet kitty.

  17. Stars, log cabins and sprouts, all of my favorites and they're all so pretty in that yellow. Turn your back a little more often, I love seeing the furbabies :)

  18. Silly cat! All the Yellow looks great. Hopefully we'll stay away from more rain. We've had quite enough recently, thank you very much.

  19. Your kitty looks like my kitty Pumpkin!!! I love those starlet blocks, such a cool effect with the yellow!!

  20. So many cute yellow blocks! Love the elephant. Almost as cute as the cats:)

  21. My goodness! You have been busy. Great yellow projects! I save projects using my smallest scraps until the last week in the month, too.
    I like feline day any day.

  22. Yellow is such a happy, fun color, and your scrappy yellow blocks are great! I'm going to have to check out that Christmas link.

  23. You definitely made the most of all your yellow scraps.

  24. I don't know what it is about animals liking to come and sit on quilts that your trying to lay out! My dog does that all the time! Lovely yellows; very bright and sunny
