
Sunday, September 25, 2011

End of September

'It's the end of september
And with every turning tree
It gets harder to remember
Why the easy days of summer
Were just wasted of me
Kind of wasted on me’

- Donna Regina - ‘End Of September’ (partial lyrics)

This is the last week of September - my last post of the month will be dedicated to 100 Quilts For Kids. To share - some spool blocks received from the Australian 6" block swap.

I am still working on some quilt tops donated for Flood Victims. See information here. This scrappy half-log is my own and in the process of being quilted. I am using a flannel backing - cold weather is on it's way. Information on Schoharie can be found here, also.

I have been playing with some secret projects for some Ghastly fun at the end of October. And another big event in October - my 1st yr. blog-a-versary.


Fat Quarter Stars Quilt Along here

Traveling Stash box#1 - moved on to Bernie. Still no word on Box#2!!


"For summer there, bear in mind, is a loitering gossip, that only begins to talk of leaving when September rises to go."
- George Washington Cable

Sewingly Yours,


  1. some beautiful quilts there Sharon

  2. Love that scrappy half log! I think I need to give that design a try - plenty of scraps to use around here!!

  3. Love the spool blocks and the colours used.
    I guess I'll have to wait until the end of October to see the ghastly thing you're working on! :)

  4. That scrappy half lot is really cool...I must put that on the 'to do' list!

  5. Love the scrappy half log. That might have to go on my to do list.

  6. love the log quilt and those blocks are really great!

  7. I love your half log quilt. What a great scrap user.

  8. Very pretty! I really liked the last of September poem/lyrics. I remind myself every fally not to squander the beauty of summer because it is so short here....

  9. The spool blocks are great! So is your half log cabin. Really jazzy.

  10. It's hard to believe it's the last week in September! Where does the time go? Your quilts are lovely and I'm looking forward to those Ghastly projects :-) Plenty of Halloween fun!

  11. I haven't seen a half log like that, I like it...I like it enough that I may have to make one.

  12. That scrappy half log cabin is my kind of quilt! I love it!

  13. I really like your half log cabin. It looks like a great way to use up scraps and get a quilt that is great to cuddle under when the weather turns chilly.

  14. I finally feel like sewing - Fall is here - horrah!! for cooler weather. I honestly thought I would surely melt away this summer. Than didn't happen. Get ready, set, sew - the Ghastlies are coming, The Glastlies are coming. Judy C

  15. I know it seems silly but I had to wait until the first to mail you that flimsy. I will get it off to you Saturday morning.

    As for it being the end of Sept...where oh where is time going so quickly??

  16. I really do love the flood victims quilt - and I'm with you all - I can't believe Sept went so fast!

  17. You have received some wonderful blocks in the swap. Your quilt top is wonderful. Backing it with flannel will add just that little bit of extra warmth when it is needed. Can't wait to see what you are doing for your October project :)
    Thanks for letting us know where the traveling stash has traveled to.

  18. Your half-log design is neat! I love seeing what you come up with - great ideas!

  19. Lovely quilts. Saw your Fat Quarter Star Quiltalong block already posted on flickr. You are speedy.

    Have a great week.

