
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Colors of Summer

Have you taken a walk into the changing colors of Summer?  She starts with such riotous brights and then slowly goes into a variety of color that then leads into subtly calming hues - leading us into Fall.
A little sneak peek of my August Doll Quilt Swap piece that heads to the post office this morning.

I managed to get the little houses done and attached to the large ones - these are for the Christmas Town Quilt Along quilt.  I am going scrappy and had to plan different center blocks other than given - A Poinsettia and Christmas Bells won't fit into this plan. (linking to

A few more blocks made for this quilt in Bonnie Hunter's 'Scraps & Shirtails II'  - all the strip sets are made for the remainder of the blocks and a day of power sewing will get them whipped up.  I hope to get the sashing (cheddar) and setting blocks (blue chambrey shirts) cut out this week.

And Brenda of Quilting Along Life's Way is the winner of the 'High Tea' panel and coordinating fabric.  I will be sending her a seperate e-mail for mailing information.  Thank you all for such wonderful comments on the Bowls with Borders. 

Has your use of color changed with the waxing of Summer's season?  Are your colors leading into Fall?


I am such an oopsss...........  can't read my own notes!  This is a lovely Eagle that Joie made from the tutorial  found  HERE .   Done in Auburn University colors and her first time doing this technique of applique.  I am so delighted to share this with you all.  If anyone else has done an Eagle from the tutorial, I would love to share or direct to your blog.


"Colored scents that fill the air as drowsy insects hum around in the meadow is the place of secret magic where nature alone renews itself."
- Kate Bergquist

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Love the sunflowers - as always you have some great ideas to inspire.

  2. congrats to the winner and such a lovely bright post Sharon,my DD1 always said sunflowers make you happy.xx

  3. Sunflowers are truly a tradition of late summer. Thanks for the lovely picture and the fabric eye candy.

  4. You are so right. The pinks, reds, and purples in my garden give way to yellows and oranges at this time of year. I always feel that summer is winding down when I see the last of my pink day lilies bloom. My late lilies are a creamy orange and they seem to overtake the garden for a few weeks.
    I love the plaids in your Shirtails block. Joie's eagle looks great. Perfect for a quilt made up in university colors.

  5. Sunflowers and Houses - some of fav things!!

  6. Beautiful sunflowers, I am so ready for fall! Great projects and congrats to Brenda!

  7. I've definitely noticed a change in the colors of the projects being shown. I hate to see summer come to an end. The sunflowers are very appropriate for this time of the year.

  8. I love sunflowers. Such a happy flower. Looking forward to seeing Christmas QAL houses come together.
    Just this weekend notices how nature's summer colors are changing. The bright greens are gone.

  9. Oh yes Sharon, summer colors are fading before our eyes, and some of our maples are already dropping their leaves..but I sew enjoy the seasons we have here...I love it when we are cozy in our woolies and comforted slippers with a quilt upon our laps...
    and your eagle pattern wow...she did I am Canadian sew Eagles are rare for us to
    but I still love them...

  10. I missed your eagle pattern before but as an Auburn graduate, I surly noticed it today. The PDFs wouldn't download so I saved as a photo and printed from that. I am going to try to have something made to wear when we go to the first AU game this year. Thanks.

  11. The Eagle is wonderful (even if it is in that ol' blue and orange color combo -- said that Crimson Tide girl)!! I love sunflowers -- I just put out my sunflower topper and flower arrangement this weekend! Your doll swap quilt will be much appreciated, I'm sure!! :)

  12. Those sunflowers are so pretty. And yes the bright colors of summer are indeed fading. I'm not ready yet :( Congrats to the winner. What a great version of your eagle, love it.

  13. I love the sun flowers and can't wait to see them in real life. The houses are great. The eagle is absolutely wonderful. As always, very inspiring.

  14. Love sunflowers.

    Joie's eagle turned out great.

  15. Actually, I'm ready for fall colors, but can't seem to get myself motivated.

    The eagle is wonderful!
