
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Autumn Mosaic

September 22 is the 265th day of the year (266th in leap years) in the Gregorian calendar. There are 100 days remaining until the end of the year. It is frequently the day of the Autumnal Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, and the Vernal Equinox in the Southern Hemisphere.

The word autumn comes from the Old French word 'autompne' and later to the original Latin word 'autumnus'. Harvest was the term usually used to refer to the season, as it is common in other West Germanic languages
(Dutch 'herfst' and German 'Herbst'). The alternative word fall is from the Old English 'fiƦll' or 'feallan' and the Old Norse 'fall' meaning "fall of the leaf".

Me - I'll just enjoy the cooler days/nights and the lovely changing mosaic of colours each day brings.


One of this weeks blocks was maverick/free form stars. Since I am using black as my 'base' color, I felt I needed to add some color with these - black print centers.

The other block was free form hearts. I don't think I do very well with these. I, also, found some tiny trees and HST's in this scrap pile, so saving them for use in this project at some point.


I am still playing with these fun prints. The bats and spiders are a Moda I came across and should play nice with the Ghastlies. I hope to finish up my projects (yes, plural) by this weekend.


And I have a pile of 'boxed' 9-patch for my 'squared-up' quilt final border. I did these as leader/enders while working other projects and they need pressing, squaring up, and layout to see if I have enough.


100 Quilts for Kids - see Kate

Traveling Stash Box # 1 - see Barb

Traveling Stash Box # 2 - we have lost track of this box because it was not blogged for give away (which it should be)and has been passed thru 3 people without documentation. If anyone knows where it now resides, please inform that person to post the box for the next give away passing as it is suppose to. Also, let some of us know so we can get the word out. THANK YOU

Stars For A Soldier - I will refer you to John'aLee in her own words for request.


"Winter is an etching, Spring a watercolor, Summer an oil painting and Autumn a mosaic of them all."
- Stanley Horowitz

Sewingly Yours,


  1. Wow....lots of cute blocks here and how neat is your GHASTLIE fabric.

  2. Sharon - I love your stars and hearts!!! And the Ghastlies are great!!1 Thanks for the autumn lesson!! I love learning new stuff!! Kris P.S. I am looking forward to the cooler weather too but not this week for us here in the southwest!!

  3. gee Sharon you have been very busy with your blocks,well done and i love the Halloween prints,the colours are gorgeous

  4. I will enjoy watching your crumb along journey!

  5. I saw those fantastic stars in the Flickr pool and posted a comment on them there. They are wonderful. I'm intrigued about the scrappy 9 patches - what are you doing with those?

  6. you have been busy - they are all looking good.

  7. I love your posts. Autumn is my favorite time of year. Your projects look wonderful, too.

  8. Fall is my favorite season!!! I really need to start doing the leaders/enders.....

  9. Sharon, you are always so productive! All very lovely projects! I too need to start this Leaders and Enders concept. I guess I am not organized enough for that just yet. haha I'll work on it :)

  10. Fall is my favorite time of year. Even though we don't get a lot of color change here I do enjoy what we have.
    You have been very busy and all of your blocks look wonderful.
    If you find out where the 2nd Traveling Stash has gone, please let us know.

  11. Very pretty star blocks...great idea to make some trees with the flying geese!

  12. Your stars, trees, hearts, pinwheels, squares, all beautiful, Sharon.
    I look forward to seeing what you do with the Ghastlies! That is one of my favorite lines of fabric. 8o)

  13. I love fall also. The colors and the smells remind me of growing up. Your blocks are great. Ghastlies is such a fun fabric. I love the other fabrics you added into them. I can't wait to see what you make with them.

  14. I'll be watching for your finished projects, especially Ghastlies! A little cool weather would be wonderful right now :-)

  15. wow Sharon, just wanted to pop in and see what you are up to..busy busy busy ..such great work! Also, love the quote! Have a great weekend, Christel

  16. I LoVe all your work Sharon. It was good to catch up with you again!
    All I can say is "BrInG on SpRiNg then SuMMeR" woohoo.....
    Cheers :)

  17. Love your wonky stars! They take more time than one would think to make. I love the pink you put with your Ghastlies. Can you let me know what line it is? Sure would appreciate it.

  18. Love your blocks, Sharon. You always inspire me with what you do --- both the quality (which is awesome) and the quantity (also awesome)!! LOL
    I never have quite warmed up to the Ghastlies, but I'm looking forward to seeing all the projects!

  19. Love your free form Crumb along blocks! And great nine patches!

  20. Love your Crumb blocks and can't wait to see what you make with the Ghastlies!

  21. Love your hearts - I think they came out great. Love all your blocks. What fun finding those units you can use later. I'll have to do some hunting, too.

  22. Fun post and great crumb alongs too!

    The crumb along is a new thing for me so it is fun to see how others do it. I have plenty of scrap fabrics so that part is not a problem. I am hoping this will help me clean up some of my clutter. Ha!


  23. Sharon you really are prolific! I like what you've been doing with the crumb-along blocks, I need to work on last week's so I won't fall too far behind. I'm reaslly like to try and do them all from scraps, though. Great going!


  24. great quilt blocks, so many projects you've got going on! And love that Ghastlies fabric!

  25. I went to a thrift shop today and found the greatest spider web fabric to use with The Ghastlies! I've made one project, actually made it three times because my daughter and sister insisted they needed one too. But I have some other ideas I want to work up too. I'm waiting on a bit more fabric though. blessings, marlene

  26. very cute blocks and the heart blocks look great to me! beautiful closing thought too!

  27. I think your hearts are cute! You are really going gang busters with these! After I finished that one quilt, I lost a little steam. Hopefully I get back in the crumb quiltalong soon!

  28. The maverick stars are darling and I like that you added a black center square to each one!

    Enjoy that Halloween fabric!

  29. You get so much done in a week, it's amazing! Lots of pretty things, it looks like. I think the prints you pulled go well with the Ghastlies fabric.

  30. I love your crumb-along blocks -can't wait to start some of my own! Whoop whoop!!

  31. Your blocks look GREAT!! Keep Crumbing....
