
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

August's Crown

I have to show this lovely piece first.  The lovely Danette of The Quilting Chemist  sent me this wonderful quiltlet as the 'Father's Day' season (Aussie) of the 12" Mini Swap. Since that title didn't fit, I left the option to my swapmate to chose a theme.  She sweetly toured my blog and chose things that I love.  Flowers, and Birds, embellishments, and stitching all into this little special quilt.  A cute gingerbread ornie pattern, table runner quickie, and sweet card with a red tabby that looks like my Bella.  How thoughtful.  Thank you Danette.

This was the mini I made for my partner, Linda of Sew Nicely in Ireland.  I took a look thru her blog to piece together things that were special to her and family.  The beach, lighthouses, fishing, and boating.  Walks along the coastline (they just lost their faithful companion Barney) looking for seashells and special stones.  The striped binding reminded me of the many flags you see on boats and along the water markers.

And the last Tetris block of Melissa's fun quilt along.  I really enjoyed this and it was so doable - a block a week.  Although I used 2.5" squares - so my blocks were smaller thus needing something more to make a nice size quilt...........

I wanted it to look like a colorful game board - 42" x 60" - a fun child's quilt.  Now to find some backing and get this quilted.

All my blocks are made for the Dump Quilt Challenge.  These are so fun, check Beth's tutorial and join the challenge.  I hope to have these into a flimsie by this weekend.

This was the 'monster' under my tiny machine last post.  This is my entry into the Scrap Quilt Challenge at Fabrics N Quilts.  It is 72" square, paper pieced scrap strips with Kona Black for the Roman Stripe blocks, set as stars.  I used Connecting Threads PRO thread for the top - Plum, Lime Green, Robin Blue - their Egyptian Cotton for the bottom thread in the Plum.  The backing as an RJR fabric called 'Witchy Poo' - I fell in love with this!  And I used an orphan HST for the label.  Binding is a black with tiny red and green dot called 'Basically Beautiful' by Maywood Studio.


And then we go back to small again.  This is the doll/quilt that I made for my partner Miki .  Our monthly theme was 'Sunny & Warm' and sunflowers just speak that to me.  I tried a lot of new techniques with this piece.  This swap is part of Monthly Doll Quilt Swap  group and we are always accepting new members.


The Bowls with Borders Blog Hop continues until the 28th - I hope you are enjoying all the inspiration that is coming from this one pattern.

Please check the updates on the Traveling Stash - boxes are moving fast, so be on top of it. starts this Sunday.  If you wish to participate with your blog, get registered.  I will be sitting this one out as I will be away a few days.


"Whilst August yet wears her golden crown,
Ripening fields lush- bright with promise;
Summer waxes long, then wanes, quietly passing
Her fading green glory on to riotous Autumn."
- Michelle L. Thieme, August's Crown

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Whew! You've accomplished a lot...but that is absolutely normal for you! Haha! I'm just getting back on my feet, and feeling to get to sewing! Stay safe on your travels!

  2. wow you sure got a lot done it all looks great!

  3. Such a happy little quilt from Danette!
    Cute lighthouse mini.
    Sashed tetris blocks, good idea.
    Dump quilt blocks look great.
    I LIKE your Scrap Quilt Challenge entry. Stunning!
    Cute, creative doll and quilt. Wow.
    So many lovelies in this post. You are a very talented lady.

  4. The minis are cute and I like you version of the Tetris Quilt!

  5. love both those mini's Sharon both of you did well.xx

  6. It looks like Broderie Perse on your doll quilt. That's a technique I want to try and seeing your design is inspiring. Looks great. Love your minis; so nice that they are designed with the quilter's interests. Your large quilt came out terrific. Bet your glad that one's done.

  7. Oh my do you keep up with all these projects?!

  8. Sharon, send me some of your energy! Whoa. I especially love the tetris quilt and how you set the blocks. Great colors!

  9. Wonderful gifties - both ways and looks like a very productive post. Always enjoy your energy and inspiration. Still working on my energy. Judy C

  10. There's so much good stuff to comment on in this post! All of those mini and doll swaps are amazing - I love how you both took the time to figure out what the other person liked and tailored your quilts that way. That sunflower one says warm and sunny to me, too. And, of course, I love the string quilt - always a favorite of mine. I keep saying I want to do Beth's Dump and Sew challenge, but I've been so busy preparing for the Community Festival this weekend that I haven't started yet. I did pull out a back of scraps to dump and sew, so I guess that's a start...

  11. You've got so many fun things going on right now! I love how your Tetris quilt came together. It looks so fun and adds a new twist.

  12. Your posts are always so packed full of cool stuff!! Love the birdies and the little yellow sunflower quilt you did!!!

  13. Love how you finished off your Tetris quilt with the borders. It is a very fun way to contain al the colorful blocks and make it like a game board. Cool.

  14. My gosh Sharon, you have lots of wonderful projects you are working on! If you get tired of working on small pieces then you switch to a big quilt! The little quiltlet you received is just adorable and the one you gave looks perfect especially with the rock fabric!

  15. The minis are fabulous and I love the tetris piece. As always you are full of great inspiration.

  16. What a great scrap quilt Sharon - it's sure to win!!! I love the backing too :*) Danette did a wonderful job of your mini! What a sweet quilt! The fish are really ingenious in the mini you made for Linda and I just love lighthouses - perfect!!! So, so busy as usual :*) It's always fun reading your blog because you always have so much to share!

  17. It's always to inspiring to see all the things you get DONE! I love the Tetris project (I can't tell you how many hours I've spent/wasted playing that gamie in my life!!

    In stitches,
    Teresa :o)

  18. Lovey work as always Sharon !

  19. Oh! Both the mini you received and the one you swapped are darling! I love your finished August piece -- it's just *sigh* beautiful!! :)

  20. Love the way you framed your tetris blocks. So cute!!!

  21. Great projects! Love the paper pieced beach scene!

  22. love the design of your Coastline contains all the things I like too. (Bit random too that Linda made my quilt in the Name Game Swap1)
